How much would Jow Forums pay for a submissive, traditional Chinese bride?

How much would Jow Forums pay for a submissive, traditional Chinese bride?

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Three fiddy(I ain't no lochness monster)


There are 3x as many chinese woman as white women. Why would I pay premium for such an abundant depreciating asset?

Does she work or do I have to fully support her on an ongoing basis as well as paying the initial price? Asking for my accountant

She'd work if you wanted her to.

A lot if I knew she'd remain reasonable and loyal, but if she doesn't work then there's a chance she is merely positioning herself to financially ruin you.

Bad investment overall.

this. they will take everything

Suppose that they came with a kind of insurance policy against that.

there is much demand

>eat frogs and stuff with alien girl or pizza with chubby white girl
pizza please

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yeah, im thinkin he's based!

Would rather have a qt russian bride that can defend the house from bears and likes the full Orthodox liturgy, gradually turning into a babushka that has borscht ready when I get home.

> tfw live-in Welsh gf that makes me borscht a lot for some reason

Source? Also white women are complete trash who age like sour milk

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>be white woman
>constantly shoving my face full of food
>taking Jamal's dick in my fat holes
>hit the wall before I'm 30
>chuck men into taking care of my boyfriend's kids
>fat as shit

lol you're out of touch with reality.
As a Russian dude let me tell you something: 1. Russian woman are not traditional
2. Russian women love Turks, Arabs and negroes. If you don't fall into one of the categories you're gonna be dumped as soon as she gets the western passport.
You're welcome. Don't fuck up your life user.

this true im arab you think i go there and blow my load?

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I was saying that as opposed to a fictuonal 'submissive chinese gf' when in reality they'd probably be demanding and annoying af

But I'll take your word on it, seems like a pretty universal problem desu

The only thing you should blow is a loaded gun in your face, all nonwhites are subhumans.
Godspeed, user.

haven't you heard user? they're paying the white man for sex now.

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I already have one
I wish I didn’t

Why user?

I rather buy an albanian wife for 600 bucks.

Depends on the ROI

I'd pay good for a high value wage slave

$0 because i don't have yellow fever

>The only thing you should blow is a loaded gun in your face, all nonwhites are subhumans.
And yet your women cuck you with nonwhites. Its over for you whites. Ethnic takeover is here baby.

Is that picture of you bud? No wonder you go for fat white roasties?

You will see that you are wrong, soon enough ...

Restaurant/massage/spa are all options that come attached.

You will pay a large sum up front then half of everything you own once she leaves you.

I'd offer insurance on that not happening.

You know, I wonder if that could be a business...

Nothing better than a qt chinese girl

Chinese are soulless commie insectoids
I prefer the little dirty brown SEA jungle monkeys Thai waifus

even pics from china are faked... wtf is wrong with that country

What if she came with a business or skill attached?


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Asians don't really age well either. I'd say they're even worse.

$10k and up depending on attractiveness.

Russian women are mongoloid.
