Wait, so ChainLink isn't going to SIBOS, but QNT is?
What the fuck?

Attached: 1566432430729.png (1202x1340, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought this was a scam, but fucking GARTNER named it Cool Vendor? And they have a ROCKEFELLER on the team???

Attached: Guy.png (956x494, 231K)

QNT paid to get a booth at SIBOS using the Oracle Startups partnership.

quant is being used by oracle just like link. quant is going to sibos just like link did. quant ceo actually answers questions in the telegram while rory and other mods delete things they dont like. there are 12mil out of the 14mil tokens circulating so the ceo cant pull a sergey. why the fuck shouldnt i go all in on this coin?


Quantards, is it too late to buy in? I repent

Attached: gartner.png (1174x732, 59K)

That's exactly what I'm thinking.
I hold 10k LINK but this? What the fuck? It's a literal illuminati coin.

why wold Chainlink go to SIBOS? They have no relationship with Swift at all except 3 years ago they won some competition for a PoC that used Swift public APIs. Nothing since.

so that means link is a shit project




Every startup. Linkies feeling pretty comfy.

page not found dumbass

Pretty huge. Im all in QNT for a reason, tech is sick

went all in 2 months ago. you idiots keep listening to fud and miss out. any halfwit that did research wouldve known this is gonna pull a x100-1000


if you bought 2 months ago you would be down dumb shit

You're all in? What the fuck? Don't you diversify at all?

Why didn't you also circle gospel technology & modum - Yeah the illegal security token that got delisted from binance.

Muh Gartner!!

Also the two other founders of the project have left (Colin & Paolo) & their chief architect JP. Theres tons more negative things that quamfies dismiss because of shillberts CV (bitmax scam, paid for "partnerships", not open source, centralised, no tier 1 exchanges.. the list can go on & on.)

Can you prove this?

> Can't click a link
You must be retarded

$100 eoy

Not sure which part but it's all out there

You can ask about the founders & jp leaving, bitmax scam photos are around - Gilbert posted it in the tg then deleted.

He also admitted to being centralised & close source in the last blockchainbrad interview & tried to pass it off as an advantage - "we don't want others stealing our tech"

The paid for partnerships include oracle startup, amazon etc. Easy to verify for yourself

Also look into the hyperledger news they released which has been swept under the rug - they announced they were leading a new interoperability branch within hyperledger which was then denied by a senior official. Nothing has come from it since & the guy who was meant to lead it - Colin left quant.

Sounds to me like you're just twisting words, why not link to your proof?

Anyone can apply to be an exhibitor at Sibos, and it's not even QNT's booth; they're going to appear at the Oracle exhibitor booth.
Chainlink on the other hand was an actual presenter at the actual conference.

There's no comparing at all.

Not to mention that thing Oracle is doing with Chainlink lmao.

Other people will probably post screenshots in this thread to verify what I said.

>Mr. Guy

Attached: 1465518662744.jpg (453x500, 33K)

>ultra high network clients
This is their fucking director in the US.
Imagine what kind of doors this fucking dinosaur must open for them.

That's it, I'm going all in.

I mean SWIFT and SIA does this together?
And Quant is going to SIBOS (SWIFT event)?

The dots are connecting

Attached: 8bfdb132-79bf-46c6-9f62-b6833e7c855b.jpg (622x1280, 134K)

The Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG) is a technical component to be
delivered as part of the T2-T2S Consolidation project that consolidates access by directly
connected market participants to all market infrastructures provided by the Eurosystem. The
ESMIG will give such participants one and the same technical set-up for accessing TARGET2 (T2)
including the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) service, TARGET2-Securities (T2S), the
Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS) and possibly other Eurosystem market
infrastructure services and applications

What the fuckkkkkkkkkk

Just take a look at this shit:


QNT is unironically fucking illuminaticoin. This is the one.

Attached: SIA.png (839x678, 89K)

I can't fucking believe I ignored this for so long just because some retards called it a scam.

Jow Forums this is the fucking one

Attached: SIA2.png (1078x861, 411K)

Quant is a SCAM. Fucking vaporware hypeware, 500 banks partnerships, 300 companies using our developer platform. You can hear it when Shillbert Scamdian speaks

Attached: 46546546565.png (1434x877, 288K)

Who cares about fucking community devs when central banks are using it

>first time at Sibos
I’m glad link isn’t there this year
Just means Quant is going to dump ala link Sibos 2017.

Remove the apostraphe at the end and it'll work.


Attached: 1550084748993.jpg (548x512, 69K)

Central Banks kek

It's already being dumped hard. Shilling scammers are now recycling shit from August. This shit has all the attributes of a scan ERC-20 token

No reason not to
The only reason I’m not is cause I think there’s a chance it goes lower in sats

Does this have something to do with quant?

Quant is a scam. It is centralised and closed source, and the number one thing that enterprise and govt cares about is decentralisation and open source.

It's a scam erc-20 token and you don't even need QNT to use overledger.

It's a scam and you need to sell.

Please sell.


Please sell.

>muh interoperability
Yeah user that's what everyone needs. A way for all the shit scam coins that have zero usage to all have zero usage interoperably

Imagine thinking sibos will pump quant. The absolute state of desperate bagholders. Did you faggots forget the link sibos dump of 2017?

Look at this video from 09:30:


These guys are doing shit for the US Air Force.

How much Quant is a suicide bag?

this is not about QNT and you cannot buy a bag
they didn't forget, they're just doing the same desperate shilling that probably results in 0.01 new bagholders per week.

But they are using OverLedger?

just want you to know that chainlink is partnered with both please kill yourself

200 should make you pretty Quamfy

they're actually dumb enough to fall for Telegram scams to the tune of massive amounts of money.

lmao this is the funniest fud I've seen today
Colin & Paolo haven't left you moron
>Paid partnership
Yea I'm pretty sure they begged oracle to take them to SIBOS
You seem to be mentally challenged.

Yes they will build on/use Overledger.
And they obv. have to pay a license fee.