
I need pills to make me asexual. I am becoming suicidal over a girl I couldn't get over despite a little over 10 years passing. I need tp get rid of these hormones. I'll never get over her.
What's a good way to go about doing this? Same with castration. I just want to get rid of ALL of my sexual desire. I'll end up killing myself at this rate. Just imagining her sleeping with other guys makes me weep. Why the hell can't I get over her? I've never had feeling for anyone else. Not at work. Not at school. Only her. It's fucking up my head.

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Knowing your oneitis is a 100% loss rate should be enough.
You don't need pills, you need a life.

No, I need pills.

that's not about sex that's about "insecure attachment". Your attachment style is messed up and you need therapy.

just rubber band your ballsack

Fuck therapy. I don't believe in that. What I want is to just never think about sexuality ever again.

Read everything you can about attachment theory... you'll understand better why you're messed up. it probably comes from your parents who didn't care for you the right way when you were a baby/child.

>Fuck therapy. I don't believe in that
Yeah and that's why you're chasing the same girl being a complete emotional fucke up.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” CG Jung

You sound like a teenager, every rash decission you make before 22yo you'll regret.

Everything that can remove libido will either make you a zombie or insane, it's integrated too deeply in the human psyche. Even eunuchs from the old days were clearly mentally ill freaks; various empires and nations capitalized on this by making them into an especially vicious and bitchy Mean Girls-style bureaucrat class.
You need to master your passions instead of running from them. To wit:
Lift weights
Go to church
Read Bible (especially proverbs)
Read muh stoics
Lift weights (unironically)

It is bs though. I've gone for another issue. It's just a bunch of common sense stuff said in a way that sounds "deep" when it's really not. Talking won't fix this. I need pills that suppress all sexual desires. That's a sure way to make me not feel lonely anymore. To make me not care about wanting a companion anymore.

>Guys I want to kill myself because I've been obsessing over a girl for 10 years. Fuck therapists I need pills to kill my sexual desires.
You really sound like a retard with very low self awareness. Your problem is not sexual, you're mentally ill.

Oh goodie. Some stupid book that probably doesn't even have hard data to back it up (so just a person's opinion). No thanks. Also, low self-awareness my ass. I'm not complicated. There isn't much to figure out so it's not that hard to understand my thinking process. Therapy is horseshit.

Therapy+a book won't give me some "insight" and make me have some "ephiphamy".
So again, the only REAL solution are hormone supressors

>doesn't reply to the posts containing practical advice
Honestly dude, you've been reduced to posting about wanting to chop your balls off on fucking Jow Forums because some cock-gobbling millennial THOT didn't want to hold hands with you in high school. It can't get much more rock bottom than this.
But you haven't rubberbanded your nutsack or even asked a therapist for antidepressants, which even IQ 85 normies know kill your dick.

Why haven't you? because behind the fog of narcissistic self-pity there's a spark of masculine will. Deep down you want someone to help you snap the fuck out of it, you're just a lazy fuck afraid of hard work.

Literally what have you got to lose by trying what people suggested? At the very least buy the book suggested, reading is a passive enough activity you can probably manage it even in your current state of mind.


how old are you?

You're a fool
>asked a therapist for antidepressants, which even IQ 85 normies know kill your dick
False. I have tried stuff prescribed to me for a year and ya, it affected boners, but it didn't actually take away my sexual desires.
>Deep down you want someone to help you snap the fuck out of it, you're just a lazy fuck afraid of hard work.
Define "work hard". Very vague. As for training? You can't even touch what I used to do.
As for reading the book? That's ridiculously dumb. A waste of time and I explained how so here:


who the fuck is as old as you and still says "im xx and a half"

>nitpicking pointless shit
How old are you exactly?
>inb4 larp

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how old are you? when did this start?
I'm in a similar situation but I'm sort of getting over it

I guess it started when I first met her at age 14. I wish I never met her. Fuck sexuality. I'd be better off without it.


Lester Levenson

It will teach you to drop every emotional attachment and aversion and live in happiness. Easy to do. Work at it and you'll be fine and the dark cloud that covered you in the past will be nothing more than a funny memory.

crying over a girl? nah king, kill her

personally doing some yoga helped me... also smoking pot once if you never smoked or have quit for 1 year should rewire your brain.
here have some sadhguru fren.
also hardcore nofap will do wonders ( brahmancharia)


Just bee yourself, bro.
And there's a picture of a bee.

