I'm here for the job interview

>I'm here for the job interview.

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Right this way sir...I hear you have a great taste is women.

Great. You start tomorrow. I expect at least 3 cunny threads posted to /tv/ daily.

what’s the password?

the password is fidelio


You’re overqualified. You should know that while we appreciate your extensively culinary expertise from your world travels, you will only be tasked with making cheese pizza.

Whats the other password?

okay, but i have to blow a raspberry on your tummy first

>"Geoffrey Epstein, eh?"
>"Seems like a name I can trust"
>"Welcome aboard, son"

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Welcome aboard satoj

he was a j jeffrey

Top fucking kek

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yes Mr, eh, Smith.. and what are your qualifications to be physical education teacher here at Secluded Swiss Mountain Finishing School For Young Girls ?

w-we dont really have an under 18 years old girl here, you sure about this?


Here’s your industry standard pizza related handkerchief with extra walnut sauce

Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile, and has no place at our firm.

yes ofc brother, come tell us about yourself. what is your name again?

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I wonder if he was a good maths teacher.