Petition to make biz SFW

This board has gotten out of control.

Lets make biz SFW again

No racism
No tier 1 cuss words
No sexism
No malice
No slander
No pornography
No politics
No hate speech
No bestiality

Its time clean this place up, who's with me?

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fuck off faggot

this is exactly what im talking about

This can not and will not be tolerated any longer

is this bait?

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tamest ive seen in a while

Dilate tyranny.

Sergey impregnate me.

T. Muslim man

How dare you, you you double nigger

Bobo can't have sex without it being beastiality. We can't talk about money without acknowledging that sheklestein is a total dick. Porn is just pajeets paying their tax for shilling, don't take away their livelihood they're paid per-post.

But we should stop saying nigger all the time. It's old now, and was never funny. Niggers do a good enough job killing each other, they really don't need our help.

Stupid niggerfaggot, you have the brains of a women. I wanna kill you and every single person like you. You’re a kiked out crook. VOTE TRUMP , 1488 fuck dogs

ok now that all the freaks are out of the way..

Whos with me?

I'm on biz every day, and I'm perfectly fine with tolerating it. In fact, if you don't like it you can get the fuck out you fucking faggot

you are no longer welcome here

get it??

how man dicks did you have today?

You were never welcome here to begin with. If you can't handle a place with unfiltered speech, you need to take your faggot ass elsewhere. I hear reddit is popular with your kind, maybe check that out

im not homosexual
this girl i like from work was asking me what site i was browsing and im pretty sure she looked at biz and now she wont talk to me because you idiots keep posting stuff like this

what kind of nigger are you? did you get raped by some tranny you stupid 3rd world poorfag?

>no (you)
now that's better
now gtfo

Nek faggot

You're obviously very very new here.
Why do you come to this place and demand that we follow your rules? We have our own culture here. It may be vulgar and offensive, but that's the nature of this anonymous environment. You don't get to make the rules.

You either accept Jow Forums for what it is, or you get the fuck out and leave us alone

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You fucking brainlet faggot nigger
If you were actually talking to a female and told her you browse Jow Forums your a fucking retard.

im here to change it, if you dont like it how about YOU leave?

You idiots ruined my relationship

blames Jow Forums for him not doing what hes supposed to be doing at work, heres a hint idiot, working, scum








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Fuck off faggot cuntnigger

let me make this as clear as i can for you.

this is the way things will be now, if you dont like it you can leave its as simple as that

im fired up and ready to get things back on track

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How about you go somewhere else instead

>if you dont like it how about YOU leave?
SJW socialism is the new fascism

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I only agree with not posting girls/porn. I want to freely browse this board during classes.

You sound like a nigger faggot dyke cunt, kike. Also, fuck ALL women.
t. Trump supporter.

welcome to the team, cadet

>You idiots ruined my relationship
LMAO your gf doesn't let you browse the meanie website? Just let her peg your beta ass I'm sure she'll forgive you
You need to be 18+ to post here

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Go neck yourself, faggot.

first of all shes not my girlfriend yet
ssecond of all i would not allow that to happen
third of all i never verified my age before accessing this website so I dont know where your getting this from.

check your facts because im fired up and ready to bring some truth and light into this biz

Over 18 doesnt mean boomer

eat shit, pussy

and yes, i did apply for the janitor role here.
once i am elected all of you are in some DEEP trouble. you've been warned.

That's some quality bait buddy. Have a bump for effort

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no. let's do this instead:
1. make all boards NSFW.
2. allow loli globally.
3. make /b/ great again. remove /trash/ (should go to /b/) remove /s4s/ and remove Jow Forums.
4. have redirect to

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Kill yourself.

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>This can not and will not be tolerated any longer

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forgot the 2 most important things needed:
5. remove global rule #3 (the "mods can ban for whatever" rule)
6. disallow global band except for child porn (because if you fuck up on one board for your behaviour it doesn't make sense to get banned from another where the behaviour is acceptable, no mod know every board culture)

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If Biz was pure like you suggested, we would all be crypto millionaires.

Remember lads, no degeneracy

I'm another one here who is polite
I agree with you
but most people here are cannot get it, it's also their way of being

your best options are:
- just lurking and using filters in the catalog page
- lurking fetlife at work, so Jow Forums will seem ok by comparison. Unless you're already working in the adult industry, which will render this point ineffective.
- to remove the LCD screen polarization filter glass layer from the monitor, cut it with professional tools and apply it on your eye glasses. Only you can see Jow Forums now (search youtube videos about it)
- to investigate if she can bare Jow Forums, as Jow Forums femanons are either top tier superladies or the mirror opposite, there is no middle ground

Fuck off plebbit roastie

Fuck off

Fuck you
Fuck thots
Women are disgusting whores
Fuck kikes
And most importantly fuck Jannies

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Fuck off faggot

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reported and post hidden

Fucking nugger lover fuck

>No hate speech

You cum guzzling piece of dogshit. Get mudslime raped fuckhead

OMG kys faggot

I mean,
* superladies, in the heart
It's better than successful at work

Lets brainstorm ways to eliminate faggot niggers like OP from this earth, we need to bring the idealogy of Jow Forums into the masses.

I agree. Thread SAGED and OVER!


start your own thread then and get banned
you are no longer allowed to post in mine

this thread is for CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS
if your here to spread toxicity you can LEAVE

+1 fucking cunts need to go

Why isn’t this working?


are there actually people here getting trolled

if so that confirms /biz most gullible board lmao

This isn't twatter you dirty nigger lover.

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Listen here you shitfuck. I now own this thread. You are forever exiled from this thread, /biz, and Jow Forums altogether.

Wow. After reviewing this thread, I realize Jow Forums is full of edgy teenagers that can’t tell a post is bait.

Ahem, fuck niggers. That is all.



Likes to take one of these 8=====D daily

no YOU are exiled from this thread
the tribe has SPOKEN

White males of the upper echelon cannot be exiled in the society were building. Please see yourself out before we remove you permanently.

flags first. then end thotposting.

doesnt matter if im not white
secondly, you are done here

fuck off you nigger faggot

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>You idiots ruined my relationship
Oh really? Who was the one who told this girl about Jow Forums? You told her? You saw the kind of shit that gets posted here, and then you went and told a female to come visit us? Sounds like you're the one who ruined the relationship all on your own

>the tribe has SPOKEN
Lol a tribe consisting of just you. You have no friends here. Go back to wherever is is you came from and stop shitting up the board

>secondly, you are done here
I see loads of faggots speaking like this in arguments nowadays. What the fuck is the outcome of that sentence supposed to be? You casting a spell or something? Normally direct orders like that require respect for them to be fulfilled, a concept you seemingly do not understand. And no, sucking your dad's dick is not respect.

Should homosexuality be allowed?

Answer: No.

Based and wholesome pilled. Let's clean up Jow Forums

in the world, when a superior gives an order you are required to follow. know your place.
+1 welcome aboard, cadet

Fuck off you nigger whore faggot

kys nigger faggot Jow Forums is about making money therefore it is and shall remain a free speech board

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You know who else has gotten out of control?

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Congratulations on sticking your wewe in the Hornets nest

My mom!

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That is all

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posting in a bait thread to say the only thing this board really needs is flags to get rid of all the poo in the loos

I'm a Muslim man too and my dream is to get fucked in the ass by Sergay. Devastate my anus,. Sergey.


fuck your faggot bitch ass