How many pps (pumps per second) is needed to make female orgasm?
How many pps (pumps per second) is needed to make female orgasm?
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You need to pump it for about 1-2times/sec .
For approx 6 minutes.
Not like a rabbit but for some time
vaginal orgasm is a meme. rub her clit
No, it isn’t. Let me guess, your genitals were mutilated.
let me guess your gfs always told you how good you were
>best fuck in my life
My first thought after reading this was
>haha thats fucked
Why am i like this?
Dude I have a completely average penis, a beer belly, and a bald spot. That being said, I’ve made every woman I’ve fucked orgasm from PIV sex multiple times. Circumcision is a Jewish scam.
Never made a girl squirt before huh?
you re easy to fool, probably a bsv bag holder
Start with lots of foreplay and wait until her eyes dilate a bit and she becomes a little flushed. Also It isn't the speed you pump, but the motion itself. Smooth, strong thrusts with a fluid motion. If she has a hard time on bottom, let her ride on top facing you. Have her grind back and forth instead of up and down. Make sure to shave so your hair doesn't chafe her. Suck on her milkers/grab her butt and enjoy the feeling of her riding. This method never fails me and I always cum second.
Circumcision does not disable men from giving woman orgasms. I agree it’s a Jewish scam but there’s no correlation.
>never been pissed all over
I bet it was warm
every single one
it not piss u jerk
Sorry lad, it piss.
Squirting is piss. But when you are having sex a girl can get so wet it seems like piss. It just means she is very turned on.
2 PPS for adequate female orgasm.
And yes, squirting is piss. A chick was sitting on my face once and I got a big mouthful of it.
He is clearly referring to the act of squirting or pissing all over the bed and not vaginal mucus deposits. Also you can clearly tell the difference between the two. For one “squirting” comes from the literal pee hole and has an entirely different consistency.
>caring about the woman's pleasure
never going to make it
women dont want orgasms they cum with their minds. What i mean by that is feelings. THey dont have the same desires as you.
>Women having sexual experience with both circumcised and anatomically complete partners were recruited through classified advertisements in magazines and an announcement in an anti-circumcision newletter.
so you're saying respondents from an anti-circumcision newsletter were against circumcision? what a revelation
Formula is flawed, they can cum from riding on top which is 0pps
This, I done this n I had more water on my abdomen than the pacific ocean
asians girls 1, latinas need 3 and white girls 4
It's so easy to tell which of you never have sex
it's not a meme, the key is having a dick that curves upward ever so slightly so that it hits the g spot
>Circumcision does not disable men from giving woman orgasms
If you believe that is the case, then how about you put a circumcised dick up in your ass and see if you'll orgasm from it. Then I'll give you 10 LINK if you do, but don't forget to record it.
Women can't orgasm. The female orgasm is essentially a psyop due to penis envy. This is the ultimate redpill. Go ask every close female friend to describe an orgasm, none of them will describe remotely the same shit.
>muh tingles
>muh fireworks
Every girl I've dated has told me she orgasms but I never believe 'em.