RLC makes living obsolete

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It made my portfolio obsolete thats for sure

one of the worst performing coins of 2019

this shit is a joke lmao. market shat all over those french fucks...never trust french with technology. trust them with food and art. nothing more

Shut the fuck up. RLC will moon soon, whales are accumulating and shaking you out user. Everybody on here is extremely retarded not to see that this is the only coin that will survive next to bitcoin. It will literally be 100$ EOY, I dreamt it last night, so it doesn't matter if your entry price is 0.2$ or 1$ (like me). Just accumulate more and be a chad like me.

fucking paid fudders. How much is Sergey paying you?
Imagine being so scared of the superior dOracles that you need to pay 4channers to fud lmao

What are you talking about? Im a top 200 holder lmao

Wow they sure have been shaking out noobs with 0.02 BTC portfolios for a long time now ...

top 50 holder here, I'm considering my investment in RLC as lost until they change tokenomics

Could be worse, you could'Ve bought LINK at 4$ like some people did.

they're idiots, really. Thy know nothing about how to make the token valuable..
this shit is retarded man I should't of listened to you idiots back in the day.

fuck this...

also Callum is posting on here. He's the stinky turd ID. I can smell his stank from here

kek did you lose your lunch money on RLC?

fuck off retard, I bet you're pissed because you were banned from the trading telegram.

target price for october pls ? good pamp ?

yes we will moon and all you pussies will be crying cause you sold the bottom while I laugh at you from my yacht. TEAM HAS ALIBABA AND INTEL AND IBM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT SHOULD BE IN THE TOP 20!

lol this is definitely callum posting.

These french idiots have only a few fans.

Tholas, Callum, and one or two other people.

That's it. No one gives a flying fuck about them.

No one is investing. If you dare to step into this shitshow of an investment. Be prepared to lose all of your shit or about 90% of it once they get delisted from binance in a few days.

LMAO...why isn't chainlink delisted? It's literally a doracle....HMMMM????

coz chainlink is real. RLC used to be higher market cap than chainlink not too long ago...
lmfao!! look where it is now! RLC is the shittiest investment i've come across besides skycoin...

It's pathetic you idiots think you know more than the market...

Chainlink had a lot of fear around it when the whole market was crashing in general...but after btc started to calm down it was constantly making higher highs against BTC. Reversing its trend...You don't see that with RLC. You just see huge pump and dumps all over the chart on a downwards slope....That should be a huge red flag for anyone

>RLC used to be higher market cap than chainlink not too long ago...


fud. It won't be delisted from binance. Only binance us and bittrex. And I'm pretty sure the team has a solution for that in hand. Just a small hiccup literally nothing to worry about, bottom is in now, point of maximum returns, your dedicated fudding just makes me even more bullish.

Their "solution" is Airswap, a shitty no volume DEX that they put 30K RLC on that no one is buying. Binance didn't list them on the coins they're looking at for Binance US and Coinbase won't touch this thing. It's over.

exactly! it's beyond pathetic. it's cringe as fuck.

RLC is literally going to zero

Its over Russo , ERC20 token with no users

And you're Russo, so few bagholders you can easily know who they are.

>never trust french with technology
which country do you trust with technology?

>until they change tokenomics
what do they need to change bout tokenomic to make your invetment considered as not lost?

There's nothing wrong with the tokenomics. In fact they are better than LINKs

shit tier fud nigger

Huuuuuge whales are accumulating atm bro. Just look at the exchange volumes, 60 000 fucking dollars. Some SERIOUS accumulation going on there bro

Ever heard of OTC? Governments and institutions are accumulating and supressing the price until they have enough to run decentralized-Poco-AI based smart cities and replacing their whole AWS deployments with iExec and then they will pump it to a 100$ - screencap this

>Debentralided comprutin uuuuhhhhhh... smart titties..uhhh..gnnnyeee.. d'ohracles..

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> baguetted by indonesian shills paid by a tranny fucker

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more paid fud. This is getting boring. Get a life

>Governments and institutions are accumulating and supressing the price until they have enough

Yes, this is happening. Heard it from an insider right? This is definetly the case here.

these names ring a bell ?

partnership not customers , its over

No need to pay fud nigger, this shitcoin is sinking on his own

the RLC shills seemed so well informed and were so unwavering in the assumption that it was going to be a successful project FUCKING GET REKT CUNTS

any sort of burning mechanism

The only people buying this are a few gamblers who think the price is so low if it goes back to its previous spot a few months ago it will be a 5x for them. WRONG!

get ready for .10 cents. then .01, then .0001 and only on airswap

shut up russo, we know you sold and are trying to get in lower now. Pathetic.

Get rekt you pathetic bag holders lmao. Everyone is down like -50% on this "chainlink killer"

omg my sides!! ahahaah

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not needed. All that is needed is some better community and positive thought. Institutions are already and will buy anyway. 100$ EOY still stands. Everyone else here are deluded linkies, or people trying to get in lower by fudding. Never getting my RLC, you pathetic fucks!

>t of burning mec
Russian government unironically investing in RLC??


The cope is real in this thread!

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> this message was paid for by: chainlink
get rekt paid fudder

iexec is over , dfinity is going to be the leader of cloud computing DYOR , RLC 0.01ct 2020


dfinity LMAO. iExec is lightyears ahead of its competitors

And this is why nobody invest in Iexec , with 50k you can be top10 bagholders ,ridiculous 0.05EOY

Very based. It, will moon, yes?



How is this still so close to ICO price? Should be in single digits cents, but we won't have to wait long for that to happen.
Never buy into french crypto projects, frens.


It very good coin with best team, so much fud here, stay poor.

intel and ibm dropped support after the v3 failure

buy link instead

not true, Blair posted this today in the telegram

Attached: 2019-09-05 22:00:49.png (553x587, 110K)

Blair literally reposts the same Intel blog every week although its from march 2019 kek. After the V3 desaster none of their "partners" ever mentioned them again. I think they have dropped them silently.

blair is a chad , yes. No at all. They are probably waiting to announce a whole bunch of top 10 companies at V4. Better buy in now.

Only speculation bagholders , iexec is dead