Remember back when you said Satoshi invented Bitcoin?

It's so awesome that those days are gone and Satoshi has been exposed as a fraud.

Now that Craig Wright is about to transfer 500,000 Coins to Dave Kleiman and simultaneously prove that he's Satoshi, and that Satoshi is in fact a FRAUD, it's time to have a serious discussion about the true origin of Cryptocurrency. Satoshi Nakamoto is now a documented LIAR in court and will lose half of his Coins in the near future as a result of his lies. Craig Wright has already been proven as a documented liar prior to this case. The evidence is mounting that Satoshi is indeed NOT the inventor of Bitcoin. He simply stole the idea from someone else and lied about events taking place at an earlier date in an attempt to present himself as the inventor.

Even David Swchartz of Ripple XRP has replaced himself with a lookalike in the past year since I started talking about being the true inventor of Bitcoin. All the Con Artists of Crypto are exposing themselves. It appears David Schwartz doesn't even exist and never did. Neither does that patent that he claims to filed in the late 80's. That's probably a large reason the guy decided to replace himself with a lookalike last year after I started threatening lawsuits against all of these guys. I can't even find pictures of Wei Dei online, or confirm that he had a form of Crypto around 2000. It's just a Wiki page feeding people bullshit about where Satoshi got the idea.

Everybody on this board that argued with me the past year just got proven wrong this past week and I must say as the inventor of Cryptocurrency, this is sweet justice. The ONLY reason Satoshi edited blog post from 2008 is because he STOLE the idea for Cryptocurrency from someone else.

I'm David Leakey. The true inventor of Cryptocurrency. This thread is Karma.

Attached: Craig Wright edited blog post.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just sign one of the first blocks and expose Craig and all the other liars. Vitalik did it for Eth, you can too. Stop this shitshow for good before more innocent people lose money.

I believe BOTH Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman are indeed still ALIVE to this day.

I heard about Bitcoin right before their alleged deaths and stated to myself that I would be suing everyone involved with it. These people had me under microscope the entire time and new I was planning on suing them. So, they got desperate and FAKED their deaths in order to avoid consequences.

Their families will answer for their actions.

Attached: Dave Kleiman.png (1920x1080, 809K)

Did you miss the part where it's now a fact that Craig is indeed Satoshi? Did you miss the part where it was proven that Craig was caught lying about working on Crypto in 2008?

Satoshi is a complete FRAUD bro...It's a documented FACT. It doesn't matter if Craig is able to sign the first blocks. That's all irrelevant now that Satoshi is a documented liar in court that edits DATES fraudulently.

I just proved that Craig is a fraud in my first post with that screenshot. If Satoshi was working on Bitcoin in 2008, there would be no reason to lie about working on it at a later date. Satoshi just got caught editing dates on emails from 2014 to make it appear that they were sent in 2008.

Satoshi was merely the programmer of Bitcoin. I'm the inventor. His signature on the first block is totally worthless as far as proving he's the inventor, at this point. The DATES that those first blocks were mined are now in DOUBT as a result of his LIES. He's not the inventor. He's merely the programmer.

He only possesses signatures on the first blocks because he stole the idea.

Craig is objectively not satoj. Read the judge's comments and have a good Kek. By the way, I read your other posts in the archives and you are legitimately insane. Just because you claim you thought of having a limited supply does not entitle you to anything, and there's no way you could prove that. Furthermore, the real value in Bitcoin is the technical aspects such as solving for the double spending problem, Private key assigning based on the rsa curve, consensus protocols, et al.

Look at it this way...

If Satoshi stole 500,000 Coins from Kleiman's family, then do you think that just maybe it's possibly that Satoshi is the type of the guy that would steal the idea for Bitcoin?

I think a court might find pretty believable that Satoshi stole the idea for Bitcoin when he just got caught attempting to steal 500,000 Bitcoins in court.

Craig didn't steal that many coins. In order to hide the fact that he's a complete fraud he continuously lied to the court and so the court hit him with a default judgement for not complying. The court knows he's not Satoshi but that isn't what the case was about. Craig is essentially bankrupt for trying to maintain a lie and using the courts to play games.

1. The term "Private Key" was a reference to my last name...

2. I invented the Encrypted aspect of Cryptocurrency. That was my idea, as well.

3. It was my idea to call them "Coins."

4. It was my idea to use letters AND numbers and call them "addresses." I'm the reason they're called addresses. That was my idea entirely. Nobody else's.

