Daily Reminder

Craig Wright = Satoshi

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Daily Reminder, this lying scamming forging cunt was deemed too fucked in the head to even have a trial. SO, I award the plaintiff EVERYTHING they asked for instead. Christ, what a fucking LOSER


>Dr. Wright and David Kleiman entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop Bitcoin intellectual property and to mine bitcoin

>DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers this 27th day of August, 2019, at West Palm Beach in the Southern District of Florida.


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>Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB
cope faggot
>also inb4 you b

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>inb4 you (((blockstream))) faggots imply i'm a pajeet

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that is a default (37b sanctions) judgement, one giving the plaintiff EVERYTHING they asked for. creg is a lying forging scamming cunt, one not even fucking reliable enough to hold a fucking trial.. That is what that judgment means. This, my friends, is fucking rare. Not many bellends of cregs calibre still not yet imprisoned, no Sir. And the fact that you warped and pathetic cunts still attempt to present a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT DEFAULT LOSS as some kind of fucking 'win', its really the fucking last, the final fucking bullshit. shame yourselves, for you really are sewer monkeys

fuck off pajeet with your copypasta creg shite. IT ACTUALLY PROVES WHAT A FUCKING LOSER creg IS, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND, ffs


Behold the Saotshi Keys, irrefutable cryptographic proof that Craig Wright is Satoshi

Drum roll please:

*drumming noises*

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Just the other day I lost ownership of my tesla as an individual stole the keys out of my bag while I was ordering my onions frappucino. Unfortunately I was unable to verify the thief's pgp key so I could not put out an anonymous hit on him. I returned home to tell my wife but to my dismay I only found a woman at home that looked exactly like my wife but was unable to publicly sign the private key I had given her to verify our marriage, claiming it had been left in my tesla. Obviously i moved out immediately as I could not trustlessly verify the identity of this woman claiming to be wife.

Some time passed and one day I was lucky enough to come across my tesla. Chasing down the young man who had parked it I demanded his pgp key so that i could initiate a ransomware smart contract to blackmail him into returning the private keys of my car to me. To my great relief it turned out this young man was my wife as before I could send the gas to the smart contract he publicly signed a message with my wifes private key. In the end we all laughed, I just have no idea how we ever trusted anyone before bitcoin.

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damn right

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threadly reminder: nobody cares

>On that date, as emails were flying between Epstein’s lawyers and federal prosecutors, Bruce E. Reinhart, now a federal magistrate, opened a limited liability company in Florida that established what would become his new criminal defense practice.

>The stated address, according to Florida state corporate records: 250 South Australian Ave., Suite 1400. It was the same location, and identical suite number, as that of Epstein’s lead attorney, Jack Goldberger.


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holy shit


the level of fraud & lie's Craig has been pulling off for nearly a decade is just beyond most peoples comprehension.

YES, he's a liar.
NO, there's no Keys.
NO, there's no Tulip Trust.
He's NOT Satoshi.

Craig Wright is a
compulsive serial liar.

This is RARE and you don't run often into such people.


people are getting out of bsv...just look at this guy.

you write how pic related looks

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i seriously hate this cunt

every weak fud post makes me even stiffer

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Based and redpilled only 130iq+ can see it bsv is truly crypto Darwinism can’t wait for 2020

>can’t wait for 2020
yeah, the launch of bsv's `NewExcuses2020' program promises to be particularly entertaining this year. While still replete with the comforting and familiar 'sad old excuse but COMING SOON! in (current year +1)', I'm also led to believe, fat fucking fraud and the team will be trialing one or two ENTIRELY! NEW! excuses, for (possible..) Spring 2020 launch. If you would like to be a Beta (tester..) for the NewExcuses2020 range, please send us 1 btc and we'll send you some excuses via some shitty chink excuse for an app that re-invents the fuckin wheel (but doesn't actually work). NOTE: btc ONLY, NO bsv or similar trash, we got millions of that shit already. There are no further instructions, just give us your money, we'll provide the excuses, thanks cunt

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tulip trust has always been january 2020 brainlet

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ya better tell creg that
he appears to have 'forgotten' that detail

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BONDED KEY DELIVERY PIDGIN IS 'ON IT'S WAY' FOLKS ! Confirmed by IRPAZoEb. The streets shall shortly be paved with Tulips, Ira will be paid his $5b and starving africuns everywhere will rejoice. Oh ye of little faith, shame yurselfs !

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you need help

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YES, of course, don't we all ?
but, just for me, can you maybe get us an 'official' bsv confirm that this 'Tulip Trust' delivery date, January 2020, is still valid ? Thanks a bunch

Fucking saved.