Attached: bee_16x9_0.jpg (450x253, 17K)


yeah you're still young, immature and resistant to therapy.. you're too afraid of what you may discover about yourself. healing will probably be the hardest thing you'll have to face but you have to go there if you want to stop being completely messed up and attempt to have healthy relationships .
because Jow Forums thinks its spam: bit DOT ly/2lWpd2Z

i can also tell you that you feel like this because your 24.. when you become 27 28 this will go away

desu im in a similar situation. was in a 3 yr relationship with who i thought was the one. of course like all women she cheated and i ended it. 1.5 years later i still think of her often. but im not sad anymore, ive since tripled my income, and her new bf flips burgers. just win in your own way

From an evolutionary biology point of view, men are designed to obsess over long-gone ex-partners, because in the ancient world, sex means babies and so your ex would probably still have your children with her, and so its in your genetic interest to continue to care for and protect her.

Women on the other hand are programmed to move on fast and forget exes, because male death was a lot more common in our evolutionary past, whether by wild animals attack or war with rival bands of hominids, and any woman that was unable to bond to a new protector because she was depressed about her lost ex, would die.

OP you're a dumbass.
Did you actually have a relationshipwith this girl?
If so think about the bad times, the fights etc.
But you probably dont so you're just in love with this perfect mental being that only exists in your mind and you just given it the shape of your girl.
Anyway, do shit with yourlife to the point that you look back and respect yourself for being who you are.
Chemically castrating yourself will not be something you'll look back to proudly.

those evo biologists really write a load of bs.

>and resistant to therapy.. you're too afraid of what you may discover about yourself.
Lold. Ya,just ignore this btfo then There's literally nothing a therapist can tell me that I don't already know about myself. It's called using common sense. I've had mental health issues. I've been to mental hospitals. It's all just a waste of time.

>Chemically castrating yourself will not be something you'll look back to proudly.
Disagree. I would love to become asexual.

Get online, use one of those dating websites like eharmony to find a girl who isn’t just looking to get railed like tinder, and find the next “one.” Eventually you’ll find someone that makes your ex look like a douche bag and be in disbelief of how you could have ever been so hung up on her. It’ll take time, but at least on the net you can prescreen hundreds of girls and get to dating ASAP.

Also see a therapist, it will help get to the root cause of these thoughts.

Best of luck user

A girl should never be your number one priority. Set your self some goals. Achieve something in life. Try to make the world better. Date some girls. There is no point holding on someone in your past. That shit is gone buddy. Live in the present and think about the future.

Evolutionary biology has a lot of explanatory power for human behaviour m8. Or do you deny that we are apes, and human behaviours are analogous to ape behaviours?

>I've been to mental hospitals
Yeah so you're mentally ill enough to have been sent to mental hospitals. What was the diagnoses? Do you suffer from psychotic disorders or was it for depression or some shit like that

High doses of progesterone, you won't turn physically into a woman (you need estrogen for that) but your androgens (testosterone, DHT, DHEA, androsterone...) will tank, you will lose your libido, your drive to compete and other masculine behaviours. You should be able to have an erection though. You will age slower as it antagonizes adrenal hormones and estrogen, it has strong anti-depressant properties and it will make you smarter overtime.

> her new bf flips burgers. just win in your own way
Yeh he can handle his meat and porks your sweet Lamb.
> win

>Evolutionary biology has a lot of explanatory power for human behaviour m8
Yeah, like psychoanalysis. Doesn't make it true though

alright fair enough. my own mental toolkit is a combo of Western philosophy, psychoanalysis and evo bio, and I know these are all only models, so I cannot disagree.

the problem with evo bio is that they make a lot of assumptions with their "in the past" meme. When they state that it was "natural" for men to obsess over past gf its completely unscientific, it's just a belief.

yes but as you say, so does psychoanalysis. That doesn't stop Jung or Freud being interesting food for thought though.
In terms of philosophy, the evolutionary/biological interpretation of the broken heart syndrome can best be describes as a valid hypothesis, not a fact, but it does have explanatory power that appears to meet the data. In terms of the scientific method though, both EvoBio and Psych-anal are far from useful, as neither are falsifiable.

you've been to mental hospitals, then you've probably been told alot of horseshit. No wonder you're obsessing over some girl. With all that mind fucking shit in your life she became something to focus on. But as hard as this may be for you to believe you can focus your energy somewhere else. Good diet, sleep, exercise, no drugs or alcohol, learn about something that interests you like woodworking or surfing, something that you can do physically that will be rewarding, give you the endorphines and sense of acomplishment and focus. This stuff is good for a man. Makes them feel alive, content, etc. You probably won't believe me because you're hell bent on this theory of yours that your obsessed and nothing will fix you except drugs. But I'm just saying in case there is a part of you that will listen and just try to actually turn your life around rather than wanting a quick fix that will leave you with a limp dick and still obsessing.