Why are you attempting to lie and say I merely invented a limited supply? I came up with the idea entirely. These guys just programmed. A task easily done by THOUSANDS of programmers around the world every day. As there are 2,000 Cryptos in existence now. So, Satoshi's contributions are pretty fuckin redundant and mundane.

What you're claiming is that the guy at McDonald's who was the first one to make a Milkshake for customers is the inventor of the Milkshake. It's a joke. The guy just worked on my idea. He didn't come up with the idea.

He's a monkey programmer who does what he's told. They're a dime a dozen and most of them don't do shit with their abilities, but fuck up the internet.

>no, i'm saboshi!

Attached: 1562869045352.png (1092x1050, 120K)

5. I also came up with the idea for TEMPORARY ADDRESSES that change after each transaction and a system that refrains from displaying personal data attached to those transactions.

6. My original idea was to have users input their own addresses. So, that's far superior to any Cryptocurrency in existence today. Cryptocurrency as you know it is a watered worse version of my original idea. My software idea was far less centralized that Crypto today. Where the Wallets provide users with addresses that they can share with authorities.

MY IDEA WAS SUPERIOR. That's how you know I'm the inventor.

This guy is a total schizo. The levels of delusion are off the charts. What kind of retard thinks that having an idea about digital cash entitles him to anything when he put in absolutely no effort to create and push that idea into reality. The idea of digital cash has been theorized since the 80s.

>solving the byzantines general problem was a task anybody could do

David Schwartz = David is my first name

Craig Steven Wright = My middle name is Steven...
I don't even think Craig Steven Wright is his real name. It's just an alias.

No, it wasn't theorized since the 80's.

The thieves of the idea put a bunch of information on the internet claiming that it was and sheep like you believe them because the internet is your Bible. You'll believe ANYTHING it says.

You're referencing the patent from David Schwartz in 80s.

Do you realize that David replaced himself with a lookalike last year after I threatened to sue him and others? Why do you think David replaced himself with a lookalike?

It's likely because his patent doesn't exist and neither does he.

That's NOT David Schwartz....

At least, it's not the same guy that was presenting himself as Schwartz 2 years ago. This guy just showed up after I started threatening to sue everyone in July of 2018.

Attached: David Schwartz.jpg (640x426, 133K)

The average/po/ poster

Jow Forums

The NSA Article allegedly from 1996...

Easily could've been written after I presented the idea for Crypto in June of 2009. The NSA made the announcement to build their big Data Facility in Utah where they control everything that shows up on the internet in October of 2009. After they decided to steal the idea for Cryptocurrency from me. That way they could put all this bullshit information on the internet about the origin.

Notice the DATE of the article highlighted in blue. June 18th, 1996. My birthday is June 8th. So, they're making a reference to the birthday of the inventor somewhat. That's a little too close for coincidence.

Attached: June Date NSA.png (1920x1080, 236K)

You're like the average citizen of China.

Totally brainwashed by the internet the NSA now controls. They put a bunch of fake info about the origin of Crypto on the internet and like a little Chinese Boy you believed them without question.

I can't blame you. There was no reason to question the info. People in China are smart and even they get fooled for this reason. When there's only ONE person that can point out that they're lying it's impossible for ANYONE else to realize that they are lying unless that ONE person speaks up.


I've spoken up.

I posted the idea for Cryptocurrency in June of 2009 on Godlike Productions. That's the origin.

In October of 2009, the NSA built a $2 Billion facility to control the information that shows up on the internet. They can actually dictate what people see on the internet at this facility. Show you fake Google search results, redirect people to their fake mirror sites. etc. It's not just a Data Mining Facility. It's a Data Manipulation Facility. One they decided to build only a few months after they decided to steal the idea for Cryptocurrency from me.

Attached: NSA Data Center.jpg (630x280, 50K)

Oh god, not this literal schizo again

Ok, i’ll play this strange game.
Explain digicash(1983) Bitgold, hashcash, & egold. All of which are digital currencies that were theorized, developed or partially deveolped far before anything to do with Bitcoin. Which have far more proof of existence of anything you are claiming.

Also, what kind of retarded argument is “david schwartz replaced himself with a lookalike so I can’t sue him.” You could still sue david Schwartz you schizo, no matter whoever is claiming to be him.

Not even going into your other posts, way too insane to even engage.

Are you a khazar?

So, I post the idea in June of 2009 for all to see...

