I am literally smarter than anyone on this board. Whenever one of you retards try to tell me I'm wrong...

I am literally smarter than anyone on this board. Whenever one of you retards try to tell me I'm wrong, it feels like someone with down-syndrome is trying to pick a fight with me.
How do I profit off of Jow Forums's room-temp I.Q.?

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Why do you bother posting here then?

You need us, then you're retarded too

You can start by going back here:

> (OP)
>You can start by going back here:

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user I have exactly the same feeling every time someone argues with me here.
Cheers fren.

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Only sub 130 iq brainlets think they're smart

What are you invested in? Post your portfolio?

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why surround yourself with a bunch of lower IQ? seems like a brainlet move

>How do I profit off of Jow Forums's room-temp I.Q.?
Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Only sub 135 iq brainlets say "only 130 iq brainlets think they're smart"

Both work

I never said I'm smart, I'm just smarter than Jow Forums, that's all.

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Only sub-200 I.Q. brainlets use "sub-any-number" without a hyphen to indicate combined meaning, and I.Q. without periods to indicate abbreviation.

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Yeah that is what's going on in this thread, but it wasn't until you arrived.

Here's an IQ test for you: BSV

it's probably just you

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I have an IQ of 142. I'd say it's statistically unlikely you're smarter than me but who knows.
We are both browsing Jow Forums and I for one am not rich though so...kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?

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There's a third kind, who posts shitty quotes against low-resolution backgrounds.

pee pee poo poo

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Only an idiot thinks that image is supposed to be an insult. The big-brain wojacks are actually growing out of him, so he has 5 brains. So, I'm at least 5 times smarter than you. But the brains are like 6 or 7 times the size of an average head, so I'm really like 35 times smarter than you.

I post on bz everyday and my IQ is 160, as the ssmartest poster on this baord i will tell you a litle serecet, buy LINK and you will be rich.

Sorry mate but I'm pretty sure I'm the smartiest

>im smarter than everyone
most humans think this

Nice pic newfag

This bait is so shit that I suspect all of the responses are OP using numerous VPNs.

I am smarter than you.

You are literally me on a VPN as well

>how do i profit off using my free time on Jow Forums instead of building a tech startup, of which i'm capable

>I am literally smarter than anyone on this board.

If you think that, you're really not.

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Truly smart people never gloat about it. They look to the sky and feel small knowing the true scope of their own ignorance. Their goal is never to be smarter than anyone, just to find answers. So you might be smart, but clearly not enough.
Keep searching

>muh ppooooooool
Go away


lol this is what dumb ppl tell themselves so they think they are smart, it's like the ugly duckling story

the real smart ppl tell everyone they know so the dumb will know when to listen to them

Kys dunning kruger
Your sub 90 IQ thread is nigger tier