Men are wonderful creatures and deserve a loyal and loving 2d waifu or other type of female companion to support him and stay by his side.

you shouldnt advise a schizo to stop taking his meds btw. thanks to modern meds schizos can live a somewhat normal life.

Why do you think "asexuality" frees yourself from females? There's more to women (such as protecting and loving them) that isn't sexual. Of course you can block out all these hormones, too. But kek... what will you end up as?

>you've been to mental hospitals, then you've probably been told alot of horseshit
curious, what kind of horseshit did they tell you in a mental hospital?

Prozac, you little shit

See if any friends/family have a few you could try

I'm hypersexual and fuck dogs and horses, trust me I've tried a few things over the decades

>I'm hypersexual
*a degenerate zoophile

google.com/search?q=testosterone antagonist

either that or chop your balls off. (they wont grow back tho)

>I'm hypersexual and fuck dogs and horses, trust me I've tried a few things over the decades

Post green text.

>hurr i don't want therapy or self improvement me must have mind altering drugs like a good goy
You don't need drugs, you are already overdosing on blue pills

lolz idl id you are a bad larp or a raging faggot. i felt bad for you until you dont take any advice likewhack off or fuck some other girl and youll forget about her

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Gay. religion is for subhumans. find an actual 'higher' purpose that exists in reality

don’t listen to guys saying you need psychiatric help; looks like you need a little bit of AUM chanting


its primordial reverberations will reset your body to its natural state before your body and mind got “corrupted” by excess emotions you recycled over a period of time. but, you have to be diligent and practice for a certain amount of time, maybe 2-3 weeks daily. (which is nothing compared to time you spent reinforcing negative emotions within you)

lift weights for hours a day and run 20 minutes a day. sleep without an alarm clock cut weight and nut before bed. do this for a few years and you will become asexual

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Go fuck 10 other women.

>10 years passing
She probably has a kid or two by now. The biggest problem with zoomers nowadays is that they never learned how to take a loss, neither in virtual world nor in the real one

Rakesh, please...

Depression was all. Was sent there for suicide attempts. Not related to this though

Well I still have her on facebook. She looks single

this board is saturated with fucking pussies

You do know that making yourself an eunuch will not kill the longing for close friends. Because it seems you are either larping, an attentionwhore or a closet 'girlfriend' yourself. I know what I talk about, I also suffer from attachment issues.

It never gets better. Be proud and ignore her and get another woman. You pair-bonded with her, your monkey brain is trying to tell you to have children with her. Cut all contact with her and delete all pictures you are just torturing yourself. Rip off the bandaid.

Slowly overtime with a woman who gives you children you will experience less pain and more nostalgia IF you find another decent woman. Good luck.

You should try user. Ask her out, make contact if you still can. Tell her how you feel. But leave it after that, there is no more you can do. If she doesn't respond or will say no, then that is her decision and if you really love her you would be sad but okay with that. She is a person to you know. She must also make the decision to choose you! Just face it user, some people are born as a midget, nigger or only have one arm. So maybe, you, unfortunately, cannot experience true love with the girl you like... It sucks, we cant all have what we want. Just go for another girl, who is less awesome, you cant have everything in live.

The need for companionship is not a sexual desire. Kill your libido and you'll still be lonely.

go to Jow Forums or /lgbt/ or /faggot/

sage this shit.


They use this one prostate cancer drug for chemical castration, but it's important to distinguish between sexual and emotional attraction; getting rid of the former is not going to do anything for the latter.

Stoicicsm is at odds with Christianity you absolute tard.

Cuck faggot who gives a flying fuck about women. They are feral beasts and whores. To look up to a women and to honour one is the equivalent of praising a piece of dog shit.

Women only exist to serve man, just find a woman that is young and fertile and impregnate her and make her be your servant by force. In our modern age of matriarchal cuckholdry you have to be extra strong and non cucked as a man and intimidate her to the point in which she won’t even think about getting “daddy goverment” involved.