So I have around 700 oz of physical silver and another 1300 oz worth of exposure through a combination of x1, x2, x3 silver ETFs (which due to daily compounding can outperform their multiple in aggressive bullruns)
I know people are skeptical on non-physical, but my general vibe is that I would have enough time to pull out of paper and then use the realized gains to buy more physical before any potential catastrophic economic event.
Is this a good enough stack? At this point, I've shifted my focus to growing my crypto stack which is about x2 larger than my PM stack. Or, should I keep piling on the PMs???
What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? What could I do better?
Im starting to get some silver fomo and ragrets not buying more desu.
This rise is (likely) because of brexit + China trade war so will 'probably' keep rising until there is definite positive news from either of those.
Jack Bell
Didn’t address the questions, but useful insight. Thanks user
Josiah Lewis
if i were in your position i would ride it out but make sure i'm out of all your leveraged stuff before you hit 50$. That is going to be some seriously hard resistance. Liquidate your leveraged stuff and then buy more physical when it dips. 700 oz is a good base though, so you can afford to speculate with the leveraged shit imo.
How much is 700 or 1300 oz? Why can't you dumb americans use grams like everyone else in the world?
Easton Fisher
Why can’t you dumb euro trash use google?
Luke Sullivan
700oz is 19.85kg 1300oz is 36.85kg
Nathan Scott
Solid. Appreciate it mate. That was in line with my thought. Just wasn’t confident 700oz was enough.
More opinions welcome ofc
Wyatt Myers
Here's some advice quit buying some worthless fucking meme rocks and buy some stocks
Lincoln Martinez
Only 8% of american GDP involves foreign trade, so there is little incentive to integrate. Why dont you use google calculator to find out how giant our fat american stacks are?
gonna give you my honest opinion: commodities are an insane investment
they don't produce revenues or dividends and when you invest in them, your human psychology works against you:
if the price goes up, you get excited about the price going higher and you're less likely to sell
if the price goes down, you get scared about losing your money and sell
at least if you buy dividend stocks, if the price goes up, that's all good, and if the price goes down, then the relative yield of the dividend goes up, which is good in its own way. So you won't panic sell.
Why you will still be saying “do you want any fries with that sir” well into your 60s.. Dare you to email Jim Rogers with that fucking turd nugget you just dropped on us
Noah Clark
>>>”gonna give you my honest opinion: commodities are an insane investment”
So you like charts huh ( but only when you can cherry pick the time frame ). Here’s one for you you absolute spastic. You literally make R Kelly look MENSA!
Good luck rockbros, but I'm going 3Xleveraged stock market tomorrow. It might even be a good day to short the gold miners.
>You make X look like Y >AND implying the other person works in fast food do you chortle to yourself over this shit? Is this what someone mean said to you in school today?
Anyways, don't go to the rock market tomorrow.
Michael Stewart
Fuck me your retarded Somali! I’m stacked up the ass! >>>I'm going 3Xleveraged stock market tomorrow You sir are a serious investor. Mwahahahahahaha stop it please! Stocks were for buying 2002 and 2009 . Any Somali that buys now is 100% bag holder. Your the same graph retard but posting on another device Somali.
Yeah bro you can order direct from Pheli mint I’ve bought several 2 oz coins from them .they ship it to you direct very fast! Real awesome dudes too.
>What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? What could I do better? I would ditch the x2 and x3 ETF's and just trade the long dated LEAP options. The leverage ETF's have lots of erosion. I made 300% on the move from 13 to 18 in about a month. Using the 21 JAN expiration.
hol up is that 2 oz, $40 worth of silver selling for over $200? a 400% premium? for a satanic picture?
Bentley Bailey
>>I made 300% on the move from 13 to 18 in about a month. Using the 21 JAN expiration. I give credit to you trading the volatility but fuck me my nigga isn’t it easier just buying and holding the rock on it’s inevitable move to $500??
Cooper Martin
>I give credit to you trading the volatility Thanks for the props,
>isn’t it easier just buying and holding the rock on it’s inevitable move to $500?? That's what the core 6,000oz position is for homie.
Also OP is already holding x2 x3 leverage ETF's. That's not a long term hold.
Owen Flores
>>is that 2 oz, $40 worth of silver selling for over $200? Incorrect my nigga , that’s 5 pieces of 2 oz each = $200 raw Ag cost alone!! It’s at a fucking Uber bargain You can get the the individual 2 oz succubus for as low as $47!! Which for a limited edition cast is spastic. Only a few rounds left though from what I can see and bound to be flying out the door at current market prices for base metal
Owen Diaz
>You can get the the individual 2 oz succubus for as low as $47!! Wow that sounds like a great deal Do you have a coin where satan is depicted sodomizing jesus?
so you accuse me of cherry-picking charts... and then you post a chart comparing gold returns against S&P returns starting in 1999 -- when gold prices were at their lowest point since 1978, and just before the tech crash of 2001? >this is a silver thread, not a gold thread, brainlet >pick any year after 2001 and make the chart again, the results may surprise you >or start the chart ten years earlier, or twenty years earlier, etc., you will consistently find that investing in assets that produce a return is superior to buying f-ing rocks