Been watching this guy's travel videos in Russia/former soviet countries for the past few days. There's a repeating pattern of stuff like abandoned buildings, swimming pools, etc. and general decay. Maybe it's just because he goes to shitty areas and films shitty things. But a lot of the local people say things were much better in soviet times and now everyone is poor and things don't work properly. But I thought everyone was poor and miserable under socialism. Surely I haven't been lied to? What is the truth?
Been watching this guy's travel videos in Russia/former soviet countries for the past few days...
Other urls found in this thread:
point is - imagine if u get 6k annually before taxation and 98% of post soviet pals consider 500 usd\month nice money.
The transition from socialism to capitalism, dictatorship and democracy is very slow and it takes at least several generations.
It was shitty back then but compared to today it was better, plus the people complaining were young back then so ofcourse it was a better time for them personally.
The mentality is also a problem. It's okay for them to give and take bribes, working undocumented, corrupt judges and police, respect the local tycoons who got rich breaking the law...
1985 they got 195 roubles which is less than 3 dollars per month...
>It was shitty back then but compared to today it was better,
“very slow” ok jewboy
the truth is that calling 60-80s USSR communism and 90s-10s Russia capitalism is something which is only excusable if you're literall y10
Before the fall, wealth was distributed more equally across the former eastern block between rural and urban areas. Now, all the wealth in Russia is concentrated in Moscow.
I would say that 1990s Russia was the truest representation of unrestrained capitalism that we've seen.
that's not even true but an often repeated lie...
here is the real truth
slavs are just subhumans, they were poor before communism, they were poor during communism and they are still poor after communism
i'd say you've got absolutely no idea what you're talking about and have gotten all of your knowledge about crapitalism through chomsky
I watch a lot of Super Sus and see the same thing. He is an urbex guy and gets inside a lot of infrastructure....power plants, train stations, bridges, all seems in mid stage decay. Not maintained at all.
>real communism has never been tried before
A lot of areas that had no business being prosperous were artificially propped up by the govt. to keep people happy and in jobs. People still live there now but state aid is gone hence decay
Nah, they just didn't get to pillage Africa like all the western nations did.
You could also interpret what I was saying as "real capitalism has never been tried before"
What makes something communism or capitalism?
He's the serpeza of Russia, though admittedly Russia is much worse than China. It's like going to Ohio or west Virginia and filming there every week.
Who da fuck go film in Ohio or West Virginia? Poor fags who can't gloat on YouTube about visiting rich people's homes in NYC, DC, SF, Beverly hills, etc. You don't think there isn't a Russian version of Beverly hills?
Don't watch poverty porn hoe.
Uh... sweetie. What do you think capitalism is.
>real capitalism has never been tried before
He goes to the countries who left the USSR but never really left Russia's sphere of influence. And everything that has to do with Russia is poor, miserable and derelict.
what’s his youtube?
>have central planning
>all of country's money goes towards making one centrally-planned area developed
>end central planning
>people with discipline and ambition move away from city where they were forced to live with people they didn't want to live with, bringing their skills and knowledge with them
>city decays, city-dwellers complain that central planning was better
>areas where skilled people move to flourish, skilled people too busy loving life and personal responsibility to talk to cameras about how much happier they are
>A lot of areas that had no business being prosperous were artificially propped up by the govt. to keep people happy and in jobs. People still live there now but state aid is gone hence decay
The true post communist black pill. But yeah.. most of Russia was a piss poor uneducated backwater to begin with. It's not like people before communism lived like in rural France or Germany. Russia was really backwards and almost tribal.
bald and bankrupt
Tfw got rich pillaging all the dirt and rocks from Africa
The level of pozz in this thread is disgusting. Firstly, communism greatly accelerated IQ decline in all of the countries where it was practiced, partially by giving poor dumb people more resources to breed, and partly by killing all the smart people directly (that's why even though the Bolsheviks that started the communist revolution were 90% Jew, they all ended up getting ice-picked and gulaged and ultimately purged from the USSR entirely, all the 10 million christian smart people were killed by those Jew Bolsheviks within the first 15 years). Consider all the blacks and latinos on welfare in the US, do you think they would suffer a worse quality of life if America returned to it's 1800's true capitalism and cut off literally 100% of the state aid they get? Of course they would.
Haven't consider this before, good point.
>IQ decrease
Average IQ among ethnic russians is 98-99, no less than USA.
Yeah, and it used to be higher, which is why all Russian scientists and artists of note come from prior to the Soviet Union.
Most of these countries got sold out to crooks and criminals post-soviet era. Litterly, criminals came in to power, took the tax money and ran off with it.
These countries got their treasure chests raided. And corruption stunts any recovery.
I will also note that while Russian and US averages are nominally the same, the USA has over 100 million blacks and Hispanics greatly reducing the average, the the proportion of genius-tier people is that much greater in the United States ( in essence, the US overall bell curve is much flatter and wider, with more people on the top and bottom of the distribution. This also causes the bigger wealth disparities found in the US verse other 1st world countries)
You have no fucking clue how shitty it was
> But I thought everyone was poor and miserable under socialism.
Poor yes, miserable no since they couldn't compare against anybody too far above them due to the Iron Curtain. A good genuine pair of import jeans cost half a monthly salary. Dentistry was atrocious. A phone line took a year to connect. You get the idea.
>Surely I haven't been lied to? What is the truth?
The truth? Things were bad, and they went to much worse. Such is the periods of transitions. This is why Western democracies excelled - for all the government changes the real guts of their system - the taxes and the economy changes very little in a short time. When the tax system and the economic system changes too quickly or abruptly, ruin always follows.
He has a good channel, I've been watching since the early days. Russia is less socialist than America/Europe today and is improving faster.
Compare the tax rates/cost of living with Russia/America/Europe and you will realize that we are actually getting a shit deal, the same money buys a lot more in Russia, its far more competitive with the rest of the world and much lower tax.
I hope you go to China and eat your rat deep fried in gutter oil.
There are places in Africa where everything is super cheap and there is no tax enforcement. Wouldn't wanna go there though
There was some video from Moldova with 3 babushkas
>Yes, communists stole our stuff and murdered our parents
>We lived well under socialism
He just interviews the trashiest people and the mentally ill. These are the prime commie suspects in the west, too.
That's true, name one country where the means of production are owned communally
P.S. You live better when you're splurging using loaned money, than when you have to start paying off the debt. Their lives are shit today because of the communist past.
>t. Bulgarian
Would venture a guess that I'm earning at least 100X more than you from my business in Russia where I don't even have to deal with customers. Russia is always gonna win hands down when it comes to exploiting resources, its the biggest country on earth and salaries are low.
Wtf is your point
I don't understand your point but I'm making very good money despite my location (software engineer, 2 side hustles).
Eastern Europe with its low taxes is great for an online business and for people who bought bitcoin at $60. I'd be an average poorfag in the west, so the transition period could be considered extremely profitable if you're good at adapting.
USA has to fight them cause its bad there
After the fight its much worse
Do you see any pattern?