How do we long the white race? short chinks/gooks/niggers? or short the jew...

how do we long the white race? short chinks/gooks/niggers? or short the jew. the jew is responsible for the shorting of the white race anyway. what do? i'm thinking since we are all white on Jow Forums and we become the financial elite we create a citadel where whites are royalty and every other race is our servants. anyone else?

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I'm white. East Asians - Chinese, Japanese and Koreans - I consider as equals since they are the only other race to be able to form functioning societies.

Every other race is literal garbage and a waste of resources.

short white people. im european, but white people as a whole have lost their ways. theyve become the cucks of society but bending over and letting every minority fuck them in the ass.

where my european bros at, fuck these trailer trash hickbillies.

Go back Jow Forumstard

Short Russia, long Ukrain.

>every other race is our servants
its talk like this that gives the commies the pretext to raise hell. You are only legitimizing their narrative with your speech, you can think it but keep it to yourself.
WN is about racial separation not superiority/domination

i concur. we enslave the niggers like we used to.

It hardly matters what race you are, just be proud to be what you were born as.
I'm Asian, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
It makes me sick to see white people turn on each other.
Fight for your interests and the interests of your countrymen.

>and then normal people see these comments and this general attitude coming from nazis
>see we told you they were evil and wanted to conquer and enslave all races

>Fight for your interests and the interests of your countrymen.

We are sick and tired of the niggers taking our women, the jews taxing our gains, and the deepstate attempting to take away our freedom of speech and guns.

MSM is too low IQ. They have already converted 1/3 of Americans into mindless drones that get fed out of their hands. The remaining 2/3rds must be vigilant. The kikes are very much determined to end America as we know it.

yea so start a race war right? nothing would make it easier for ((them)) to wipe you out for good. Do you have more than a few braincells? cause you're thinking like a nigger

and you're going wrong about it, if you wanna beat them start thinking and acting more strategically, cause the way you yanks are reacting its gonna be blood and it wont be just theirs

My plan was to create an virus, wich kills everybody with to mutch melanin.

>black user here
You can't take what was never had. Women aren't your property.

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bill gates foundation has weaponized mosquitos.

white people will be the first ones to agree that we have "white privelege" when infact in todays society white people are disadvantages in everything.

fuck you nigger. women are the property of whites. how dare you compromise the purity of the race with your mixed race children. of to the gas chamber with you.

Property talks about property, kek.

what is called 'white privilege' is just a superior standard of living brought by our very intelligence and nothing to be ashamed off

"white privilege" is how the jews divide and demoralize whites while feeding our children the message of diversity, and inclusion, and changing genders is normal. none of it is normal, white and white go together, black and black go together there is no middle ground. there are only 2 genders, and how fucking dare them for creating social constructs to play fucking victim. cancer on society that's what the jews who own the big media companies and Hollywood has created

And we only got that intelligence because europe was an way harder place to live then africa or america.
In america and africa food was easy to find, we needed to invent agriculture and shit like that to survive.
And you lazy bastards just chilled under the sun for milenials during our time of researching etc.
So fuck of with your "white privilege".

yes we all know this shit, what im telling you is to start being discrete about it. You are literally big mouthing in enemy territory (not talking about this shithole, you probably talk this shit irl)

we have to short 37.2% of the population in America to make it full white country like it was in up until the 1950-1970s

i do, why shouldn't say what i think, i will censored, they cannot stop me, i will not capitulate toe thew jews demands, we cannot silenced! q

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>why shouldn't say what i think
cause they will use your words and thoughts against you. When every nigger and spic think that all whites nationalist want to actually enslave them or wipe them out you're gonna have a hard time taking your country back, cause they gonna form commie militias. You see, this isnt the 70s anymore your country is fucked up you are in no position of advantage so be fucking careful with your speech, thats all im saying

i doubt that a bunch of niggers and spics have IQs high enough to over power the collective will of the whites.

There is no collective will of the whites.
Just look at the antifa cucks.

antifa cucks are not white, they are a terror organization funded by Soros.

you're not gonna form a collective of whites with that enslaving or conquering other races talk, you're gonna have half whites siding with the commies against you, cause you're giving them the pretext.
Commie group never form organically so its not about their IQ, their operations are always managed from way above including financing

Commies have zero chance of success in america the second they begin arising the US military will nuke them. Citizens will be spared.

Are you actually retarded ?

America can't fall from without, only from within the jews have been pushing their propaganda for 70 years. The population needs to wake up, when they do their anger will translate into white nationalism.

thats not how it works fren, they wont just show up with red flags, hammers and sicklers thats so last century. They'll slowly take over all positions of authority and then they'll (again sloowly) begin their wiping agenda, never using direct force but letting the demographics run its course, you get it?

not possible. if they go any further they will be exposed and that'll be the end of them

exposed and opposed by whom? most people will be on THEIR side, including whites, because they'll use propaganda against you! and you're making it easier for them with your talking!

Women are natural communists and there are more and more women in power.
Think about it.

not possible. i'm just being blunt here. obviously use common sense.

you represent the average poltard, so bold and edgy, zero strategy about their ways, thinking they can just take their country back with force when the time comes like the nazis did, as if we were in the 30s. Brainlets all of them


no we havent lost YET, but we will certainly lose if everyone see us as cringe authoritarians with a thirst for blood and conquest, use your goddamn head

i will become the 51st POTUS, when i am there the plan will begin look for me in 25 years.

>Cringe incels who can't get women with money

>B-b-but niggers!
>H-heh! Property talking about p-p-property!

Seriously, try again faggots, it's boring whenever you pull a retarded ethnostate. I hate Jews, I'm black and dislike Pajeet, you act as if every black is a chimp and I'm fucking sick of it. Fuck off incel faggot, try and get your shitty gains elsewhere.

Black power faggot. Heil Hōnkler.

this sounds like something leftists would make up. I respect white-nationalists like richard spencer who just want to separate or create their own state.

I dont respect your type who want to enslave others.

this ideology is poison for low-IQ whites like OP.

>you act as if every black is a chimp
Arent there many blacks with an lower IQ than chimps ?

But seriously, the averange IQ in many african countrys would be considered degenerated in the western world.

white nationalism is fine. you're talking about recreating slavery and shit like that. you're basically a shit-tier low-IQ Jow Forums-tard.

no that's based on studies by guys like lynn who have been exposed as manipulating their data to push their agendas.

hey guys, i found the nigger. why aren't you picking cotton black boi. by the way i already made 8 figures last cycle will make 9-10 figures this cycle with btc.

chinese and koreans lack empathy on a genetic level, they are horrible people that make dystopian societies
japs are okey

yeah japs have awesome culture, and they are nationalists with high IQ. I would say japs and whites are equal.

>by the way i already made 8 figures last cycle will make 9-10 figures this cycle with btc.
totally not a larp

This board is about making money, not some imaginary revenge fantasy. If you want to make money, emulate the people who are making money.

by the way totally not a nigger.

> wasting time worrying about white girls getting blacked

this is why you lose. most of these aren't worth the time. and the smart ones are getting chinked anyway

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Cockhole, please

gooks don't have STDs like the nigs. the STDs make generational IQ lower.

By making white babies. As whites decrease in quantity and quality and the world drowns in a sea of brown mutts, being 100% white with light hair and light eyes will be worth more than money can buy.