Daily Reminder

>Dr. Wright and David Kleiman entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop Bitcoin intellectual property and to mine bitcoin

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dr. Wright and David Kleiman entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop Bitcoin intellectual property and to mine bitcoin

>DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers this 27th day of August, 2019, at West Palm Beach in the Southern District of Florida.


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>inb4 (((blockstream/bilderberg))) shills imply I'm a street shitter

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2020 will be big for BSV

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Daily reminder, CSW owes Ira $5 billion in Bitcoins that he never had and never will have.

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you hope he doesn't

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No, I have zero worries about him holding the Satoshi coins.

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>We (I) plan to sell a large volume of BTC for USD. This will occur on a single exchange as a rolling iceberg order followed by significant orders of other exchanges. It is expected that the value will drop signifigantly and will be matches by a 10x leveraged short.

>The network hash will be throttled at this time limiting all movements to and from exchanges. Only spending the unrecognised SegWit Txs to miners and our own Exchange TXs will be processed in blocks. All other transactions will be rejected from blocks and will lead to UTXO congestion.

>A total of 51% of the BTC network prior to the price drop will be added.

>The sale will allign to a reward halving.

>Once the network adjusts to this new difficulty, the miners would be turned away from BTC. Mined blocks will actively reject and spend all so called SegWit blocks as these are a miner gift under the original rules.

>There will be no further details at this point. Going forward, all this will be disclosed to ensure all securities and ForEx trading laws in the USA and UK are strickly abided by.

Lately I kinda feel bad for craig. He is obviously mentally ill and being taken advantage of by calvin and the others. The whole thing is fucked up.

he's way too smug and calm not to have them, i think you'll be waking up to see btc under $100 when he moves some coins at 9am uk time

Nah, he's been proven to be a habitual liar. I don't believe that he has those coins.

you sound like a grabbler

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end of 2020 is basically the time limit for craig to show that he is satoshi or not. if there's no BTC dump to 10 bucks in 2020, well, guess he's not satoshi.

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Just the other day I lost ownership of my tesla as an individual stole the keys out of my bag while I was ordering my onions frappucino. Unfortunately I was unable to verify the thiefs pgp key so I could not put out an anonymous hit on him. I returned home to tell my wife but to dismay I only found a woman at home that looked exactly like my wife but was unable to publicly sign the private key I had given her to verify our marriage claiming it had been left in my tesla. Obviously i moved out immediately as I could not trustlessly verify the identity of this woman claiming to be wife.

Some time past and one day I was lucky enough to come across my tesla. Chasing down the young man who had parked it I demanded his pgp key so that i can initiate a ransomware smart contract to blackmail him into returning the private keys of my car to me. To my great relief it turned out this young man was my wife as before I could send the gas to the smart contract he publicly signed a message with my wifes private key. In the end we all laughed, I just have no idea how we ever trusted anyone before bitcoin

What difference does it make? for all i care my down syndrome uncle created it. Its irrelevant who created it, thats why the guy who created went anonymous, because bitcoin is not to be associated with someone or some enterprise, its totally decentralized, owner free


You should have used a bonded courier


neat 1.5 hrs block of audio, you gonna be useful and give a timestamp?

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Based bear

We know what Craig does. What about Dave Kleiman and what did he contribute to the development of Bitcoin? Nick Szabo needed help with coding Bitgold. Hal Finney contributed to the idea. No way in hell Craig was the main designer of Bitcoin.

00:00:00 - 01:45:00 of that is worth it.
srs, check it out.

>end of 2020
what happened to 01.01.2020 then lads ?
let me guess, it got too close for comfort ?
and, you were/are LYING AGAIN ?
oh, my surprise

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i really don't have the time to listen to every podcast that every random person sends me. you're not even hinting at the content and have no highlight at all to recommend.

you tell me, i never said anything about Jan 1st 2020. i'm saying that something better happen before 2021.

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You cannot (srsly) invest actusl money in bsv without listening to that podcast. Give it half an hour or so. It is three lawyers discussing cregs recent court case, none of whom give a shit about crypto. Its also fantastically funny. What could you be afraid of, The Truth ?

>-I- never mentions
no, but creg did, or alternatively, Jan 2020. And the problem with plausibly changing THAT date, as he now seems to sas too near for comfort, this was booked 8 years ago with (I'm guessing here) a 'Bonded Courier' service creg couldn't name, for obvious reasons. ie, hes making the whole shit up.

JUST *listen* the podcast, come back and let me know what you think. Otherwise, you are demonstrably just another mindless bsv shill. aren't you

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I wonder how many bears are on Jow Forums

bruv just let them buy bsv. not all of us can win together in this game, we need the losers too.

