This is Greg Maxwell

He, and his footmen hijacked the BTC community and then BTC itself. They strangled it to force the need for a second layer. A layer they control and have the patents for, namely the Lightning Network. Satoshi saw what was happening and tried to stop them. That's when the smear campaign against Craig started. All of the so called "evidence" proving Craig is a fraud is manufactured by Greg Maxwell and his men. Craig may have an unlikeable personality, but make no mistake, he is Satoshi and alot of people have serious money and social stakes in keeping on with the current narrative that he's a fraud. This so that people wont take him seriously when he calls out the money grabbing scam BTC has turned into. Don't let anybody tell you that Craig just fakes it or speaks incoherent techno babble. Read his articles yourself on his blog on make op your own mind. He is VERY knowledgeable and it's a pleasure to read his writings. Craig = le God

Attached: Greg Maxwell.jpg (218x250, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I am Satoshi, you idiot!

Nice waste of digits. retard

Remember when CSW said $1200 EOY kek. Stay poor.

greg maxwell isn't bitcoin, lame fud because one person is a strange looking nerd


Attached: greg.jpg (597x694, 69K)

Greg and Craig are both stupid pieces of shit

oh yeah thats gonna be funny when bsv is at 30,- @ eoy. The memes gonna be sweet.



And really guys, read his medium articles. The guy is an absolute genius, and the last thing his detractors want is for you to figure that out by reading his own writings. They will much rather spam all low effort scam/fraud/homo/pajeet insults and attacks hoping to dissuade you from ever looking into him in depth.

Attached: Craig_medium.png (978x8138, 1.04M)

Holy shit that pic. I will never understand how some people are able to be this productive. Literally unearthly

he explained it several times... Asperger’s syndrome. Autism Spectrum disorder level 1, high functioning

Attached: craiggenuis.jpg (1080x1117, 127K)

It's not even all of it, there's so much more. 800+ patents and papers, 17 university degrees , candidate for 2 PhDs at the same time. It's almost unfathomable how productive this guy is.

The guy is a fucking madman, I have suspicions that he might not even be fully human, but the product of some benevolent ET hybrid DNA. I asked him once on twitter if he was an alien, and he didn't deny it, but joked that his wife had said the same thing....

Make of that what you will.

Attached: CSW_study_goals.png (776x427, 46K)


he is a total fraud.

Found the NPC. Go get your helmet Timmy.

Attached: 1559116651079.jpg (642x749, 80K)

Spergtoshi hehe.
Still it doesn't explain it to me. I know he is/was part of a christian branch that put work and productivity above everything. I think this might have something to do with it too, but still it is just insane. If it hadn't been for the fact I can go read and see his work for myself, I would have a hard time believing it. I have read many of his post and still I can't digest and appreciate the shear amount intellectual work he has done. It is like being told about how many light years across the galaxy is. You know it's huge, but at the same time you know you can't possibly fully embrace just how insanely big it is. Craig probably = Le God

Attached: 1559326573757.jpg (640x296, 17K)

Attached: 1568410124489.png (1024x721, 305K)

What if I told you they're the same person?

Attached: rM2phR6.jpg (640x400, 72K)

>Brock Pierce
>founded Tether
>caught up in a Hollywood pedophile ring scandal
>known to rub shoulders with convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein
>active member of the Clinton Global Initiative
>received millions of dollars of investments from Goldman Sachs

Attached: brockpierceepstein.png (1353x1045, 384K)

what is this ?
they seem to be discussing some TOTAL CRIMINAL ??? that such people are still allowed to run around freely, SAD. hopefully, JUSTICE shall be welcoming this FRAUD and soon, placing him WHERE HE BELONGS, IN JAIL

Attached: soynpc.jpg (644x800, 35K)

and THESE STRANGE PICTURES -I don't understand ? user posted a REALLY INTERESTING podcast about TOTAL SCAMMER and we were discussing that ??? WHY do you KEPP POSTING these STUPID FUCKING PICTURES ??? are you FUCKING RETARDED, or similar ??? if so, my apologies. BUT please bear in mind, this board is also USED BY ADULTS WHO DON'T WANT TO WADE THROUGH YOUR FUCKING ENDLESS TRASH, YOU CUNT, thanks :)

Here we have Greg pretending to be a random NPC lmao

You really are a schizo.

YES I sit here and post DEEPLY FCUKING UNFUNNY tired npc memes TO EVERY FUCKING POST that doesn't agree with our circle creg ARSE LICK, then, CALL THEM Greg and SCHIZO. The ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF ME, eh ?
have you REALLY nothing fucking better to do, or at least something SLIGHTLY more original to offer, you deeply tiresome fucknozzle ?

Attached: gregsoy2.png (640x356, 68K)