In October of 2009, the NSA announces the construction of a $2 Billion facility where they control EVERYTHING that shows up on the internet. Then, they "leaked" an article years later claimed to be from 1996 where they detail my idea in it's entirety. It was planned out ahead of time.

That Utah Data Center was built strictly to protect the thieves of the idea for Cryptocurrency, post fraudulent information regarding the origin of Crypto, and censor ME when I showed up to talk about it.

Attached: NSA Press Announcement.png (1920x1080, 464K)

the absolute state of a corecuck losing his mind.

just like the twitter/reddit guy that only writes with hashtags

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_thomasbrewster_files_2015_12_Screen-Shot-2015-12-09-at-14.21.53-1200 (960x466, 429K)

>Explain digicash(1983) Bitgold, hashcash, & egold. All of which are digital currencies that were theorized, developed or partially deveolped far before anything to do with Bitcoin.

I already did explain all of that. The NSA put a bunch of fake information on the internet. They're ALL lying.

Explain why NONE of those concepts turned into Crypto until 2009 if those actually existed in 1983. The ONLY logical explanation is that they didn't exist in 1983. The thieves just lied and said they did.
When I presented the idea for Crypto in June of 2009, I was Cannabis Grower paying the bills with the weed I grew and I thought up Crypto as a way to invest my "Hash Cash."

Get it? Hash Cash. That's a direct a reference to me and the term NEVER existed prior to June of 2009.


Also did anyone miss his last thread? It is a literal case study in schizoid delusions, gold mine for a psychiatrist - everything you read about in the textbooks is there.

Here it is, have at it:

How many drug dealers on the Dark Net do you think would've used Bitcoin if they knew it was invented by the son of a DEA Agent?

The paranoia alone would keep most Dark Net Drug Vendors away from Bitcoin. Not to mention, drug dealers aren't too enthusiastic about investing in an asset that would benefit the son of one of their most hated enemies. I honestly believe that's a HUGE part of the reason they decided not to tell me about it when they programmed it in 2009. They knew drug dealers would likely stay away from it and they thought that would cost them money, as a result. Hence, the reason they cut me out.

Well, I'm here to COLLECT.

>still not sure if elaborate larp or genuine schizo

Attached: +_2bb1f41b159056bcf7c200c370302c1a.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

You know accusations of Schizophrenia are text book Deep State tactics, right?

Way to reveal yourself...

After I win in court against Satoshi, I'll show you my wallets with the Coins.

Ok, so did you have any formal contracts with these people to develop your idea? Any receipts for work? Any saved communications? If not, you have no case. If so, lets see them

>schizo Satoshis > dull fat fraud Satoshis

Attached: Comfy_guy[1].jpg (197x190, 29K)

Right but in this case it's actually true.

Tell me, have you asked anyone in real life, who is not a "dEeP sTatE oPerAtive" whether or not they think you are a schizo? Anyone around you? Friends, colleges, acquaintances? What do they tell you about your mental state?

>I'm David Leakey. The true inventor of Cryptocurrency. This thread is Karma.

okay, that was funny

"Gemini Next Generation Bitcoin Exchange"

Coincidentally, Gemini just happens to my astrological sign. Oh yea...And, the Winklevoss Twins sued Mark Zuckerberg for Intellectual Property Theft over Facebook.


I'll be suing Satoshi and friends for Intellectual Property Theft, as well. All these funny "coincidences." You think the Winklevoss Twins were trying to tell people something??? Like...that the idea for Bitcoin was STOLEN just as the idea for Facebook was stolen from them.

Attached: Gemini.png (300x114, 16K)

how? he's being held hostage

Attached: 1556873109344.jpg (248x189, 15K)


If I posted the idea first (which I did), I'll win in court. Godlike Productions will have the posts saved and if they don't they'll be charged with destroying evidence in a legal case. They better have those fuckin posts, or people at GLP could be in trouble.

Godlike = CIA tho
well-known FACT
you NEED to concentrate on suing creg. Just get him in a courtroom, you'll win by default

There are medical professionals in JAIL right now attempting to classify me as a schizophrenic. We're arrested psychiatrist in Dallas for helping the Mafia pull that bullshit.

You can go visit them in County if you'd like.

Attached: WIN_20190710_14_54_36_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

So you are telling me you had no contact with these people who you believe actually put in the work to create bitcoin, and the entirety of your claim is that you made a forum post which you don’t have in your possesion that outlines a digital cash model. Does this really sound sane to you?

You're probably right, but GLP should have those posts. With all the Legal Issues forums have faced in recent years, a place like that should never be void of posts in a database.

