The fud is so pathetic, it's time to put an end to that. Are you ready to take the linkpill user?

The fud is so pathetic, it's time to put an end to that. Are you ready to take the linkpill user?

Attached: linkpill.jpg (1050x800, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no they are trying to avoid this thread, let's put another image.
>imagine holding anything else than chainlink

Attached: skeleton key.jpg (2178x402, 180K)

I sold

It's so quiet here.

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why do brainlets like yourself act like Chainlink has a working decentralized product and users ALREADY?

This is a fantasy. Chainlink has wasted 3 years and 50+mil and are nowhere near having a decentralized product or any user base.

Chainlink currently does nothing, and if they keep up at their current progress pace, they won't for another decade.

I‘ll bite
Why only a buck fifty?

Imagine putting this much effort to fud his own investment. Here's another picture.

Attached: 1354.jpg (750x1261, 275K)

Astronomical amounts of FUD. This recent wave is the most full-court press I've ever seen.

Your pajeet ripoff of pic related is so poorly designed as to itself be FUD. Your attempt is so bad it is fud. You are so stupid, complimenting something is fudding it.

Attached: why.jpg (2040x1888, 976K)

Talking about pathetich, what the fuck was that shill... AHAAHhAhaAHhahaha. It's like you trying to convince your friends that you have had sex. Which ofc is not true and they just laugh at you .a.a HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOOOOOOOOOHHH LINKNIEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
why suicide line is hot ::D::DD:D::D

Attached: linkmarinesprice.jpg (900x612, 180K)

I like your fud, it's enjoyable to know that you invested in such a project it's getting fudded 24/7 by its own investors.

Attached: succes.png (215x235, 92K)

Imagine being invested in a project designed to strip you of your hard earned BTC. You literally have better R/R ratio with SENT or any other coin shilled on Jow Forums.

I think I'm finally catching on that shilling link is actually fudding link
and fudding link is also fudding link, since it's genuinely a trash project
only people dumb enough to not catch on, or not understand the tech, are holding link

Too much big news in a row.
Like, Chainlink could literally just be the oracle project that services Accord alone, and the future volume of legal smart contracts would give it a valuation in the billions. Or it could just be the oracle for SWIFT, doing their ISO20022 compliant bond processing, and it would be worth billions. Or it could just be the Web3 specific oracle solution, running under the standard Web3 framework, and be worth billions, or the ZeppelinOS toolkit backend oracle. Or the Kaleido enterprise package oracle. etc etc.
But it's ALL of them. It makes me fucking lightheaded when I think about it. It is the fucking industry standard oracle, across EVERYTHING. Ethereum, Hyperledger, private chains, permissioned ETH forks, etc etc etc. It is a top 3 market cap project on the very brink of exploding and irreversibly changing both the crypto landscape and the world in general.

radio silence for a full year, stealth, no hype/marketing (opposite of every single other project in the space)
every partnership is announced by the other party first
driven by a true VC CEO, who had the vision to name his company SmartContract and buy the most iconic domain name, establishing a defacto monopoly through google searches & brand recognition
pulled a fucking merger and acquisition of a partner/competitor to extend its functionalities (who does that in this space?)
blockchain agnostic, meaning potential usage on any DLT, both public and private, needed by entire crypto space
fully focused on B2B
crystal clear long-term and ready-to-be-adopted vision and endgoal, which is not only rooted in tech idealism (more trust, less middlemen) but in obvious enterprise practicality (contractual automation, massive cost savings), will attract both devs & customers
endless use cases covering all the biggest industries (financial, legal, logistics, insurance, real estate, construction, energy commodities, gov, etc.); all fintech studies/reports indicating strong enterprise interest, countless industry leaders joining consortia and pushing towards imminent adoption; competition will have no choice but to adapt and follow or lose
some of the most powerful connections in the space, backed by/associated with both new tech (ic3, Wood, Lubin) and legacy industry leaders (SWIFT, MS, IBM, JPM/Masters)
making moves towards integration at all baseline levels through fundamental partnerships, like legal frameworks, tech stacks, e-sig, data providers, etc. establishing a monopoly as an industry standard across the entire ecosystem
at the core of the digital legal framework, which itself is needed at the core of every other industry
tokenomics with immense potential (huge collateral needed for big industries, dried up supply from node staking driving price up after mainnet, rewards for passive income)
1 year headstart, no serious competition

nice shot of hopium fren, I needed this after all the tranny fud campaigns that have taken over the board the past few days
we are all gonna make it, if you hold a 10K stack or higher you’ll be rich as fuck

