Do commies realize capitalism/freedom is the only system which allows people to not work...

Do commies realize capitalism/freedom is the only system which allows people to not work? Under communism people will be forced to work (((for the greater good))).

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Do you realize that I want to work but there are no jobs opening and I don't want to starve?

Who cares what commies think? They arent even human

Based, and dare I say redpilled?

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Move where the jobs are. Start your own moving company.

Commies think they’ll get the job they want. They don’t realize that they will in all probability be forced to take the shitty degrading manual labor jobs they avoid because they’re currently full of felons/Mexicans and the work is too taxing on your health.

I used to think that way, and then I actually started getting jobs. They all suck.

Do brainlets realise that most jobs will be automated and soon no one will need to do anything? When this happens do they not realise in a capitalist utopia, 99% of the population will be obsolete and cease to exist? Don’t they know that this is what WW3 will be for?

who cares what incels think? they're just gay frogs.

>Thinking he's worth the luxuries brought about by capital without producing anything of value
>Assuming the systems which govern your technocapitalistic supersociety will allow you, a maggot, to thrive
*kills u with a drone strike*

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This is because the USA actually operates under Communism.

If people were able to freely form consensual economic relationships, no one who wanted to work would be unemployed.