What exactly is so bad about diversity in TV and movies?

What exactly is so bad about diversity in TV and movies?

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fuck off nigger

How exactly does this relate to business and finance nigger?

Having to look at ugly niggers

Fuck niggers
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies

> product placement

Star Wars sucked for way more reasons than diversity

Dos bait

just watch the simpsons season 11 episode 5 and you'll see the issue

There's nothing wrong about it. This is an issue that the market will solve. If fans are willing to watch diverse TV shows and movies, they'll be profitable, which will incentivize more diverse TV shows and movies. If diversity doesn't result in financial returns, however, we'll see more white-only castings over time.


Why have 80% or more of the main characters continue to be white, when the audience is becoming increasingly non-white?

Whites are projected to have a NEGATIVE population growth starting around 2024 in beyond. While non-whites will continue to have positive growth.

It's just anger and confusion from white incels on how "their race" always has to be the majority because their ancestors "built this country" or something (but don't bring up the atrocities committed by whites in the past).

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well fin was the best character in that whole movie and it still sucked donkey balls

the problem isn't diversity, its move makers expecting diversity alone to carry the movie to success instead of focusing on writing, directing and producing a quality film.

Implying monopolistic entertainment corporations care about what people want

Nothing really. Black people in older movies? No one gave a shit. Characters like Mr. T and Apollo Creed were beloved characters from the Rocky franchise.
Nowadays, it's fucking political and obnoxious, to the point that you either hate it because it's political and obnoxious, or you love it because it affirms your political sphere and lets you pat yourself on the back for a little while.

>but don't bring up the atrocities committed by whites in the past.

If it's important that you bring up bad things, you must in all fairness talk about the positive things equally as well.

It becomes an issue to me when formerly white characters are casted as non-whites because then it’s a politically ladden decision, but aside from that it’s just whiteoid incels sperging and makes a problem out of nothing


reminder to sage and hide

>(((monopolisitic entertainment corporations)))

>because their ancestors "built this country" or something
>or something
They literally did you retarded nigger.

You deserve to live in the nonwhite country you want to see.

Why does it need to be called diversity? I don't recall people using this word in the late 90's and early 2000's when kids from all different kinds of races were getting along in TV, movies, etc

It's ok to portray diverse type of people, hollywood always did it. What it's not okay is trying to push political agendas down our thread in every fucking scene.
>Oh look, I'm so empowered. The metaphor of this film is beatiful, it shows how the white men oppress the rest of people, that's why he's the evil guy on the movie.

For fuck sake, Samuel L. Jackson is x100000 better than any other actor, and he's a nig, it's not about racism, it's about jew trickery

Also this

Niggers aren’t humanoid

Samuel l Jackson used to be alright before he became a neverttumper. He’s just another Hollywood pedophile trying to save face before the world finds out all of Hollywood is one big underaged sex cult controlled by over weight Jewish boomers

it's not the diversity per se, it's the forced nature of it.
change happens slowly, when you force it like they are doing of course it doesn't go over well.
worst thing is when you take characters and change them, gender swap them or race swap them. that does REALLY not sit well with fans and feel super forced.
instead of changing old things invent new things. star wars universe is like 99% white and male dominated. if you don't like it just invent something new instead of changing something that's already established.
star wars is doing really terrible btw, disney is not selling many toys at all.

a good rule of thumb is to remember is that 10 years can't change 10 thousand years of human behaviour.

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Pick my cotton you smelly nignog

It doesn't feel natural for women to be in military settings fighting. The writing sucked. Forced political agendas suck.

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also this

Attached: diversity2.jpg (638x550, 121K)


I'm black and for me I don't care what race they are as long as they're good actors but diversity for the sake of diversity is dumb

first fucking thing i see on /tv/ is this

because the left is trying to instantiate it's political opinions into children's movies. how would you feel if your kids came home from school and flipped on pokemon and charmander had become a born again christian and was extolling God's bible? it's a common tactic of tyrants to go after the youth as they're the most impressionable and will ensure your ideas take root for tomorrow. Hitler, Mao, Stalin...all had youth programs, but the left today knows that would be too overt so they're slowly warming us up..every day we go just a little bit further to the left.

I'm not a burger, but it makes me laugh how lots of americans think niggers freed themselves or niggers built the country... they appeales to the white man's empathy that's how they freed themselves, and building the country kek they only moved the bricks, anyone can do this, plus from my limited knowledge about burgerland, chinks built the rail system, i don't know what niggers built but whatever, white people made the plans and the engineering... if white people left the US in 1700 and left all the niggers there, then Mexico would be building the wall today to stop that nigger illegal immigrants

Because 'tokenism' is a dirty word and needed to be rebranded. It's just marketing.

back to Jow Forums-/tv/ incel

Perhaps it'd be prudent to avoid expecting overmuch of actors' publicly stated political views.