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dave kleiman has nothing to do with bitcoin at all. zero input.

that's more like it, fine, i'll give it a listen

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Brilliant! Corecuck logic absolutely BTFO

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it was entertaining. but still nothing is certain of course, assuming they were honest about everything in that podcast. still up until 2021 for me. it still leans towards him not being satoshi but at the same time maybe he's acting so strange to try and weasel out of giving money. in the end it doesnt matter if he is satoshi if BSV delivers all their promises, though of course itll hurt investors. biggest loser would be calvin ayre if craig just disappear one day

side note: i think it's funny how so many BTC supporters seem to be against taxes and government but they have no problem mentioning calvin and craig's tax problems in a negative light

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Doesn't matter who Satoshi is. CSW could literally pull his dick out and live stream, while saying he was lying about being Satoshi and it still wouldn't change the inevitable outcome. There is only one thing that matters and it will happen on the true BitCoin chain - BSV:

someone post the cap that btfos this retardedbullshit I'm on my phone

end of 2020 determines if i will wagecuck all my life of buidlt on bsv

fuck you craig

>CSW could literally pull his dick out and live stream, while saying he was lying about being Satoshi and it still wouldn't change the inevitable outcome.
in this we agree at this point it would hardly change a thing

People believing Craig have mental issues.
It is hilarious seeing his lame scam works on you lemmings.

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His days in court have been a circus each and every day.

He loses on every front, not wanting discovery not want the court move on with the sue.


It's your bags in the end sailing the sea of non sense with this cockroach failing pirate.

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>assuming they were honest about everything in that podcast
- they impartial lawyers discussing actual case transcripts. I am not sure what reason or grounds they would have to be dishonest ? As noted, they have obvious (when not fucking blatant) dishonesty enough in cregs case transcripts to discuss already. And then some
>still up until 2021 for me.
on what posible basis ? If you believe creg (for whatever reason) he has TESTIFIED UNDER OATH, repeatedly, he will have access to the keys in 'January 2020'. And if you don't believe creg (for multiple very good reasons indeed), then the entire 'Tulip Trust' story is one big bag of cregshite. One of many. He doesn't have the keys now, he won't have they keys in Jan 2020. He will NEVER have the keys, Spinniing this BS out YET ANOTHER YEAR, he's been doing that already for fucking years. Enough already
>it still leans towards him not being satoshi
no shit ? but, at least you gave it a listen, fair play. EVERY potential bsv investor shuld listen to that. Because when creg doesn't hand those court-ordered bitcoins and IP back, as ordered. nChain (where the now legally undisputed stolen IP landed) be the next port of call for the legal repo men. And latest then is when this whole shitpile collapses
Pic R. - they know fine their implied assertion that this proves creg was responsible for anything is 100-pro horseshit. This is also apparent from the other 20 pages eviscerating the fat frqud they happily ignore. This 50-50 (for the convenience of having a ruling at all, given the shitfest off the case) is the last fucking straw they still have to grasp tho

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Just give up Greg nobody believes your bullshit anymore.

Gregs ABSOLUT BTFO and UTTERLY fistpumped
>how will he ever recover ?

>how will he ever recover

Unfortunately for you Greg, your Craig Derangement Syndrome and multiple personality disorder is incurable.

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damn. there just aint no foolin you, is there ?
>*avoids staring in incredulity at user's bsv shitbags*

So, how much are you paid to sit and FUD Craig and BSV on the internet all day every day? I've never seen a shill as relentless and prolific as you, so I'm curious.

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only liars get paid user
now, you know that.
or, at least you should
otherwse, there is literally no excuse for you. is there

>only liars get paid user

I know, that is why I am asking you how much you get paid.

People are too brainwashed to be receptible to facts. Maybe in 5 years they will start to understand

the judge is just giving creg enough rope to hang himself. typically, nobody would be so insane as to get themselves into the situation craig has gotten himself into. given that he could have said "im not satoshi" and then the onus would be on kleiman to prove it. i'm sure once the dust has settled psychology journals and legal journals will be doing case studies on it for years to come

these dumb fucks don't even know what the opening part of the sentence means:
>'Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(b)(2)(A)(i), the Court deems the following facts to be established for purposes of this action..'
= 'You are an unreliable fuckhead, one who can't stop fucking lying to save himself. Literally so. Thus, I am now going to default award the plaintiff EXACTLY WHAT THEY ASKED FOR, namely, 50% of the amount of coins you stated were in your 'Tulip Trust' horseshit'
- and this, this 100% by default loss, this is presented as some kind of victory by these clowns. Still, given the complete dick creg made of himself in court, lucky they never asked for 100% and a pound of flesh. I have no doubt whatsoever Judge would have equally awarded that, when admittedly with only the latter part offering any conceivable chance of collection

Who wants corrupted people leading them?
Corrupted people.

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Once bsv moons we will be putting million dollar hits on all the blockstream devs, kek.

i almost couldn't hear their impartialness under all that laughter though.
nice digits.

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I've definitely bought my ticket for the Citadels. See you there anons, fortunately only the smart people will make it.

done and ordered my ass

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Are you questioning Judge Reinhart?

He said Craig and Dave developed Bitcoin. done and ordered.


when was bit coin last mined with laptop

Faketoshi shills taking to heart the axiom that if you repeat a lie loudly and convincingly enough people will begin to believe it's true.