Ultra - Steams competitor?

Bizfags what do we think of Ultra? It's been all over the board for the past few days, and it actually has some profitable rumours. I've done sone research myself, and I'm getting interested in the whole concept of fucking Gaben’s masterwork: Steam.

Forbes article

Closed beta vid

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=ultra blockchain gaming&oq=ultra blockchain gaming&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61l2.8271j0j7&client=ms-android-blu&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ibp=tpf;cl_tp:srp,ui_tp:gst&ved=2ahUKEwjV8-rXsMvkAhUJS60KHSdRC44Qp-gCKAV6BAgLEBI

Has Ultra themselves said anything regarding Ubisoft or AMD, or are these just rumours?

I can smell you from here pajeet, fuck off

Does it take over steam? No, it caters towards a whole other audience willing to play with non fungible tokens and decentralization.

It does create a whole new section of game distribution platform. I think they have a shot to succeed in this area if they play their cards right.

I don’t know man, but I think it’s a rumour which can come true - everything is about networking, and it seems that ultra’s team has a strong one. I’m gonna dig through the TG to see if there is any kind of hint

Maybe you smell your upper lip ranjesh

>Samefag as op
Fuck off with your scam coin

But isn't steam a monopoly in the industry? We should advocate for more competition to make it fairer for devs and gamers alike.

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Check the pic

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Shit this looks clean asf. Where can I try it out?

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