We already know 1k EOY boys. If you know you know.

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Funny shit. Still didnt sell.

Attached: 20190717_224240.jpg (1056x1502, 596K)

My Linkies stay super stinky 1000000000 EOY

Attached: inarow1.gif (500x500, 70K)

lul wut

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 1.38.12 AM.png (1280x800, 58K)

you just win cheggum

what do you want to tell us with this, user?

kys ov corse lol nah m8 we in et

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 1.14.57 AM.png (1280x800, 468K)

Bump this thread

this cracked me up, thanks.

fuck my fuckin ass titter nigger!>>>>... WOW!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 2.26.16 PM.png (256x498, 325K)

brb smoke... i think? lol

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 1.56.45 AM.png (372x179, 33K)

Codnt agree wid ya muur m8 we pamp soon


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 2.09.54 AM.png (1280x800, 269K)

do you even?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 2.12.26 AM.png (1280x800, 238K)

I thought I was looking at pepe the frog. I'm losing my mind.

>do you even?
Hello Joshua Seth

ayyyyye mafuckkkaass!!!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 2.15.12 AM.png (1280x800, 464K)

Joshua Seth Wheeler go to bed

ughhss... lolz harry, who up rn?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 2.17.22 AM.png (1280x800, 255K)

Checked but that's not my name Joshua Seth Wheeler. Where are you from?


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srsly tho, who up n running?

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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 2.40.14 AM.png (1280x800, 324K)

lol so, sup? anyone need water?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 3.25.47 AM.png (355x346, 239K)

ded in ear eh?
when yall want it?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 3.29.33 AM.png (313x159, 9K)

Linkers are the cringiest race on earth

>>just believe
>>trust me the source
>>it'll moon anytime
>>it'll be worth 42,000,000 per link easily
trillion marketcap
>>overthrowing jews and globalism
>>muh cope
>>muh hiring team
>>muh partnerships
>>muh, muh, muh

all we ever hear from you faggots

>>an army of shills, two years of insane marketing could only barely x10 a scam
>>now that the clouds are closing, sir gay is exit scamming


>>guys i have 700 tokens of shitty scam, please how do i make it thread
>>guys my ex/gf/wife found me out, we're broke but have 50k link thread
>>all in, never selling, always HODL thread
>>just risked my entire financial stability on this token, y-you guys should b-buy too right?
>>LINK will reach 1000 END OF YEAR
>>Insider here, just keep buying!
>>Some vague company has increased profits, all thanks to chinklink!
>>some bullshit random thread to keep the link psychosis going
>>just non-stop chainlink posting

what other paid promotions am I missing?

This thread is solid proof of chainlink shilling from the chainlink team by Sirgay. Hurry up anons, report to the SEC, let's get Sirgay in cuffs already.

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