How do I sell my WoW gold for real money? I'm playing the auction house and making mad WoW gold
How do I sell my WoW gold for real money? I'm playing the auction house and making mad WoW gold
bumpbump I wanna know as well
Buy chainlink xD
If I could trade wow gold for more LINK I would
t. 17.5k stinker
XD XD fellow marine strap in XXDXDXD
200k LINk whale xDXDXD we r all gonna make it
10/10 shitposting
My linky stay stinky!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD partnership with Amazon xD XDXD mainnet lulz
Have sex
Dude you are playing with wow gold lmfao kys
>wow gold to real money
How new are you exactly
against game ToS have fun getting perma banned.
They don't really care anymore actually...I've bought millions of gold and I never get in trouble. I did once actually. They just took my gold and said don't do it again.
>They just took my gold
aka your money
and that is why I dont wanna risk it, I liked when diablo 3 had the open real-world trading, I stopped playing the day they closed it.
Does anyone know any mmorpg that has the same kind of marketplace connected to paypal, I want to make my living from playing vidya :(
gods unchined
RuneScape gold farming is way easier and more profitable
It's like 10 bucks for 200k or some shit last time I played, really not going to get you far.
isn't gold fucking worthless since mages and aoe farm exists, which makes them like an 100 gold per hour.
been telling faggots since vanilla that frost mage is the best class, and everyone laughed... years later now on classic and everyone is rolling a frost mage and talking good shit about them... too bad I'm too old to play and married with a kid, would've loved to rekt some nufags in 1v3
Rs isn’t dead yet?
I will literally buy gold from you
I'm almost level 40 and I cant afford my mount
what server OP
i got 32 gold on faerlina horde. ill sell it to you cheap.
Do you bot? I want in on this
Married with a kid? Disgusting pedo
jokerd is that you?
go back
have sex
Yeah they really dont give a shit, back in Wrath I got sick of it and decided I was going to run a mining bot in order to get my account perma banned. It ran 24/7 for months and not a damn thing happened to me other than I made a fuckton of gold.
dude just hold your wow gold soon reality will collapse and all that will be left is wow classic servers, don't get caught with physical assets when the virtualization hits
Selling 500g for .5 btc
5 min on bitmex will save you 500h of grinding auction house. I dont see how its worth it.
poor people arent allowed to talk