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>1 year headstart, no serious competition
There's no serious competition because chainlink themselves aren't serious competition. The market is for decentralized oracles, chainlink isn't one. It's a repository of centralized oracles. Which is lovely but we already had those, for years. If anything they're 2 years late to the competition. They offer some nice fluff but when it comes to security, there's no difference between chainlink and oraclize. But I hear you, read the whitepaper, it's gonna happen, muh threshold signatures, that's nice but at the moment these are works of fiction. They had 2 years, they developed nothing of value, didn't advance blockchain anywhere, and dumped millions of link at 4$ a pop. The I'm a developer pasta is literally factual and people are too dumb to comprehend it.

>because chainlink themselves aren't serious
Stopped reading there, but thanks for contributing to thread.

Attached: 1664.jpg (464x850, 80K)

>tamper proof inputs and outputs
not right now

>community consensus
not right now

>where those validating stake their own collateral
not right now

I know you don't care for real arguments, you're not arguing in good faith, you're a brainwashed cultist.

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LINK is for ugly faggots that in real life can't have a beautiful fine ass looking girl. And it's kinda sad but true most linkies are like that. So it is empowerment to the cucks who need something to get off on and feel like winning. LINK is always GAY. You faggot linkies need to shut your dick sucking, Nico feet-slurping mouths. You all need to be excommunicated from the living. FFS I don't give a single SHIT about your shitcoin so don't shit on anyone elses. God, I'm sorry that your hard work resulted in the birth of these stupid fuck ups. It's so simple, and yet failed abortions like yourselves who somehow weren't dropped as a child and are just THIS stupid don't get it. I'm sorry for you all, I truly am. I am sorry for your collective families much more though. Especially your mothers. You must have all hit your heads on their slutty ass cunts while being born. 0$ EOY NIGGERS!!!

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no u

why has sir gay not made a statement regarding the news articles accusing him? surely he just doesn't have an argument to make, because they're right

Thanks for the great thread based OP. Hopefully some of the nulinkers actually put it to good use.

Let's give it a bumb.

Attached: 1562622370765.png (1860x2777, 657K)

Bumping coz you can't self bump.

Beautiful image. Great stuff.

Attached: iq.jfif.jpg (238x212, 10K)

"Researchers have published evidence of what they claim is a coordinated pump and dump manipulation involving the Chainlink (LINK) token."

it's over for this scam token..
coinbase, binance and others will have no choice but to delist this shitcoin or else regulators will pursue them.

report to SEC.. already submitted one:

Only newfags and retards actually fall for that brain dead fud. Stop trying to fud your investment nigger.

No. it's currently not the standard. It will most likely not be used by any of these companies. It currently has 0 users and their product is not decentralized.

Theoretical usecases of a project that wasted 3 years and $50mil to gain basically 0 users and fail to create decentralized oracles as promised is irrelevant.

It will never happen. The team has already proven they are incapable of it. They wasted $50mil and 3 years and are no where close.

Blah blah blah blah blah, can you actually speak some fucking words and not spew such low quality fud. We get it you hold chainlink, time for fud was last year.

>t. desperate bagholder pretending everything is fine

Everything is fine. Volume is high as fuck. Go back to discord, you're not needed here.

>t. desperate bagholder pretending everything is fine

Rip. 1 off from major gets. I guess after we moon you'll finally be able to afford your reconstruction surgery.

>t. desperate and DELUDED bagholder pretending everything is fine

The best part is the 105er fudders who actually make a sincere effort to piece something compelling together and get categorically btfo by the high IQ articulate oldfags who casually flick them into the gutter.
I love true oldfags and I love biz and discord faggots are forever rekt

Literally just copy/paste shit tied fud.
Thanks for bumping btw.

