PERL just listed on Binance and it hasn't even pumped yet. Am I missing something or is this thing about to 5x?
PERL just listed on Binance and it hasn't even pumped yet. Am I missing something or is this thing about to 5x?
I just got all I could, rumor is that there's a big announcement in two days so I don't wanna be late
Yep, I'm anticipating at least a 20% bump from just that. Hardly anyone knows about it.
I picked up 200k last night and I’m already up 10% thanks anons for the tip last night!
Moon coming soon, 100% sure.
Binance IEOs
From Listing Date to ATH Coin(DAYS)
Perl has not had its ATH yet. This is easy money..
120k in my bag. now waiting for the usual binance pamp! not a question of if but a question of on which day within this week
Don’t be a INCEL be a PERLINCEL
Hey user, thanks for adding me to that Perlin telegram group. I saw that your username says "incel" in the title, I might be able to help change that status... at least for a little bit.
Price pumped because some whales decided to buy in today
Can confirm, am whale, did buy today
Good find user. Free money.
They're gonna keep buying in tomorrow and the day after too.
Already up 15% awwwww yeahhh.
Just did a small retrace so still lots of time to buy more. Gonna keep pumping for days.
Bought a fat stack i want to tip this user
I had loaded a 80k bag on 840 let's goo
Anyone reading this: you know this whole thread is samefag scammers right?
There. I just felt like i wanted to ruin this scam
Remember that time you didn't sell link at $4 and now you're really mad about it.
Learn from your mistakes and buy some PERL friend.
We know
I feel sorry for the newfags tho........
Stop being an INCEL and be a PERLINCEL
Summer is about over. Don't you have somewhere to be, newfriend?
I like PERL, but I think ALGO is next to pump. Has t pumped yet since Binance listing and is live on Coinbase pro
alright i honestly believe this shit is being shilled by trannies
At your momma's house
Maybe I'll stop by your dinosaur themed room and say hello
Nah. They already have telegram chat group. Its being shilled, and about to be pumped by someone who has a lot of guns and is rich as fuck. He also holds a lot of gold/silver.
He is based af
Just listen to me, and buy some.
u missed the perl pump, but don't miss out on the UOS pump. 5x soon
STFU you stupid nigger go make your own thread
Just bought 50k
Anyone know if I can set up a node for this coin. It looks legit
honeslty dude i have no fucking clue i just know it will pump and i seen the bottom last night so i put in a BTC
i think they are developing their own wallet and also i think they wont be a ERC20 token for long
Retarded shill thread
ERC20 currently, mainnet in a few months. Binance automatically convert the tokens if held on exchange once mainnet launches. Still have mainnet pump still to come
Dumped some of my poop coins this morning and loaded up. Ready to make some money back!
bump this in 12 hours and check the price
Reminder that Binance dumps every shitcoin they list to their own customers without a single bit of remorse.
I think they only let enterprise level stuff run nodes, which is kind of gay but the high performance for Wavelet speaks for itself.
Cz will handle this ban
Welcome to your first day on Jow Forums enjoy your stay.
Just got some. You pajeets better not dump on me!
Hey, sorry to bother you but I noticed you were putting in some buy orders for PERL. I've seen my boyfrie- I mean my EX boyfriend trade a lot but he only trades weird stuff like chin ink or something.
gimme that money
Man who seen the AMA in binance chat? Thoughts?
And there it goes.