What does this coin do? I have bought 2 mil because people said it will be $1 soon

Attached: Reserve_Rights.png (250x250, 7K)

nothing, all speculation atm

So you just buy stuff because people tell you to? How many iProducts do you have you fucking moron?

ipod video back in the day when it came out
some smaller ipods inbetween
last gen ipad pro

so what does RSR do?

RSR does nothing until mainnet q1 2020. Just get a good entry and hold.

just buy and stash it away somewhere safe for 2 years


people were wrong... it is 0.05 eoy... sorry

x20? nice

kek you fell for the biz scam again

have fun holding this worthless erc20 token while liquidity dries up on the few chink exchanges its on

should I sell now?

No lol just hold

if you want to recoup any of your investment, yes. hodl is a meme meant to lose you money.

it literally does nothing lmfao. in a year you'll know whether you've been scammed which is very likely

Literally buying 50k more right now.

Total Supply: 100 000 000 000 RSR

is this bad?
ethereum has infinity supply and it's worth over 100 dollars

Same as XRP, which is currently $0.25

ethereum has a use case and a working product though, while rsr is a chucky cheese token with a lot of promises and nothing to show for

fair enough but if you are starting out with peanuts and want to make it you have to gamble. Cant just buy an established coin and hope for it to moon x100 because it wont.

RSR is a stake that will return cashdollars if/when the stablecoin gains adoption. The more adoption, the more RSR will increase in value. It doesn't do anything particularly special, but under the hood it's absolutely the most based economic model for a stablecoin we've ever seen. A likely contender for the 'transactional layer 2 currency' of le future.

Fud fail lol.

being an burger it makes me sad I cant invest

ETH does not have an unlimited supply.
in a few short years ETH minting will be at such a slow pace that the total supply will essentially be locked. dyor

i literally cannot get an RSR wallet address

metamask, coinbase wallet (app), ledgerx, all work

it's an ERC-20 token so it will show up on an ERC-20 wallet

How do i get my own wallet on coinbase wallet? I have MEW, will that work if I just plug that wallet into simpleswap?

the more this shit token is shilled, the more it dumps every day

Attached: 1541820856528.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Coinomi. Real easy

Coinomi doesnt have RSR?


Attached: B400F82F-3B81-4176-A93F-694DBE774907.png (750x1334, 1.13M)

Based. I hope it goes up that much

RSR is fucking cheap, m8. It’s worth speculating on hype alone

if it goes over what I originally bought it for, then I might buy some more, I only have 17k

Download it and send your RSR to it

>comparing a coin with 50% supply released vs a coin with 20% supply released
>...vs a coin with 4% of supply released

RSRcels truly are the dumbest muhfuggas

Gotcha, thank you

I don’t think coinbase holds rsr and random erc 20s seriously dont send it. If you really want try literally 1 rsr and you will have your answer.
Just buy a ledger nano s, they’re like 60 usd now. Connect that to mew, send your rsr to your ledger wallet opened through mew.

Coinbase wallet has a listing for RSR. Is there something I don’t understand here?

>Mainnet didnt launch yet
No Reservelets truly are thr most desperate crowd