What does Jow Forums think of this haircut?

what does Jow Forums think of this haircut?

Attached: low fade.jpg (1080x1080, 128K)

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based beard

wannabe negro

It's the new gay /fa/

>2014 middle eastern or turk fuccboi lower fade haircut
Grow up op. I rock this as of right now.

>t. chad

Attached: a379a51e928372a7e994e0fadbaca821.jpg (463x750, 38K)

look like a monkey wearing a wig

Have sex.

i have the same exact haircut with the beard as well
my beard is not as done as this one but short hair and long beard
figured the less i have to stress about (in case my hair and beard) the better my life is

With your own kind?

Attached: 521EDCF0-7038-4A18-A5F8-80847CA4619E.jpg (844x570, 235K)


the good barbers are closed on monday but my flight to NYC is tonight. Looks like I'm going to a New York barber


Don’t listen to anyone here, OP. That’s shit is fresh as fuck. Fades attract bitches and makes you look tougher

my fav was on 9th and 23rd in chelsea..... go where the homos go... a bad barber cant' stay in business in a gay neighborhood

imagine shaving hair from a already receding hairline. seems like being a bit proactive

>seems like being a bit proactive

i hate faggots like you in class

>That’s shit is fresh as fuck.

that sentence tells you all you need to know about what kind of people like this haircut

no, hes puerto rican. puerto ricans look white but have thick hair almost like afros. very strange

Too scared to get a buzzcut
Too self conscious to look like shaggy
Probably is trying to impress a black girl



Too much fade. It would look better if his beard connected.


"How would you like your hair, sir?"
"Aight famalam, make me finna look like that Drake nigga, fuckin LIT, nome sayin, fo shizzle"

Low income urban haircut

I used to have a beard for years, thought it was a great way to hide a terrible chin. But beards like pic related don't look very good in pictures. Looks messy and unclean. Since then I also lost a lot of weight and the beard actually made my chin look softer and less defined from the front view.

Attached: how-to-grow-a-beard-gq.jpg (1837x1296, 476K)

Looks like an NPC haircut


Looks like he's all prettied up for his court hearing.

I thought it was a courtroom photo desu.

just take the buzzpill fags

White boy with nigger envy

Clean af, id pay 40 for that

Would be better if the beard faded too but I can see how facial hair wouldn't permit it

imagine this haircut on a guy with no chin and bugeyes

All the sand niggers around here have the exact same low iq npc haircut

Very lower class

Attached: hairstyle.jpg (600x600, 31K)

i think that idiot probably paid $30 for that haircut and that i save on avg $650/yr by buzzing my own head. this guy is clearly at a lower networth than i am. spending money like hes a woman.


product for this style? tried it b4 and couldn't find balance between solid, immoveable lego hair and greasy, flat slimeball hair

well i love you little nig

t. salon owner

Thumbs up
Julius Caesar would approve

ty daddy


Yeah, use a product with strong hold and good volume. Apply to hair after shower WHILE THE HAIR IS STILL WET and blow dry it into place. Finish with hairspray if you're really try-harding.

Attached: baleful5.gif (285x210, 1.84M)

Same shit everyone else wears these days.

same fucking penis head haircut like all the niggers

>Asian ever being chad

At least Turks and middle easterns are masculine and have chad qualities.

Dense Arab needs to go back to turkey

Attached: 1545615200602.png (561x480, 470K)

That guy is 100% white

haircut says he wants to be black or admires *black culture*

beard says he wants to be perceived as tough and manly.

both together = the ultimate gayboy poser.

nice gay ass skinnny korean haircut you got there bud