There are shooters allegedly showing up on these boards and for them to not have posts in their database would probably be a criminal offense for a Judge under those circumstances.

>this thread

Attached: FC2D88AC-03AB-4ED7-B397-DBD658CFF48D.jpg (607x505, 44K)

GLP has the posts and if they don't they'll go to jail for destroying evidence.

I didn't outline a digital cash model. I came up with the entire Cryptocurrency idea. Minus mining and Hash Cash verification. Which, were expansions on my idea.

So, I invented 80-90% of Cryptocurrency.

GLP wouldn't delete my posts, if my posts weren't evidence in court. Their actions prove that everything you're saying about contracts is total bullshit.

I love how you guys put effort in your fud and shit.
Linklets should learn from you how fud is created.
>some heartwarming story
>hint of major accussation
>accusation without tellin, but it's in the image
>keep talking about boring nonsense, but your goal it for people to read the image
>Post it
>fud complete
>0 evidence, 0 fails, nobody ever asks to prove anything
>it werks

Attached: 1509740434327.jpg (366x378, 124K)

Post the court dockets from your case(s).

>who you believe actually put in the work to create bitcoin


The idea was presented in June of 2009 and went online in November of 2009. That's not a lot of work AT ALL. The financial benefits of that SMALL AMOUNT of work, were only obtained because I provided them with the idea.

Not one single programmer of Cryptocurrency would own a single of Coin of Crypto if I didn't give these NERDS the idea for it. Most of these retards were inventing "Nip Alerts."

it’s anudda schizo thread

>Post the court dockets from your case(s).

I'll be sure to do that after I file the case. Which, will require sites like Legal Match from censoring the case first in order for me to contact an attorney.

Attached: Legal Match listing.png (1920x1080, 228K)

>this thread brought to you by (((blockstream))), aka the bilderberg group, aka the federal reserve

Attached: blockstreamscam.jpg (938x716, 121K)

>Did you miss the part where it's now a fact that Craig is indeed Satoshi?
> It doesn't matter if Craig is able to sign the first blocks.

(((blockstream))) btfo

Attached: craigwrightandkleimanaresatoshi.png (818x982, 414K)

It's only the BIGGEST Intellectual Property Theft case in the history of mankind and Legal Match is only the BIGGEST Lawyer database in the world.

It's not shady at all the my case has ZERO Lawyer Views.

>1. The term "Private Key" was a reference to my last name...
>2. I invented the Encrypted aspect of Cryptocurrency. That was my idea, as well.
>3. It was my idea to call them "Coins."
>4. It was my idea to use letters AND numbers and call them "addresses." I'm the reason they're called addresses. That was my idea entirely. Nobody else's.
>What you're claiming is that the guy at McDonald's who was the first one to make a Milkshake for customers is the inventor of the Milkshake. It's a joke. The guy just worked on my idea. He didn't come up with the idea.

You act like coming up with the idea of the milkshake means you invented it. I can dream up all types of shit, I'm not the inventor of any without doing real work.
oh you're nuts, got it, nevermind
Wright isn't satoshi btw it's probably finney and Szabo.
>I can't even find pictures of Wei Dei online, or confirm that he had a form of Crypto around 2000
holy fuck, maybe cause you spelled his name wrong
"In 1998, Dai helped to spark interest in cryptocurrencies[9] with the publication of "b-money, an anonymous, distributed electronic cash system".[10] In the paper, Dai outlines the basic properties of all modern day cryptocurrency systems: "...a scheme for a group of untraceable digital pseudonyms to pay each other with money and to enforce contracts amongst themselves without outside help"

Attached: Weidai.png (220x221, 66K)

Thanks for proving my point. You show clear signs of paranoid and grandiose delusions. Get help dude.

Attached: delusional_disorder.png (1100x753, 123K)

nice email addresses in that screencap user

Wrong, it was announced in 2008

Attached: 2008.jpg (477x212, 25K)

Yea, that probably won't happen any time soon.

Too many alt coins out there for people to switch to and devalue their Coins. It's more logical to keep using Bitcoin since it attracted all the attention and money over the years.

You could save on fees with other Cryptos, but you might give those fees back in lost investment equity since nobody will be using them and brining more money into the system.

>hasn’t even filed a suit
Got some bad news for you buddy. The statue of limitations is well expired, even if you DID have a patent LOL.

