My fucking wagecuck fast food job is humiliating and just breaking me down...

My fucking wagecuck fast food job is humiliating and just breaking me down. I have no experience so I can't get a real job and I can't get experience because no one will fucking hire me. I graduate with double major in management and econ over a year ago and no one will fucking hire me

What the FUCK do I do bros?

Attached: bklonz2paul31.jpg (612x612, 58K)

Sameish spot. I'm a security guard. They literally pay me to stand in front of a door. I feel fucking retarded.
Maybe I'll make it with crypro and won't have to worry about it in the future..

Try lifting more and looking aggressive. A family member of mine was shot and killed doing that shit. Best of luck.

Why don't you work for a real restaurant.

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I was a casino worker, DCA BTC for 3 years and an altcoin every once in awhile. I quit recently to do crypto

what kind of door? whats inside the door?

No one knows that's the beauty of it

Try applying for factory jobs. There's less competition for those because many people can't handle them.

Even I don't know.. but every so often, I hear laughter of children.

>I quit recently to do crypto

Move to where the jobs are and an undersupply of workers.

Pizza delivery if you have a car, janitor, security guard depending on the kind of security job it is (you don't want the user's standing in front of a thing kind of security job).

I worked as a night janitor in an office building for a while. Pretty comfy. I would show up around 7pm, vacuum all floors, clean bathrooms, clean windows if they needed it. It was quiet, I listened to podcasts and books on tape. Decent pay too. Cleaning a gross bathroom can be unpleasant but the place supplied practically a full hazmat suit worth of gear and death to all bacteria within 50 miles strength chemicals.

Depends on the factory. This is the route I kind-of took by accident. It pays okay, but boy-oh-boy does it blow sometimes. One of my mistakes was being salaried exempt so I don't get overtime. My other mistake was pic related.

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Of your going to be a wage cuck, (and this doesn’t apply to you because you have a degree.) i cant stress enough that you need to change jobs every year or two and get something higher paying even if its a dollar even if it requires moving do it. This is my story
>16 washing dishes 7.60 a hr
>20 working at mcdonalds 8.50 a hr
>20.5 get promoted to maintenance 9 a hr
>21 do janitoral work 11 a hr
>23 get a job framing houses 13 a hr
>24 get a job doing factory maintenance 14 a hr
>25 become a janitoral manager 15 a hr
>28 become a janitoral crew leader for a different company 46k a year.

It takes time but if you do a lot of different things and always look for higher paying work and have a resume and work experience to lay back on your golden. You won’t be rich be you can get to middle or lower class in about 8 years if your lucky.

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you have a fucking degree in management and econ, work it out dipshit, start a food truck or some shit, at least you have some sort of experience in that field of cooking and selling food, look for hardworkers that you work with and hire them

I want one of these alien babes
How do I get one?
Also, I'm 30 and I'm at stage one of your plan

Tattoos are a big red flag

I bet they do occult sacrifices to summon an AI god in there.

user. I'm 30.
I can't just wait around for the PERFECT alien babe to just fall into my lap.
I've got to hedge my best a little.

Def. Pump and dump
Kek a real kafka story
: Guard protecting evil or nothing at all and suffering endlessly for it

Only way to make it is by applying yourself. If you work for someone else you never make it. You should stop thinking in terms of oh my god nobody will hire me and start thinking in ways ie. Which one of those losers will do the work for me whilst accepting the smallest possible paycheck.

This works in any niche. My friend brought together a team of niggers and is building scaffolding. Never does any actual job, just gets niggers to do it.

I am doing the same in the lawn mowing niche. Get 2 to 3 poor niggers and pay them minimum wage. You need to make them feel like they are your friends and you enjoy their company.

Never work again in your life. There are 100x more slaves in the world than people who are willing to use them. Think about it.

This isn't Jow Forums, you can stop using the n word and especially addressing your employees as slaves. What is wrong with you?

Just try and apply to many different other jobs. You'll get accepted eventually. You won't have experience if you aren't doing anything. Same with women ;)

if you don't want to be 40 at stage one, then fucking apply the plan already. its never too late to do something

Security work op I was a fast food restraunt manager for 3 years now I'm on security it's a million times better I'm paid to sit in a room and watch cameras/alarms im on my phone the whole time started at 15hr now at 20.50hr in like 6 months. I dont have to interact with anyone for 8 hrs


Most of the time, "can't handle them" is less of an issue and "job sucks ass" is more of an issue. In factory jobs, overtime is mandatory, hours are bad, your coworkers are felons and other types of animals, etc. etc.

You weren't subtle enough otherwise you'd have 10 replies by now

IKR, of all times to get into crypto..

>not walking right to the manager of your dream job, shaking his eye and looking him in the hand.

That’s pride fucking with you. Pride never helps, it only hurts.