Quitting Job Without New One

user here who posted yesterday about how I was going to quit my job without a new one to go to.

It went like this:

>"hey boss can I speak to you?"
>"yeah sure"
>"I'm resigning"
>5 mins of how he's disappointed because it was going so well, you were about to get a pay rise, why are you leaving what's wrong etc etc etc
>I explain why I dont like it
>"okay i understand, but what's your new job?"
>"I dont have one"
>"continue to work here and take holidays when you get interviews?"

Did I make a mistake?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he needs a picture of some camwhore so people read his uninteresting blogpost

never gonna make it

No mistake imo, your boss saved you from the stress of job hunting without a source of income. Unless of course you had enough money to survive ~3-6 months but why spend that money when you could just apply for jobs on your work computer and still get paid to half-ass everything?

She's not a camwhore she's my gf.

And I'm wanting to know if this could bite me somehow.

>Jow Forums filename

She’s not your gf, incel

Why the fuck would you just quit without another job lined up?

Delete this.

Because I'd had enough of work, have money in the bank and couldn't take time off for interviews.

>she’s my gf
I went to school with her!

You need to learn to control your impulses my nigga. That shit can cause unnecessary losses

>doesn't understand sarcasm

It's better to take time off for interviews. If you get fired you could probably get unemployment. And if you're not fired you're still getting money.

that fat pussy looks good. I wanna put my mouth on it and let her piss in it.

Did that was so good till I ran out of money was down to my last 3k and found an accounting job after looking for 3 days

completely lack conviction, your boss will probably out you prematurely as soon as he finds your replacement, your staying there for their benefit, not yours dummy.

You basicallyjust gave in immediately lik e a little wimp, boss will probably take the piss more because you didnt stick to your guns and walk.

When you resign sonny, what you do is put it in writing, be very polite and not get drawn into the conversation, dont give them any ammunition, the resignation letter will detail any notice period, your only topic of conversation should be to discuss your hand over during the notice period.

What a little puss.

She's my daughter, pls delet

Your boss was either being nice or needed you. Either way this is a good thing.


I literally couldn't take time off.

I'm getting mixed messages here.

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> ?
> "hm I've had enough of this job I'm just going to walk into my boss's office and quit on the spot without any plans I'll just figure that out later I just need to quit now because I've had enough!"

You sound like a pussy.

fuck you this is my sister daddy

>I'm getting mixed messages here.
90% of the time when a boss provides a counteroffer or tries to get you to stay for a bit, it's just because finding a replacement is annoying. In other words, it's for his own benefit.
Regardless, in your case it doesn't matter that much, besides the fact that you're still showing up to work.

I'm going to say it depends on what field of work you're in.

The best compromise probably would have been two weeks notice.

play the game boomerbro you have lots to learn from the enlightened youth, our third eyes are open whereas yours is tightly shut with fear.

Lol you sound like an actual girl tho

Truth. I retained or persuaded some employees to stay if they played a significant role that would take too much time to replace.

OP, because the boss is clearly a cuck for you, you should just slack off and be a general piece of shit *after asking for a raise to stay* and of course keep job hunting and then despawn on the fucker, let the office run amok. I never give 2 weeks notices and just fake all my references, the age of the boomer is over.

Its irony you spastic

If your boss is smart, they will immediately begin trying to find your replacement. Once they're ready, all bets are off and you'll find yourself out the door. However this is good for both of you. Find another job in the meantime. It's way better to be able to say you are still employed during the interview, most people will question your character if they know you quit with no plan in place.

> Play the game
Is the game making decisions on a whim with no planning? Is that really what makes me boomer lol
Fine I'll *sip sip*

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It's an expanding small business in a very niche sector, in a location with a shitty labour market and it currently has approximately 8 unfilled seats so recruitment is already ramped up to the maximum as it is.

This. I told you yesterday op that you could at least make a plan for your personal life if you aren't gonna find a new job immediately.

Yeah, planning ensures it doesn't work out. Act and things will happen. You're just stupid. Keep sipping and watch your life slip before your eyes and you wake up a 65 year old man having done nothing but slaved away for some guy your entire life thanks to being careful, planning, and playing it safe :).

get rekt


Your boss is so cool, you shouldn't giveaway like that. Are you a female? That would explain why he is cool


Bet your boss is already taking new applicants and ready to replace you in two weeks. You are going to go to work one day in the next 2 weeks and at the end of the day he will say something don't come tomorrow we found someone. He basically kept you there while he finds someone else. You fucked up if you don't find something that at least pays the same in the next week.

I know it sounds retarded and short sighted

But you just don't know what real wage slavery feels like my sweet summer child

What the fuck is wrong with you don't quit your fucking job if you don't have one lined up already.

Your boss only want's you to stay on so he doesn't have to cover for you while he finds a replacement.

You boss is already looking for a replacement at this point and is getting ready to cuck you so make sure you cuck him first.

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Should have stood your ground and left. Your boss going to make it impossible to find another job while he has you on a leash. I've left multiple jobs without having one lined up and have always been able to find something new relatively quickly. Just don't get lazy and keep productive with your time.

This; don’t let your boss get the clue that you’re looking for a new job. I’ve made that mistake once and the boss did everything in his power to try and get me to stay INCLUDING actively trying to keep me in the office on days he suspected I had an interview scheduled. That’s when you know you have no choice but to give your two week notice. It’s not that big of a deal - your savings should pull you through, even your 401k a last resort.

> Dur ima quit and show my boss who’s bosthf

>Hey bossthf I’m quitting (has creepy retard good feels look)

>Boss: You could ask for a raise.. Where are you going?

> Err dunno der

> Boss: Wow nvm on the raise you fucking idiot. Just stay till I can replace you retard..

> Okaayy bosthf

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I so quit my job to find something better. I'm glad I sold 10% of my link at 4usd :)

That's not how it works retard

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OP eternally BTFO

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that is how it works retard, tell me more about your net worth loser, im 23 and have enough money from being a bullshitter to live the rest of my life shitposting while you go work hard, have fun bud. justify it however you like, your life is empty and while you age and become uglier from the stress of being an npc drone, ill be forever young and handsome stealing boomer's daughters.

>from being a bullshitter
Well, at least part of your larp is correct lol

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crypto is bullshitting, the fact that youre taking it so seriously is why you havent been succeeding at it.

Who is this?