-title 35, Section 286 United States Code essentially provides that an infringment action can be commenced during the term of the patent plus six years

>You act like coming up with the idea of the milkshake means you invented it. I can dream up all types of shit, I'm not the inventor of any without doing real work.

I don't think that way at all. It's actually a fact. That's how Intellectual Property Works.

How much work did the Winklevoss Twins put into Facebook? Oh, that's right. NONE. Yet, they were awarded MILLIONS in court.

Funny how that works. Well, actually it's not since Zuckerberg never would've worked on Facebook if it wasn't for the Winklevoss. Do you understand how the Legal System works? Previous documented cases determine opinions in Legal Matters. Not opinions.

The opinion of the courts was that the Winklevoss Twins were partial inventors of Faceook and they awarded them money for it. As will I be awarded. Only, the difference is that there were no previous Cryptos in existence prior to Bitcoin. It was an entirely independent idea unlike Facebook. Which, was just based on Myspace.

Crypto was entirely my invention. The difference between Wei Dei and me is that I'll sit down a take a POLYGRAPH test. He won't.

>uck, maybe cause you spelled his name wrong"In 1998, Dai helped to spark interest in cryptocurrencies[9] with the publication of "b-money, an anonymous, distributed electronic cash system"

So, he invented a Crypto and then didn't do shit with it. That makes perfect sense. Just like Schwartz in the 80's, and all the other fictitious Cryptos in existence prior to June of 2009. They all just GAVE UP on the idea and let Satoshi get rich on it.

Nothing you people claim makes any sense at all. Nobody would invent an idea and let someone else program it when they have the knowledge to do it themselves.

Will Dai sit down for a polygraph test? I till GLADLY.

The Winklevii PAID Zuckerberg to do the coding. Thats why they had a successful case. You say you have ZERO interaction with the people who invented Bitcoin. Do you understand how the courts work? Cleary not! You haven’t filed your case after 10 years!

>-title 35, Section 286 United States Code essentially provides that an infringment action can be commenced during the term of the patent plus six years

Well, the thieves Anti-Trust Laws and preventing me from getting into contact with Attorneys. So, an extension will indeed be granted.

Where are there patents at exactly?

Craig didn't apply for one until 2016. So, what are you talking about?

>legalzoom is the only way to aquire a lawyer in the 21st century
At first I thought this was a schizo, now its clear this is just a boring larp! SAD!

Phone calls are redirected...So are emails...

I refuse to hire an American Attorney as the US Government is a participant in this SCAM clearly. So, I won't receive a fair trial in the USA. I'll have to file elsewhere.

Obviously, my case on Legal Match is being censored.

Care to comment on that fact?

are you gonna ignore it because you obviously didn't know the fact?

Not only will I win the Bitcoin Lawsuit...

I'll destroy EVERYTHING you piece of shit hackers have done. Redirecting phone calls, redirecting emails, redirecting to fake mirror sites. etc. You'll have nothing left to do when I'm finished.

All of your mechanisms will in fact be dismantled. I'll likely be given a Nobel Peace Prize when this is over.

What are you talking about?

There was no patent filed before 2016. Craig (Satoshi) didn't file for any patents until 2016. Where are you getting the notion a patent existed before 2016?

Are you going to link to some more fake articles you programmers just created in the last 10 minutes? lulz

can you even read? stop ignoring it.

you obviously don't even know when bitcoin was announced.

>are you gonna ignore it because you obviously didn't know the fact?

Are you gonna comment on the Legal Match listing and the blatant censorship of it?

Why would there be ZERO Lawyer Views on a the BIGGEST Intellectual Property Theft lawsuit in the history of mankind.

>you obviously don't even know when bitcoin was announced.

Actually, I do because I'm the inventor. It was June of 2009 on Godlike Productions. That's the origin.

Any other claim of origin prior to that date is merely fraudulent information put on the internet to brainwash guys like you into thinking the thieves were the inventers. When in fact they were the thieves.

Because you are literally delusional and nobody else shares your view on reality.

NSA edited his post, what he said was 2008 I saw them edit it real quick it said 2008 at first

it's the mailing list. can't fake it.

Well, that announcement was made by a guy that edited blog posts in 2014 to make it appear he was working on Crypto in 2008.

So, your screenshot is far from being factual under those circumstances. The announcement was made by a person with no credibility and the date of the announcement is now in doubt, as a result.

Hence the reason a Judge in Florida is forcing Satoshi to turn over half his Coins. It's because he's a documented liar with ZERO credibility. That's the person that made the announcement you just posted.

