The lack of brakes on this thing is just unbelievable

If aggregation, Mixicles, new mainnet nodes, a series of speaking appearances by Sergey, ... can't stop this death spiral, then we have to admit it is unironically over.

Attached: chainlink death spiral.png (685x498, 19K)

PSD2 starts tomorrow.

literally nobody on Jow Forums still holds this dude. we dumped on reddit around $3.

What's over?

This is exactly what manipulation looks like. Do you really think that someone is selling/swing at this prices? Just wait we dont have a vechain or tron here, the fundamentals are incredible good. Wait for october.

>the fundamentals are incredible good
They always were, and they keep getting more and more amazing, like with the addition of Mixicles.
But people just hate the absolute shit out of this project.

And when sentiment around a project is THIS bad, there's simply no coming back from it.

Just wait until the price is based on utility. Staking + adoption = moon. Nothing can stop that. It's basic supply and demand.

Don't miss out due to short term price concerns. This was never supposed to be a short term hold.

>Just wait until the price is based on utility. Staking + adoption = moon.
There will be no adoption when even something like aggregation is met with a new low in price.

>people just hate the absolute shit out of this project.

WHY? Why do they hate us so much?
Is it because of all the frogs?

Attached: 1507381909632.jpg (653x635, 417K)

Many people are going to genuinely kill themselves once link hits new atl.
End of 2020 probably.
Below $1 eoy.

i get a hard on thinking about those cheap stinkies

15 cents?

you are an idiot, seriously. LINK had months of insanely positive news, probably the most positive news i've ever seen for a crypto project, and it still dumped 70%. it isn't coming back.

This is just about the only actual bottom Chainlink ever had, and looking at the absolute state of the current straight downtrend, that's where it will go in spite of nay news that may come.

Us goldbugs have been warning you forever about the crypto ponzi bubble but you wouldn’t listen. I’ll still feel bad when you lose all your money but your reasons for not selling is exactly what allowed the housing market to continue for how long it did. Greed and ignorance are very dangerous. Separate yourself from the situation and allow yourself to really think about what the fuck you’re buying.


>LINK had months of insanely positive news, probably the most positive news i've ever seen for a crypto project, and it still dumped 70%.
>it isn't coming back.
Absolutely this.

Fucking AGGREGATION launched not even a whole day ago, and the market response is to dump to a new low.

just wait til next year when everyone gets their tax return

>Do you really think that someone is selling/swing at this prices?
Yeah. Stop thinking everyone that holds it gives a shit about what they're doing.

>in spite of nay news
*in spite of ANY news.


post proof faggot

That makes no sense. Price is still based solely on sentiment right now. When tokens are locked up in nodes and real adoption is happening is when the price will go up. We're not at that stage yet.

What am I're right. Sell now before its too late.

>why do people hate surgay
Must have something to do with the 700k dumping but... actually nah, it's a mystery

>Price is still based solely on sentiment right now.
And sentiment is everything.
You can build the absolute best solution in the world, when sentiment is bad it will languish in the gutter.



Attached: 3157F615-1967-464A-96FB-39C1151F1557.jpg (698x1023, 191K)

>muh 700k dumps
Pic related is from before the presale/ico.

Attached: chainlink ico token distribution use.jpg (1826x1006, 61K)

OG with 50,000 stack in LINK/USDT pair is selling in Binance.

Real fear started now

It's not so much fear as hatred.
People just do not like this project.

>"didnt you guys research every single presentation slide before investing in link?!!"

no, otherwise i never would have bought this shit.

Again I ask: why? People didn't feel profound hatred for any scams that came before. Disdain at best.

it's fucking over LMAO

The fundamentals are amazing, and they keep getting better with every passing month, just look at the Mixicle thing.
AND they're actually delivering, aggregation launched yesterday.
That's not the problem.

For instance, Chainlink's token distribution makes perfect sense; no major business wants to work with a coin/token that's mostly in the hands of unknown neets.

