If BSV is such a scam then why hasn't it dumped yet?

If BSV is such a scam then why hasn't it dumped yet?

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here's a clue

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Shh user just let it be let them FUD and accumulate

Cause we never bought this scam in first place

bitconnect didn't dump until it exit scammed.

It's a scam and all the apps and projects and devs and investors and users are a scam too. What more to you need to know. The price is just a distraction to fool gullible ppl like you

because actual scams don't dump slowly, they pump and look great until the exit, then they lose 95%+ of their value within a few minutes

see: confido

just check top 400-1000 alts. They all bleed slow. Devs just abaddon project.

>used to be called BTC and worth $19,200
>now only worth $100
>and had to change ticker to BSV
looks pretty dumped to me user

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That's because the devs over time lose their momentum and motivation when they slowly realize their project have no usecase. Bitcoin (BSV) has some serious usecases and heavy investors and third party projects built on it. It is not just a core team developing on it, it has more than 100 stand alone already functional projects and almost one new app every day

>If BSV is such a scam then why hasn't it dumped yet?
Because who is there to dump it? Only people who are convinced BSV is Bitcoin and Craig is Satoshi own any BSV. They are not swayed by the false narrative pushed on twitter and reddit by Greg Maxwell and others who KNOWS the truth, but have economic interest in keeping the masses blind. They have managed to build a large following of brainwashed NPCs that do their bidding in spreading the narrative. It will take time, but the truth will gradually prevail and it is not hard to imagine what will happen with BTC after the public shift occur

The judge hasnt issued a cease and desist order yet like Bitconnect but it should come any day now. Its never going to be anything of importance, the community hates it just like Ripple. No one wants to adopt a coin whos purpose it is to enforce Jewish made laws on goyim, thats not what Bitcoin is for. Especially not one by a smug philosemite anti-white faggot fraud.

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>No one wants to adopt a coin whos purpose it is to enforce Jewish made laws on goyim
You might as well write "I have no idea what bitcoin is and why it was made". It makes it possible for the people to make sure governments and businesses are honest. You MUST read the whitepaper before you tell others what bitcoin is or is not

Craig Wrights Bitcoin exists to make sure people follow Jewish made laws and dont undermine banks, its anti-crypto. It was made in response to the 2008 financial crisis to put money in the hands of the people, out of the touch of states and corporations like PayPal. It exists to flaunt laws, which are powerless to inhibit it.

>It exists to flaunt laws, which are powerless to inhibit it.
You seriously need to start educating yourself if you think bitcoin is immune to laws enforced by governments

Last time I checked all the bitcoin addresses from Iran that the US government tried to sanction ended up getting sent a bunch of Bitcoin just to spite them, by anonymous people who were never stopped. If you think your kiked KYC compliant exchanges mean anything youre the one who needs to educate yourself. Especially with Monero too, cant be touched.

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Oh and from how he talks, you can be assured Kosher Kraig Wright would actually block transactions to those addresses and freeze the owners out for Israel. I mean, hes judge dread, law and order coin, no criminals coin. Obviously he would lock them out.
As if that crypto has any value.

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Oh no, someone took a picture with Craig because they think Satoshi is a great inventor and guy. I guess babies like in pic related are also conspiring with Craig. Do you have any info on that? He must be stopped!

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Itt, manlets too poor to but BTC

Its almost over for you, Craig. You cant keep this show up much longer.

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If BSV is such a scam, why is everyone building apps on it?

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Nice talking point, Greg.

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This time, THIS time he will be impeached. Right? Riiight?


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BSV isn't a scam. It's literally the only bliptoblurrency that isn't a scam. People are retarded.
I wish I was an adult before and during the dotcom bubble. I would have made millions.