Frens, this nigger vadalized the golden bull. Now the bullrun is canceled. What we do now?

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I lost it all with the SAFEX coin scam, I hope the Serbian scammers get arrested soon, bitcoin season never came,. Don't know what to do, I am one step to be homeless

Bobo had enough

He should get fucked by a black bull as punishment

bull run only starts when china wants it to

see why here



Nice photoshop OP

Look how fake news operates. In the article there is an advertisement for another article in between but it’s nist a photo showing an old white boomer when apparently it was a nigger who vandalized it

Two things certain in life: Link is a scam and niggers will nig.

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he caused that damage with a dinky banjo? no fucking way

>“He just started wilding out, hitting the bull over the head,” a witness, Luis Cruz, 53, said on Sunday. “And every time he would bang it, he would say the same thing over and over.” Mr. Cruz said the man was cursing President Trump as he swung the banjo. The police said he was screaming and ranting about God.

Hunting niggers to save the bulls ?

It was a metal makeshift banjo whatever the fuck that means

Bronze bear statue when

I fucking hate Jews

There already is one, except it's a little girl

>bull at wall st.
>fearless girl at stock exchange building
metal makeshift banjo by trump tower when?

is he vandalizing it with a BANJO? Wtf why? Expiring puts i guess?

no. it's not canceled 1milperday.com/#price

>nigger attacks with banjo

It's like a racist Looney Tunes bit.

That would be a brave and an empowering sculpture to stand up to evil Drumpf

>a negro did it
>all news reports talk about some "man" and dont show this picture

If the Jews weren't so stingy they'd make that bull solid bronze instead of a shell.