Who /entp/ here? I been doing the test multiple times over the years and i always get the same result

Who /entp/ here? I been doing the test multiple times over the years and i always get the same result.


Attached: lana-rhoades-lana-rhoades-rouds-lana-rouds-devushka-briune-3.jpg (1332x850, 402K)

Entj reporting in

I only get Intp / intj.
Too much of an autist


life is pretty much over.

intj here.

intp here
I cannot fathom how someone on this board could be an /e/

entp here
feels good having the autistic thought process of the intj/Jow Forums user and the extroversion to exert my will onto the real world

Attached: 1567931545231.jpg (221x229, 8K)

this. can both think AND get laid.

Attached: 1558366657549.jpg (494x531, 156K)

I am in the right environment.
Sometimes I'm a social butterfly.
Sometimes I'm pretty quiet.
Don't let MBTI define you.
Stare into its eyes and say "FUCK YOU"

Basically this. Feelsgoodmane.