Do commies realize capitalism/freedom is the only system which allows people to not work...

Do commies realize capitalism/freedom is the only system which allows people to not work? Under communism people will be forced to work (((for the greater good))).

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Do you realize that I want to work but there are no jobs opening and I don't want to starve?

Who cares what commies think? They arent even human

Based, and dare I say redpilled?

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Move where the jobs are. Start your own moving company.

Commies think they’ll get the job they want. They don’t realize that they will in all probability be forced to take the shitty degrading manual labor jobs they avoid because they’re currently full of felons/Mexicans and the work is too taxing on your health.

I used to think that way, and then I actually started getting jobs. They all suck.

Do brainlets realise that most jobs will be automated and soon no one will need to do anything? When this happens do they not realise in a capitalist utopia, 99% of the population will be obsolete and cease to exist? Don’t they know that this is what WW3 will be for?

who cares what incels think? they're just gay frogs.

>Thinking he's worth the luxuries brought about by capital without producing anything of value
>Assuming the systems which govern your technocapitalistic supersociety will allow you, a maggot, to thrive
*kills u with a drone strike*

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This is because the USA actually operates under Communism.

If people were able to freely form consensual economic relationships, no one who wanted to work would be unemployed.

Liar. There's plenty of jobs if all you need is to subsist. You're just an entitled faggot who won't swallow his pride like he will a huge cock and take a shit job. Buck up faggot, go get a fucking job, who cares what it is. I hope you starve you you double fucking faggot.

Socialism be like...

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if commies actually used logic there would be no commies.

do ypu realize that communist systems are so incompotent tens of millions of people have starved and perished as a result of gross incompetence

Automation is not magic or omnipotent. It has limits.

heres a question, is social security a socialist or capitalist concept?

this is the most retarded idea I've heard all day, it's a shit job and there's fuck all money

t. removalist

When you see gommunism threads you are dealing mainly with trolls and shitposts, the people stupid enough to actually think the system which has produced horrific suffering wherever it was attempted, will actually be better than the current status quo (as flawed as it is) are too brainlet, even for here

Better than nothing.

Socialist as it is based on stealing, not freedom.

capitalism is the only system that allows me to be a neet while dumb wagecucks feed me

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In capitalism you’re just a slave so the rich capitalist class can grow even richer off of your labor. I’m sure as hell not defending that.

They will literally defend Mr. Shekelberg’s right to outsource their job. It’s Stockholm syndrome x40

How is that bad for you? Feel free to build your own house and food and all without the big companies. You'll be a slave anyway but instead of actually having 4 hours of work a day where you can spend doing a lot of things, you can't because the big companies wouldn't provide it. Commies blame everything on others but themselves, that's why they're retarded

Thank god I am not you.

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4 hours of free time I mean. In communism you have your little free islands where work you do what's needed for the community but there's no talent or they do menial work because they can't do better because of taxes

>no one will need to do anything?
It is already this way basically. They're still gonna force you to wageslave for peanuts even if the job is useless

>if commies actually used logic
The commie leaders aren't actually commies. If you lived in a commie society for maximum gibs (which is how anyone makes money) you tow the party line and try to work up the government

No one should work for anyone else. We should all be self sufficient farmers. Some trade is ok but beyond a certain point it’s just economies of scale and exploitation.

> communism
> taxes

american """"education"""" folks

Americans don't know what communism is because of the cold war
They diluted the word into a different meaning


Death to commies unironically