>People didn't feel profound hatred for any scams that came before. Disdain at best.
Like fucking Bitconnect, which was an outright pyramid scheme. That thing just had the most beautiful chart up until they actually exit scammed.

You're not actually answering the "why" here.

I can handle sudden 50-60% dumps; I've been through many of them and always came out richer for holding.
But Chainlink is just bleeeeeeeeeeeding out, which indicates bad sentiment. And that's the killer.

I think it's mainly down to two things:

1) simple jealousy
A lot of people had a lot of money in various coins/tokens/ICOs, ... and it would be hard for them to come to terms with Chainlink rising to the top on what were in hindsight far superior fundamentals and vision.
So they lash out, poisoning sentiment (not just on here, but also more prominent people like Joey Krug etc.)

2) delusions of inevitability
Jow Forums is absolutely brimming with Link holders who believe normie money does not matter to Chainlink, and that it will moon regardless purely on the network effect after full-on adoption.
So they poison sentiment as well to keep the normies and their money out of Chainlink.

what the fuck are you even talking about? The lowest fucking low for the past week or two has been 1.60 you dumb niggers. fuck hate trannies and all this faggot board spam.

>bad sentiment
and where is this bad sentiment coming from out of /biz ? no normie holds LINK just big whales and some biz fags. maybe a little portion of redditors holds link but they already sold to this bloodbath.

>and where is this bad sentiment coming from out of /biz ?
No, not just Jow Forums.

People are selling because LINK cannot pump above the downtrend.

post proof.

we should all just market buy $100 worth of link at the same time

I really think, on a level of gut sentiment, it comes down to all the Frog Twitter memeing. Frogs = alt-right incels = normies want it suffering and dead. Which is probably something that a lot of Linkies wanted to cultivate on purpose. To get rich despite normie sentiment. A "fuck you" to the world at large.

Attached: 1484239373252.png (700x931, 682K)

It's still up like 300%. Lots of room to bleed, still. Buy Aergo.

>2) delusions of inevitability
Jow Forums is absolutely brimming with Link holders who believe normie money does not matter to Chainlink, and that it will moon regardless purely on the network effect after full-on adoption.
So they poison sentiment as well to keep the normies and their money out of Chainlink.

Attached: EFFA4C66-AE32-41BC-BCCB-1BF35C5A900C.png (972x644, 175K)

Jow Forums already sold at $3, the link discord had more than enough warning, if you're still holding you're retarded

Just check charts. LINK do not have enough buy pressure to cross 18k sats and now people are selling

its at 1.66 you dumb nigger like I said it was just at 1.60 about a week ago means nothing. You mean nothing.

Delayed 18 months. Is why it is tanking yet this is unironically a good thing. Who thought that link was suddenly going to torn on tomorrow? Now they have 18 months to get their ducks in a row.

>Jow Forums already sold at $3, the link discord had more than enough warning
This, one group of people shilled and stole from another bunch of people via bot trading and shilling and fudding to dump ico bags. You were scammed. Links fundental flaw was its incompatible commercials with the token price being volatile. Biz killed link by running PnD against it now asset that has been PnD'd ever recovers. Look at silver

>Delayed 18 months.
No it's not you goon.
Some countries are saying they might not be ready by the deadline, which is always the case.

This is how peak delusion looks like, kids.


Imagine having a jagged hole where your dick used to be and getting around insisting everyone calls you madam.
Discord trannies everyone.

Do you even know what chainlink is? In the long term investor sentiment is meaningless. It's a utility token. The price will be a product of network usage

And who will use it when it is universally despised like this?

I'm sorry bro, but i'm laughing to your message.

>It was "wait for september" just a few days ago
>Now it switched to "wait for October"
I'm so so tired

What part of sell the news don't you faggots understand? Shit loads of news equals a dump. It will recover just like it always has before. Patience marines

Attached: 1539127788856.jpg (611x578, 57K)

>hurrrr sell the news
Like people sold the mainnet, google, coinbase, ... news?
This "sell the news" meme is just the perfect brainlet litmus test.




