Wanna 10-100x your cash? Help me end this company Jow Forums

So I'm going to help those of you that want to listen and make money.
To put it simply UBER is fucked.
The chart is fucked
The business model is fucked
The CEO is a fucking lying Iranian nigger
The fucking rapes
The fucking murders
The fucking lost earnings with zero hopes of a profit.

Here's your fucking proof and due diligence,if you don't believe me look them up and short the shit out of them.

>Research and download Robinhood or any app broker that lets you open options like calls and puts.
>Search Uber stock and buy a PUT OPTION that is around the current price and about a few weeks to a month out and this can be done with 50 to 100 dollars times the number of contracts you open.
>Sell when the price drops 10 dollars or more.
>Short every pop on the way down to bankruptcy
>Fuck over Iranians and Saudis that own the company

Make another thread called /UGG/
/Uber gains general/ when we all finally make it.

Please Jow Forums,kek,and all that is unholy,please assist me in the demise of this degenerate and roastie enabling company.

Let's JUST fuck thier shit up!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Images relating to news,and financials and then the chart which i play the weekly and monthly on.

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They JUST keep losing money...
Here's the financials and cash flow,what real investors look at

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And the chart looks like complete dogshit and only riding the S&P coattails on this short run-up.
Wait for the dump,then open your put and ride it down 10-15 dollars.

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He is among us tonight...

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the fuck is going on here

Already ahead of you, been shorting this for just over 6 months. Their growth in NA/EU is maxed and the thought of generating real growth in Asia is so fucking laughable at this point. Uber has been dead in the water for years, Kalanick getting ousted was the canary in the coal mine.

The truth,and the truth hurts,better open that short soon if you like money and wanna quit losing it on shitcoins.
Please I summon all dark Lord's to drop this bitch ass company on its face and then catch it ablaze.
ASSIST ME Jow Forums!

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Everyone knows uber losing money.
But stocks were growing last time i checked.
Why some $10k short should make any difference?

I work for uber eats. Fuck off incel.

I'm just trying to help y'all make some dough bc crypto fucked us all and options are where the real moneys at.
You can't turn 100 bucks into 1000 in a couple weeks in crypto fool.
Leverage is the only way.

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As do I stupid fuck I get pussy every day from my GF who also Uber and loves guns and used to be a PMC operator cunt sucker. But if you were smart Mr incel you'd realise how bad Uber is fucking but I guess your blind and didn't see those infographics dumbfuck nigger spawn

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Classic virgin rage, yikes

Are you seriously thinking that your short positions will make uber stocks collapse, or you know something no one knows?

>Woman “PMC operator”
So either a desk jockey or a barracks bicycle for the actual operators

No,are you stupid or something?
Retail investors have almost no control over that market,I'm just trying to draw an obvious short out in crayon so everyone here has a chance at some easy cash.

When they pull the rug, follow

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Nope pussy is tight as fuck,strong Christian woman

>does his research on the phone
never going to make it
but yes Uber is a good short, like $10 ago lol
OP confirmed for brainlet

It's cheaper than public transport around here.
I discorage doing this.

I have a comp I do this all on I'm just lazy rn

I bed OP is a fucking taxi driver.


nope I drive for Uber but the fuck thier drives so I make my money back shorting them and telling others about thier horrible financials.
Soon poorfags won't be able to afford an Uber after they raise rates bc they have to provide GIBS to drivers now

who cares, wall street autism will keep investing in shit companies like this as long as the underlying business is still "alive"

Fuck uber. About 6 months ago I ordered something on ubereats and IMMEDIATELY cancelled it. No more than 3 seconds after making the order. Ended up having to fight for 3 hours straight just to get my money back. That’s not what the big issue here is (although it is a big issue too), but it’s that their customer service support line has a protocol where anyone with a complaint or just any issue they don’t want to deal with gets their number placed on a transfer list. This lady pics up and basically just talks you they can’t take calls atm because they’re running system updates or some bullshit along those lines. I called from other phones after mine got put on the list and immediately got through. After making the same complaint the same shit happened. They just leave you on hold until you hang up then when you call back some fucking fat stomach roll having dothead answers and explains the systems are down for maintenance/updates. I’ve seen a lot of bullshit from shitty companies, both as a customer and employee. But this, this whole alternative call line for customers they don’t care to help, this is pure bullshit. I don’t care if I have to walk three days to get home, I will never use uber or any of it’s services again. Fuck uber, fuck the people who work for it.