Yea you can. It's just a fuckin screenshot.

Are you serious? That's all it is in reality is a screenshot with a date. A date presented by a documented LIAR who edits dates. He was proven in court to have edited DATES on emails and you think the date on that screenshot has significance?

Wake up guy. Satoshi is done for and so is anyone who supports him. A year from now Satoshi will be in history as a SCAM ARTIST just like Bernie Madoff. There'll be no difference between to the 2 guys. Just 2 criminals in the same boat.

Here's a screenshot for you. One you can't fake at all.

Attached: Screenshot (1836).png (1920x1080, 537K)

So, after Satoshi has been conclusively caught in court editing dates on emails, you think a screenshot from a private mailing list in 2008 is credible?

No court in the world will agree with you guy. It's over.

here you're saying you can fake e-mail date.

here you're saying you can't because you will get caught.

so which personality of you should we trust? A or B?

You think I'll actually get Man Of The Year?

Attached: Time Magazine Cover.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

>1. The term "Private Key" was a reference to my last name...
Epic, simply epic

Attached: cat.jpg (367x446, 41K)

Here's the link for you, then.

It's a real screenshot.


we're talking about an email from the mailing list where it got announced... not your article.

you claimed it was announced in 2009 when in reality it was 2008.

Why are you same fagging yourself? What the fuck kinda of schizophrenic AI is this thread?

>BSVjeets, having finally admitted that craig is not satoshi, now pretend to be satoshi themselves

Time Travel was the reason I invented Crypto...

Mafia people were using Time Travel and the financial grid to track me (and people like me) down as far back as 2005. Had people working jobs before I ever decided to apply for those jobs. They were just waiting for me to get there ahead of time in management positions for a year prior.

Time Travel is actually a very real possibility in the Bitcoin Scam, but it seems mostly the thieves just lied about the origin. If they used Time Travel they would've gone back way farther before 2009 to invent Crypto.

I doubt they'd allow Time Travel to be used to steal the idea for Crypto since they knew it would be so popular. The risk of Time Travel

Yea, that announcement is a LIE.

They simply showed you a fake date. A lot of people are participating in the lie. A lot of money to be made by doing so.

The Nazis ran concentration camps without the population even knowing about them. That's a much bigger scam with a much larger group of participants. Think of Crypto as the same way. All of these people are fuckin liars.

nah, he is a corecuck that lost his mind...

he previously said that he's being held hostage, every image of cities he uploaded get edited by CIA and had contacts with aliens...

No, Craig is Satoshi. I can't wait until he transfers those Coins to Kleiman so this stupid fuckin Satoshi bullshit can finally be put to rest.

I can't wait until the day I never hear Satoshi's name spoken again. The origin of Cryptocurrency and the actual inventors are David Leakey and Craig Wright. I'll give Craig partial credit for sure.

>he previously said that he's being held hostage

I never said that.

I'm being cut off though. That's for sure.

I see buildings around me that don't show up in satellite images. The angles of all the buildings and streets. have changed to hide the fact that the Sun sets to the Northwest in the city of Dallas I'm located in now. Which, is NOT the real Dallas Texas.



Attached: Fake Map.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

faked i guess, right?

Attached: david.jpg (1887x237, 68K)

This can't be an AI - if it were it would have historical knowledge to make it's schizo-spergs at least plausible.

David Chaum invented digital cash in the mid 1980's. Bitcoin wasn't the first. BTC brought us strong decentralization with an unpermissioned network.

Not your keys not your crypto

Sorry Bro

Attached: 83.jpg (1024x683, 142K)

ROFL! That's such a brilliant cap xD

That was 2 weeks after a War broke out in Dallas Mexico. The situation is different now. I wasn't sure what was happening back in March.

They were trying to kill me that week. There were thousands of gunshots for 4 days straight. I have military units protecting me. Cartel guys were making death threats at my dad's house in Spring of 2017. Military flew 2 Cobra's over the house at low level as a threat towards them.

Attached: Gunships.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

We'll see what a Judge has to say...

As opposed to a Junkie on Jow Forums.

Given that my Legal Match listing is being censored, my chances in court must be pretty good. Why not just allow me to talk to Lawyers if what you say were true?

>That was 2 weeks after a War broke out in Dallas Mexico. The situation is different now. I wasn't sure what was happening back in March.

I wasn't even the only one that reported the gunshots on GLP. Another guy was in Dallas Mexico too and he didn't realize it. That means he was teleported down there without his knowledge.