Bump to piss off fudders

kek it's literally the opposite. Fudders have real arguments whereas linkers only reply nonsensical pasta.
I've already BTFO all your arguments. Your nonsensical pasta doesn't deserve anything. Again: >t. desperate and DELUDED bagholder pretending everything is fine

i like caping FUD nowadays
>t.average 30c,didn't sell a single LINK

Attached: 15cents.png (1892x408, 64K)

Bumping with memes

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he still think it's a fud LOOOOOOOOOOL

Same group of high IQ individuals protecting BitConnect before it collapsed

I'm glad I'm a battle hardened marine. 2018 really gave me a thicker skin. +2 to all battleshock tests

Attached: 1537825784521.jpg (387x305, 170K)

pee pee poo poo?

Attached: 1539917061184.jpg (1200x600, 234K)

Imagine fudding in 2019

Attached: 1541086325393.png (1080x837, 314K)

OP has massive bags, nonexistant money management skills, and is desperately married to his investment. A (classic) disaster in the works.

>I've already BTFO all your arguments.
I haven't made any arguments. Just statements. Why does hodling LINK made you so mad?
I'll tell you why, coz hodling chainlink made you gay and you're too mentally weak to hodl without 'fud'. Stay mad kid.

My LINKy stay stinky @ $1K eoy!


Neets will inherit the earth, unironically

Attached: 1541701962687.jpg (705x1216, 903K)

why would I be mad? you're the one who just lost 70% of your folio and pretending everything is fine when your project is failing to gain any dev adoption and the team that owns 65% is aggressively dumping on you.

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>wants to prove a boy by using 3 scams as examples
the absolute state. you guys are literally going insane its not even funny anymore. seek professional help

>he doesn't know

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this is your fault shills. this man's suicide is in your hand. shame on you


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Jow Forums has become so shit no ones checks his digits.

this is your fault shills. this man's suicide is in your hands. shame on you

Brings a fakkin tear to me eye user. Gawd bless ya. And gawd bless every other one of you faggits holding strong through the storm.


Attached: 1541923311443.jpg (5472x3648, 1.6M)

Mother fucking checked. Fudders castrated

Checked. Holy based numbers too. We are going to win, fren.

Attached: 1560561617726.png (870x696, 1.19M)

I'll buy once it stops dumping thanks

Get me in the screencap!!


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undoubtedly there are some linkies out there that are so gentlemanly that they would sacrifice some of their immeasurably valuable time to respond to alleyway peasants like you but i'm feeling unusually cold rather than apologetic towards nolinkers right now so dr;ns

My small link stack but I'm a full time student
This massive wave of fud is nothing new. It's very similar to link at .15 cents
Dont panic you will be wishing you bought more trust me
Jannies and Niggers are subhuman

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Fake Tweet, fabricated news. Just proves what a scammers Linkies are.

Attached: judgedoom.jpg (874x724, 342K)

Are you ready to get rekt faggot

Checked. Once upon a time you would have had a lot of (You)s. Sadly Jow Forums is a fucking dumpster fire now.

Link 1000 dollars eoy

Attached: QNQHcGn.png (725x1368, 568K)

based and linkpilled

>>>>>Woah momma


Attached: BF1FC84B-9870-41E1-AD42-863C868CBD0D.png (352x500, 248K)

Good effort, but your coffee coin is never mooning again

Attached: goodeffort.gif (220x238, 179K)


We back on track boyos
+r8'ed and checked

Holy mother of god

Attached: D830FAC6-3558-4597-9BB0-C6B7E75741C9.jpg (1200x1600, 329K)

To infinity and beyond guys..


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Praise KEK. $1k EOY.

Attached: 1558426389015.jpg (214x235, 11K)

Nice script, kiddie.


If I was gonna off myself, it would've been in 2018, I'm immune now, not selling


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>Together, as faggots.

this gave me feels, good poast

Praise Kek. Just bought another 500 LINK.

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