Attached: 17B96A5D-538F-4226-8F92-FE5DE20B441D.jpg (484x478, 34K)

you are spamming Jow Forums to death Jow Forums has always been crypto fuck off

Imagine being this butthurt that Linkies were right all along.

Attached: chainlink outperformed all of crypto chart.png (1830x1859, 273K)

Jow Forums is dead. SO many fake posts.

lol didn't even feel the need to update this from July 25th

Attached: Image9.jpg (987x2757, 415K)

>comparing coins that mooned in the 2017-2018 general bullrun to a coin that mooned all on its own

i was actually here before biz was crypto brainlet

lmao, Jow Forums was created to keep buttcoin threads off Jow Forums you newpleb.

no you werent lying newfag

this desu

no, im serious i’m here from 2013. I bought my first coins december 2012. Biz used to be dead, like /trv/ is now you could see threads from a week ago. And it where all generals like smg, or dropshipping general. I’m not even lying

You are lying, because Jow Forums was created specifically for crypto.

How would you know? Seriously i was here. Im a 31 yo boomer. Why the fuck would i lie about this?

Jow Forums was created to keep bitcoin off Jow Forums.

>Why the fuck would i lie about this?
To give more credibility to your posts by posing as an oldfag, which is a really cheap method to reinforce an argument in an anonymous forum where only the quality of the argument should matter and not some faggotry like post history or how long you've been here.


Whatever mate.

Except i’m not lying. And biz is full of boomers.

You are obviously a liar
Just fuck off larper, never return

Whatever makes you sleep at night buddy

I'm not saying you are, I just answered the question.

When you look at the volume its clear its being manipulated... 10mil LINKs left binance in the last 14 days... There are no real buyers in this market, only manipulating bots. It is known link will gain value with the real adoption with staking, hold your breaths. Do you want to end up like that faggots who sold ETH for 15 because it went -50% down in 1 months ?

No one will believe me but I've been coming to various boards since 2004. I missed a lot of the original shit but caught most of the golden years.
Boxxy was kill. Fucking rules 1&2 twitter plebs. It kills me when I see board culture on normanBook.
Just buy btc and hold. Buy link if you're feeling a moon shot. I am. I wish I bought BTC instead of watching gore and p0rn on /gif/

The amount of anons waiting to buy more links below the dollar range is bigger than you think. That and the amount of pajeet tier fud these last weeks tells me we won't ever get that low again unless btc goes below 5k

Summary of the thread : OP repeats that "sentiment is bad" for 20 posts, and other low iq fags are repeating this after him.

Calling for 15 cents bottom.


Sentiment is absolute shit when even news like Mixicles and fucking aggregation is met with dumps.

And it's not because of the rest of the market; Chainlink pumped despite the rest of the market because sentiment used to be excellent.

lots of pussies on this board. if you're worried about your puny investments, then sell now. chainlink is all-or-nothing. i'll ride this to $0 or $1000.

Yup. OGs are comfy as fuck. We know the score

There was a thread where OP was holding a few hundred thousand tokens for 600 days and did not sell a single one.

then sell all of it and gtfo of my board, go follow satoshiflipper and wait for him to shill LINK again when it's at 3$ so brainlets like you can buy again

wait for november, this is going to be huge

There is too much fake volume to believe current price action, but I'm not saying Link should be going up, on the contrary, it should be crashing faster

I'd be shocked if this is sub $5 EOY

You two morons, ZIL is in that picture for a reason, it mooned in Spring 2018 which at the time was a bearish market.

AB would be shocked if it was sub 3$ in may 2018

>it mooned in Spring 2018 which at the time was a bearish market
Tons of coins pumped in spring of 2018.
Zilliqa barely went above its previous high from the early 2018 bullrun.

Attached: eth spring 18.png (1160x505, 27K)

>golden years

£0.90 eoy
