Young women today (23 and under) are a waste of time and money for a young man. We should avoid them completely
Prove me wrong.
Young women today (23 and under) are a waste of time and money for a young man. We should avoid them completely
nope. u right
yes but boobs
I forgot to say that 100% of them are degenerate and toxic. Unless they are ivy league tier dedicated professionals
short bitches long whores
You couldn’t be more wrong
Younger women:
>less time to ride cock carousel
>more submissive
>more beautiful
>prime reproductive years
>5 different stds
>womb haunted by aborted babies
>desiccated wrinkly hag appearance
>thinks she’s “your equal” because she’s close to your age
Whenever I find myself thinking about approaching a female I remind myself that she will only love me because of my wealth, and she isn't deserving of it for that exact reason.
Bros before hoes has been advice for centuries, and it stands true today.
What else is there to women? Srsly I just want a qt to be my gf and I'm good. She doesn't have to be smart or productive. If she's cute then she's perfect for me.
>I forgot to say that 100% of them are degenerate and toxic. Unless they are ivy league tier dedicated professionals
Blackpill: women only like you for what you are, not who you are. Finding a mate is like buying a car as far as women are concerned. This one has nice muscles, this one has a lot of money, this one is a narcissistic asshole (oWo), this one makes my pussy wet. They don’t care about your struggles or your individuality.
White pill: If you set realistic expectations and don’t get carried away by idealistic romanticism, you’ll be fine. Just play the game as coldly as women do.
This is the most blue pilled psychology ever. You obviously don’t know any young females. All of them are conceited; 5s think they’re 7s and 7s think they’re 10s. Social media has made these young thots grandiose and deluded. Almost none of them are submissive unless they are virgins, and a huge number of them has had an abortion at least once. This is 2019 the age of tinder and easy hook ups, not 1980 dude.
wrong, how else can i breed that pussy?
Yep. We need to stop giving our attention to these sluts. Completely ostracize them.
They’ll come crawling back to us and in this moment we can re-establish the natural patriarchal order
Young women are “conceited” because they know they have a high sexual market value relative to stake 30 year old pussy. You just need to have a higher value than them. Start lifting. Chad up faggot.
jidf in full throttle today i see, not gonna fall for those bags you moron
i have been living with my gf for 3 years.
i took her virginity at 18
over the past couple months i started losing interest with her, i stop kissing her, dont feel like making love with her.
i think she got the hint, today she tells me she wants to move out ,after i told her i would not want to have a big extravagant wedding.
she says she feels like we hold each other back.
i kind of agree
her phone is full of my pictures, she was always so loving and kind. but i kind of dont want to do anything with her, she wants to travel the world with me, she buys me gifts and sucks my dick. she tells me about having honeymoon in santorini greece. she is obsessed about traveling and its just not that important to me. she wants a family but i dont.
she is moving out. we are still gonna stay together just have our own living space.
in my head its already over i know i lost her, it was my fault.
im ok with this.
also you are full blown delusional, probably a gymcel faggot, because girls below 22 are more interested in ottermode looking tall guys with a lot of alcohol and smoking tendencies, and 24 and above roasties get interested in bearmode or built guys, the milfier she is the more buff you need to look, baggage aside
>be young average looking male with little to no networth
>have higher value than a 20 y/o slut by going to circlejerk weight room
Seems legit
Shoot brains out with shotgun weak beta faggot loser
You right. Japan has the right idea. Just keep your head down and work until you have your life together and a stable career, then start dating for the purpose of finding a woman to marry and start a family in your 30's.
If you let her go then you did the right thing by her because you are pathetic, you accept no responsibility as a man if you don't want to have a family. I mean you don't even want to travel? Let me guess: you play a lot of videogames and smoke a lot of weed?
>when I get big muscles I’ll be a chad
lol, yup ,i wait to smoke weed everytime she goes to work, she doesnt even know i smoke weed, then i play PUBG all day long then when she comes home i tell her how much i made trading link.
30k link stack holder.
and traveling sucks bro, we have been traveling since link mooned, its just exhausting. and i cant wait to be back home. we split the costs of everything too. i know how many anons here dream of having this.
>jidf telling white men to breed with white women in their prime
exactly wat
> up and take care of Tyrone's kids you manchild
Be free, smoke weed and do fuck all if you want, don't let anybody shame you into anything. Just live with the consequences.
Its the opposite. They become practically worthless after 23.
honestly as someone who is in this age range and has had the opportunity to fornicate with women of this age group, yes.
long virgins, short sluts
This is not even remotely true, unless the man is also of a similar pedigree.
Artificial wombs when?
>women today are a waste of time and money. We should avoid them completely
>he thinks 30k link is a lot and hes wasting it on traveling
I've recently hit 20 NEET but have some money with me.
I'm in London too, I don't know much about Girls my age but is romance good or fun?
>100% of them are degenerate and toxic, unless they are Ivy League tier dedicated professionals, in which case they are even more soulless and feminist and promiscuous
Fixed that for you faggot. You clearly don’t know any
Where do you plan on finding your virgin bro? Elementary schools? Fucking idiot there are none anymore
There are no girls under the age of 30 in London. Last time I was there it was truly horrific roaming the streets
then where do i have to go?
London average age is high