Discount or still overpriced?

Discount or still overpriced?

Attached: Nano_logo.png (3334x2254, 65K)

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Just worthless

The thing about nano and all pure currency coins is that it is a flawed idea.
The use of gold and then fiat was because it made trade a whole lot easier because you could take it with you in your pocket, instead of a cow or 50 chickens. The actual paper money was worthless really. However if we are going to trade something over a network that is more or less instant and doesn't require and heavy lifting. Why not use something that is actually used within the network. Not an ETH shill but it comes to mind, a form of gas that can be used to run services on a network. Now it doesn't have to be ETH but the smart contract application network that does become number 1 is a solid token to have and use in a society who's whole economy runs through and on this network. Why use nano now?
Just my 2 cents pal.

your argument is to use a different one that does the same. that's not an argument, that's plain stupid.

user, no one outside of Reddit gives a fuck about this shitcone
Politely, you have to stay there

It is different in that ETH is used for gas to verify transaction/execute smart contracts etc. It does have a value other than people having faith in its value. It's quite a big difference really.

you don't need a smart contract to buy a coffee. you need a phone and a fast transfer that gets confirmed instantly.

can you buy drugs with it

None of those. Dead.

Not what i'm saying. The ability to use ETH for something is what will give it inherent value. Where as pure vurrency coins have no reason to have value.

what gives ETH value?

you seem to not understand what value (in economics) means.

>pure currency coins have no value
time to sell my BTC then

What is value (in economics)? Please describe.

>equating BTC to NANO

Dude I used to own a lot of NANO, I moved on to Chainlink and couldn't be happier. If you want to save your investment and mental health please do the same (unless you only have in what you can afford to lose).

Not even trying to FUD man, being serious.

I'm waiting for his answer.

But as you seem to be the same as him, you could also tell us and why nano "has no reason to have value".


BTC and NANO do the same thing. NANO just does it better.
>Moved to chainlink and couldn't be happier
You're treating this like it's switching to a different phone brand. These are investments. You shouldn't be "happier" you should have more money.

Are you dumb? A use is what gives it value. Same as cotton makes clothes and rubber makes tyres. ETH runs the etherum network. That is it's use and where its value comes from. I can't explain it any simpler

wrong, "use" doesn't give something value.

i guess you're a retard.

I really wish Nano would take off. I made a nice 10x with it and sold, but to be fair I still believe in the technology.
Maybe someday people will carry it in small amounts just like when you take money off your bank account and put it in your wallet, same as Monero. You take this money because it's easy to spend, not because it's an investment

Name one thing of value that has no use?
State of this board.

I will sell you this pencil for 2k. Does it have a value of 2k, retard?
Yes, if you buy it yes, if 0 retards buy it then the value is 0.
The market and solely the market decides the value of something, fucking braindead commies not understanding basic economics

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literally stealing at these prices. go all in user im sure it will work out just fine

A pencil has value you fucking idiot. Because some dope bought a pencil for 2k will not mean all pencils are worth 2k. You basically are admitting that nano has no value and only retards would buy it.
You are the dumbest person on biz bravo

Bravo fuck you

we're not talking about "all pencils" same as we aren't talking about "all cryptos" fucking braindead retard. give it up, you're stupid, accept it and go on.

Has use*

How are you this stupid. Name one thing with value with no use, that's all i want you to do

you've showed pretty clearly who the retard is

keep bumping to display your stupidity

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Enjoy your bags of nano shit head. All pure currency coins are doomed to fail bar bitcoin if it goes for store of value as its selling point or possibly monero for its privacy capabilitys.
Why would anyone buy oil for a currency if the oil can just be traded, braindead fucking pleb.

everything you said is your opinion. same if i would say what i think of nano.

the good thing about capitalism, you retarded commie, is that the market doesnt care about personal opinions nor feelings.

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I am no commie you pleb, i'm telling you that if the option to not trust a third party trust backed currency is removed people will not be asking for one.
Welcome to the 21st century rothschild

Quiet a fuck now bagholder

obviously, everything has been said. and you've shown to everyone how stupid you are. just look at it

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You're either unfunny bait or an actual dog brain.

Having a general purpose currency and a distributed computer on the same ledger is retarded.
You will have bloat in fees, bloat in storage and bloat in code.

