How do you successfully invest in women ?

how do you successfully invest in women ?

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you don't

modern women? you don't.

lets get some real answers here

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Too late to invest

Short with 100x leverage

Invent some brainless self confidence and low iq app like Instagram or tinder

Choose one faggot

do these hoes just want a dude with money and some internet followers

depreciating asset, rent don't buy

only thing you put into them is your dick

Basically short them by pimping them out on camwhore sites or as escorts until they get old and busted, some of the top camwhores are apparently making seven figures a year

get a prenup and install some titties i guess.

they are unstable with a high rate of depreciation, therefore you don't invest in them

Easy, start a business that sells fake vagina tightening cream to women.

What are they going to do, blast it all over social media that they tried your product and their pussy is still loose?

Based and roastpilled

>investing in a depreciating asset

my wife works and I neet @ home and take care of the kids. did i invest well?

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Sell kitchen supplies.

Take them young.
Become manager with 10 years exclusivity contract.
Enhance them if they need it (with good surgeons) to make them 11/10.
Sell the product while it last and profit.
Repeat after end of lifecycle.

The 7-10s do

i wanna kms for buying my ex girlfriend diamond jewelry. you will never get that shit back fellas, DO NOT buy women expensive shit. call me a retard but im very young and didn't know better until now

I did something similar and was also a young cuck too, it wasn't diamonds though lel I was a poorfag. But I learned my lesson.

1000000 IQ

You have to accept the fact that women today are stupid, selfish, unloveable whores. Even if you find one, they will be unfit to raise your children. Ignore them and pay for a surrogate after you make it.

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women are only good for one thing
those shitty cumster can't even raise a child if not guided.

the only way to make money with women is to rent out their one thing they have

>he hasn't read that classic
why pay when you can just put sand

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invest, lol.

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Go for PhD girls.

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Dont invest in high mileage models
Short term flips for low mileage ones
Only consider buying if never ridden before