> Op took an uber
> speaking to the driver about his being a chainlink holder
> got raped by the driver

They fired over 1000 employees related to customer service this year....another tale tell sign

Based uber driver

Why did you order something and then immediately cancel it you sperg. That’s what you get for being a supreme autismo

we're 28 posts in and already 7 dubs

thanks OP, shorting also imagine that was quints lol

I got 3 dubs and a triple in a row

Because my girlfriend texted saying she was cooking when she gets home. You do have a gf who cooks for you right? Haha

Your mum isn’t your girlfriend, virgin

Weird way to spell your mum virgin

>people on Jow Forums aren’t having sex
Lol back to Jow Forums it is, have sex

uber is the reason i dont need to buy a fucking car to leave the house on the weekends

why are they not turning profits? is the business model of cheap rides no sustainable?

its supposed to lose money, because it's spending it on growth... supposedly, this is because banks have NOWHERE REASONABLE to put the mountains of FREE money they get from govt.

its a QE card in the house of QE cards, it wont be allowed to fall, until the banks/govt can't stop the whole system crashing.

You're about to be fucked real soon.
Buy a car and learn how to maintain it loser

Why are they firing everyone besides drivers then? They need us more than we need them

>Buy a car

yeah no thanks, fuck you, i've better use for my money

drivers are their product, and if drivers work for lyft or go back to getting higher wages in taxis, they will have negative growth, and that will make banks pull their capital, killing em there and then

also showing you can fire 1k staff is bigballs, banker dummys lick bigballs

>You're about to be fucked real soon.

yeah uber and lyft are about to disappear real soon. and say goodbye to all forms of taxi services, no one else will ever come in to fill that hole there are never any use for taxi services in any cities in the world. and as for public transportation? heh... good luck kiddo.

t. gets zero pussy

Welp then how do you explain this dumfucker?

>CEO is a lying Iranian nigger.

Can we just invade persia already. I have lost more money to persians than I have ever lost to pajeets. I am sick of these zoroastrian niggers.

Whoops. Forgot pic related

Uber considered a itself a tech company not a taxi service and it doesn't care about it's drivers at all. It's ran by an Iranian nigger what do you expect?

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>it doesn't care about it's drivers at all
true desu. they don't give a shit. here in the uk there's not even a helping for uber eats. And whenever you email them they just send back a totally generic email with no actual reference to the content of your email to them.

*a helpline

Uber will raise it's rates so that only the affluent can afford the service,they will be forced to offer benefits for drivers which YOU will pay for...the business of cheap neet rides and nigger hotshots are soon over. You'll be forced to buy a car soon enough or pay for Iranian niggers supercars, either way Uber is fucking you.

Uber tells me how much I make and how much they make and it's truly like 3 bucks per trip

how are they even losing money? what are their operating costs?

>i need a car to get pussy

yeah buddy, i know you bang sidewalk whores, that doesn't mean everyone does

Uber eats is what's making them lose the most,when you get your food just complain and they'll comp it every time


They waited too long to IPO all the big money already got out...it's basically a bubble.

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Actually it's ran by Iranians.
Soft bank and the Saudis own the rest

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you never tell your supplier the true value of their product to you,
as the saying goes: treat em mean, keep em keen.

i want uber to tank ASAP, but its not happening soon, the capital well is too deep

They're fucked

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Yeah well I graduated top of my class in sniper school and have over 200 confirmed kills.

thanks just bought 100k

You boby building homos can never enjoy ez bantz.

Sensitive buccies