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yeah, and what was with all that 'Tangled Web We Deceive..' poetry crap, implying creg is a fat lying perjorous cunt ? Oh right. That was the OTHER Judge. Haven't you found some tenuous bullshit to try and besmirch her good name yet ? JUST make some shit up, bsv investors are all fucking cretins who'll never notice nor fact check anyway, amiright ? Otherwise, they'd hardly be fucking bsv investors, would they !

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i'm telling you, this is not a meme

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Pedophile jew Greg obviously defending pedophile jew judge.

And water is wet.

Did you also visit Epstein's island Greg? What are we going to find out about you?

humor me a second.
why in fuck would this ridiculous attempt at smearing Judge Reinharts good name work in any way in guilty cregs favor ? Are you deliberately fucking trying to get him locked up now, or, is it all just to appease the IQ-challenged cretins still holding bags of bsv shit ?

You know it.

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>Did you also visit Epstein's island Greg?
minus points, you forgot to mention Trump, and maybe hint at a bit of Q/NSA involvement while you at it. Its odd, that National Security didn't step in and STOP guilty creg trial tho ? isn't it. One of NSA's most valued employees, and then he woke up. In prison

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Lmao "the good name of judge Reinhart", literally a pedophile enabler. #JustGregMaxwellThings

Craig is under the protection of Q, you think they will let your little kike mafia put him in prison? He literally possesses the most valuable brain of our time.

Reinhart is on a very short leash.

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Guilty trial lmao? It's literally a civil dispute how retarded are you. Take your meds schizo.

i mean... it's a fact that you can't deny

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>Craig is under the protection of Q
yes, and this is how far down the toilet of desperation we've travelled now. isn't it. Can call your fucking pathetic BS before you even type it now
there is no such thing as 'facts' with guilty creg. Except the FACT that he LOST. Again. And is GUILTY

So you did visit the Island? Interesting. Maybe we will find the full list soon! Can't wait Greg.

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read the picture, retard.

you can also verify it easily. it's a fact.

yes, you've rumbled it - Greg Maxwell is brother of Ghislaine, and long lost son of the bouncing check himself, Cap'n Bob. Now, there were a man could teach creg a thing or ten. Like how to fall of a yacht and drown

>Reinhart is on a very short leash.
I'd (non-ironically) watch that shit, were I you.
They don't take kindly to implied threats to federal Judges

There is a reason why you reek of desperation. Your incessant kvetching is on a scale never witnessed before. I bet you you've been very naughty boy, Greg. And you no longer have protection from a corrupt state apparatus, so you are out here on social media desperately trying to control the narrative. Tick tock Greg Maxwell, what are your crimes, what are your crimes...

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I thought we were discussing guilty cregs crimes here tho ? You know, those ACTUAL crimes that he gets done in court for, not the fatuous bullshit you invent as sideshow distraction. I suppose arguing with facts in your case would be difficult tho, given guilty cregs guilty as shit, on ALL FUCKING CHARGES. anyway, I'm done here, bullshit is bullshit, and Q/Epstein crap is certainly that. dumb and fucking dumber desperation shit this, guilty creg fans

if this is true he should just inform on them. if you're fucked, you're fucked. May as well redeem what little you can before it's too late

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this is gold, fucking saved

so you’ve been posting all day, but you’re not a paid shill. seems legit for a thursday.

Daily reminder Craig is Sergey's cuckboy.

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how about brock pierce's crimes? or how about tether? getting hot in here fuckface?

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There are rumors that Ghislaine is talking. Maybe Greg should consider that possibility as well before he is swallowed by the storm.

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>brick pierce
>founded tether
>known to rub shoulders with convicted pedophile jeffery epstein
>active member of the clinton global initiative
>received millions of dollars of investments from the likes of goldman sachs

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it's the only rational thing to do.
Nobody has as big a short position to cash in on the corrupt system as the complicit

As anyone who‘s reading this thread can see, there‘s only delusion and complete decouplement from reality with bsv’ers left.

no it’s just easy to spot the shills who act like Epstein’s island wasn’t a reality, or that Brock pierce who founded tether literally went there. I wonder who pumped bitcoin to 19k. I wonder who minted all that tether. I wonder who used those coins at the island. Was it you?

Narrative control status: >>>TOTAL FAILURE

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it would probably get less attention if you didn't respond, but then you wouldn't get paid, so it's a catch 22

Craig is such a disgusting queer

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>married with kids
unless you have pics of him fucking a dude, I’m not buying it

Bunch of faggots for sure. Straight men don't go around kissing other men, faggot. No proof that he has a wife or kids. Fucking queers are all disgusting perverts.

Wasn't Nick Szabo confirmed to be Satoshi?

Nope, he got schooled by Craig about bitcoin and has been laying low ever since

Nah, craig is just a retarded lying queer


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sweet corecope.
you have 78 days left

bsv is for gays

still the best IQ test