I got about 0.1 BTC in my coinbase account and I wanna convert them to ETH - where do I go?

I got about 0.1 BTC in my coinbase account and I wanna convert them to ETH - where do I go?

Attached: btc.jpg (590x350, 49K)

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transfer it to coinbase pro and buy eth on the BTC/ETH pair
Though I'd highly suggest you don't do it.

buy LINK

go to church

iS tHeRe A fEe If I sWaP mY BtC tO CoInBasE Pro?


zmarg gondragz

guys I bought 0.1 more btc with my debit card :)

this is fun! thanks guys

This is my sell signal.

1) transfer from coinbase.com to pro.coinbase.com
then go to
this is for paying less fees.

2) Your question is similar to asking
> excuse me ms receptionist in the lobby on the ground floor, is the first floor up?
I'm unironically telling you that you might not have the minimal cc brain size to support living in the contemporary society.
Please report to the nearest psychiatry facility at once. Do not fear bad looking paramedics holding professional net guns, kevlar straight jackets and sawed-off tranquillizer guns. They are your friends. Do not resist them. Everything will be alright.
seriusly, have you just discovered crypto?

guys my eth is stuck in my qoinpro wallet :(

Your honor, this way it's not even fun, I'd like to rest my case.

srs am I dead

Attached: dead.png (446x137, 3K)

wait up to 2 hours if anything arrives
I'm abandoning thread, I hope someone will help you

why can't I see the transaction on etherscan :(

next time transfer dollares and wait until buying. dont buy crypto DIRECTLY with card. You risk having price swings, shit gets blocked for some reason for a whole week just before a dump or something. and those fees...


i missread, I bought 0.1 more now :(

yeah and read twice when its about your money... like limit orders, the amount of coins. that will help you avoid fatfingering orders. consider this as a job and start learning about everything you can.

most of the same rules apply here as in more traditional forms of speculation except there are more retards and moonbois in this space.

and make sure your exchange supports stop losses at the minimum. if you dont know what that is, it's time to dyor or just leave this alone

imagine not trading your btc to eth at the bottom

>Converting scarce deflationary coin to shitty uncapped asset token
Here's to hoping this boomer gets absolutely btfo in the long run

top kek

mfw brits actually call the second floor the "first floor". The first floor is the first floor you enter.

That's the ground floor

ETH are you fucking kidding me?
Ever heard of UOS?

Attached: neets.jpg (1440x1406, 531K)

send it to the contract address, its the same for everyone:


you should receive roughly the equivalent sent back to your linked ethereum wallet on coinbase.

thanks user, just worked for me. way easier than figuring out anything through an exchange