The ultimate STINK repellent

The ultimate STINK repellent.

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Isn't Chainlink the pump and dump scam the news has been talking about?


Isn't Chainlink the pump and dump scam the news has been talking about?

fucking pump and dump, exposed as massive fraud. con artist sergey is about to go to JAIL. HOLY FUCK

Lmao you pathetic nicoposters never fail to make me laugh with your "pump and dump" threads

Face it, most link marines will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad ONEhodlers ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers


Fucking cringe hahahahahahah. your pathetic coping ass is about to get SMACKED by another 700k dump. Oops did I trigger you?


It's already over. Link will never go above two dollars. It will go below 1 and die. I bought in at fifty cents. At four dollars I had real life changing money, now it's barley worth anything. We were too late. There will never be another 2017 run. I will always be poor. Link will never go above two dollars. My entire life is over.

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>tag: ryona
>tag: netorare
>tag: anal
>tag: ugly_bastard
>tag: x_ray

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>link marines
Are you 12?

Isn't Chainlink that pump and dump scam the news has been talking about?

FUDing link is part of my sexuality now

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Not to be confused with LINK, the native cryptocurrency of Japanese messaging giant LINE’s service-oriented blockchain.

>muh 700,000,000

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Just a typical Thursday night for Nico. :)

"Yeah, you like it linklet don't you? Who's my marine?"

"I am sir, proud to be a link marine, I've been collect since thirty cents. Please... sir... I am a corporal rank bitch pay pig in your dungeon of neets, please Binance me again."

He pauses, inhales and lets out another turd.

"Another 700k for expanding the team, Master?"

"No. For this expansion." He shits again as he groans. "Another 700k!"

"Who's my paypig", he questions.

"Me sir! A Cambodian basket weaving fisherman enthusiast form is all I need for financial advice."

That's right. He grunts again and begins to recite.

"You see, you can't pull data onto the blockchain, it's impossible, no one would ever create a simple contract to query Google."

You smile. "Yes Master, I'm your paypig. All FUD is actually from other chainlinkers."

"Sibos is going to be a yuuuge event, just like web3 and truffle. They keep expecting, but they can expect this, rgghhhhhh ahhhhh arghhhhh..."

"Thank you master. I promise to scrounge up what little money I have to throw at this fancy database contract while you dump 700k, thank you Master"

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T. Cointelegraph

>Nico NTR
I need it

fucking pathetic linkcucks lmao

Master, please binance me again