Why did Sergey say that staking implementation is almost done if none of the staking/penalty/deposit stories on pivotal tracker have been started.
Why did Sergey say that staking implementation is almost done if none of the staking/penalty/deposit stories on pivotal...
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link go down
Because it's all done in a private repo and then released on pivotal
The same reason he's been saying that mainnet is just around the corner for 3 years
Why would they bother splitting up the tasks on pivotal then?
Threshold signatures were never on pivotal before being released from a private repo, so why bother with staking if the stories aren't tracking progress.
project has been done for a year now, they are awaiting for regulations, the pivotal is for suckers, your post reeks of nulinker
Regulations? The fuck are you on about.
How do you know it's been done for a year? Talking out of your ass?
The pivotal has been reliable thus far
>Ari Juels calls Sergey and says that next step is ready
>Sergey says to all coders to dump certain part of the project to the pivotal next week
>then somehow there is like 60 tasks added from a private rep to the public one all at once after weeks of shitty useless tasks
>"The pivotal is reliable"
You are a dumb motherfucker
Lrn2pivotal, dumbass
Absolute fucking state of nustinkers, you are the reason no one helps out the new fags
How long for regulatory info
I was going to try and educate you all but it's a lost cause
True winners only play when they've won the moment they get on the field. Playing with the other team having any possibility of winning is a failure of preparation and evidence of inadequate discipline.
You all are sitting there holding your neet dicks praying for dollars for your waifus. Think about who actually runs the project and what the project really is. Don't you think it's funny that chainlink is the industry standard, is integrated at the kernel level for writing smart contracts and that a decentralized oracle network (link being the only one) is required for a smart contract to be legally binding?
And the network doesnt. even. exist.
If you believe the shit on the pivotal for one second you are a sucker. If you think the project hasn't been done and production ready for a year you're a fool.
The worst thing that could possibly happen to legacy banks was legislated by the EU. Watch what real winners do when faggot legislators try and push them around. They'll end up richer, more powerful and more entrenched than ever. And, oh yeah, they'll be able to fire half of their back office staff while doing it.
That's how winners play the game. Link exists for banks. You, through dumb fucking luck, get to come along for the ride. If you don't get smart you'll only be renting your money until its rightful owners come home.
copy pasta, gtfo here
Service agreements and staking are 2 separate things you absolute dumbfuck
Confirmed for cumbrain.
To summarize it for you: "service agreement" consists of two parts: off-chain Job Spec and on-chain Encumbrance.
Encumbrance includes "oracle staked amount".
Go shit in the corner.
Stop feeding the nulinkers
nustinker alert. Only believes what he sees with his eyes. Here's a tip cunt, tune into your third eye and your reality will become so much better. If not back to jebbit
I just love quashing fake news.
cus his dikz notdry.
aaayye lmaoooooooooo
360 check ayeeeeee
wos mainet'n???
lol nice 96 fgt.....
gtfo btw. our thread now.