Anyway with HTLCs and PoS there won't be one chain but dozens if not hundreds of them in the future.
That's why "do-it-all from the start" projects are doomed to fail too, compartmentalization is a necessity when it comes to security and efficiency.

nano is fucking stupid as are the people that hold it.

To anyone who actually researches crypto projects, this one is clearly undervalued at the moment. But on biz thats maybe 1 in 1000 so...

It's not really though. Useage of a network like ETH will only increase the security of it. And with plasma/sharding on the way alot of bloating issues may be alleviated.
I don't think they're necessarily doomed to fail because all in ones have proven to be extremely user friendly and generally more popular. Look at Reddit for example, a whole lot of people get their news, information and entertainment from one location.
Transfering through an asset will be as seemless as a 'currency' if that assest gains enough utilization.

Value comes from two things: utility and scarcity. Nano has both.

It is scarce since there is only, and there will ever be only, 133 million of it. And it has utility since is the best p2p currency in the market right now. I'd rather transfer value with NANO than with ETH.

Now the real question is? Is being fast, feeless and green enough to survive long term? Nobody knows about that but saying NANO does nothing different than ETH, BTC or Monero is plain stupid.

I will agree it does have the ability to be taken seriously as a currency, but there is just no incentive other than people hoping to get rich from it.
If you want fast and feeless then IOTA will do that whilst also being implemented into a potential multi trillion dollar economy which will give it a usecase to validate its value much more than a pure trasactional currency ever could.

WTF? BTC can have value because it's a store of value? That's circular reasoning.

Also, Monero can have value because of it's privacy?

So you are saying pure currency coins can have value just after you said that they are all doomed to fail?

nano literally has no reason to exist. why should anyone use nano vs the hundreds of other coins that can be used for exchange? because it's "fast and free"? why does that matter if you're just buying the shit to hold on the off chance it'll 'moon'??

No bitcoin has been tried and tested for 10 years, it has become a trusted assest. That is its only feature now. If it didn't have that it nano would have taken its market cap.
Monero is only valuable because of its privacy but it has a target on its back because of it, a big reason why alot of people won't touch it and i doubt it would ever be mainstream.
Anything else that wants to basically be fiat will die off eventually because there is no need for them when assests with equivalent use cases to steel in the industrial revolution will be able to be traded just as easily as a third party 'useless' coin.

Because it is the one that does it best.

Now if you believe crypto is only a big cassino where people just buy and hold in order to make profits then NANO is as good as any other coin.

>does it best
debatable. not to mention the fact that the "best tech" doesn't always win.
> NANO is as good as any other coin.
not when it's lost literally over 95% of its value. speculating on nearly any other coin would have been far better

In a 100 years it won't make any difference to have 10 more years of testing and resistance to 51% attacks. But yes, for now it is an important feature and it gives BTC value.

Monero's privacy is another thing that it increases it's value, since it is the most trusted privacy coin in the market. So I don't disagree with you on that.

The thing is, you are saying NANO can offer nothing different and that is completely false. It just need a person to use it to see how better NANO is than other cryptos to transfer value.

Basically you are just saying "I see utility in this feature of BTC or that feature of Monero, but I can't see value in the features NANO has", but that is just your opinion....

Also to speculate that in the future ETH or other platform coin will be able to be as fast and as cheap as NANO is the same than to speculate NANO will be able to do smart contracts and privacy on a second layer.

only the government can make mone
if you wanna make mone you need to be the government
this is the epitome of shitcoin

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Most altcoins lost more than 95% of it's value since 2017.

LTC lost more than that in 2014 and even after that it was able to do a 100X in 2017.

Most people here are are just retarded. Want to make money OP? Hold BTC. Hold BTC until it breaks ath then go back into alts you were looking at like NANO, LINK, ETH, etc. All alts will get rekt during bitcoins ascension. Do not pay attention to anyone doing TA on alts because they are retarded.

Nano is good because it has an easy to understand shill to pitch to normies. Will probably do very well next bull run.

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i actually agree with this mayo, while i get called out for apparently having my bags full of nano... kids...

I think of all alt coins as PnD schemes. I’m holding RSR now but I’m gonna dump when it pumps (and it will). Some people are gonna hold until it’s a fraction of a cent again. Look at Zcash, XRP, nano, etc. they aren’t going to recover

>I don't think they're necessarily doomed to fail because all in ones have proven to be extremely user friendly and generally more popular. Look at Reddit for example, a whole lot of people get their news, information and entertainment from one location.

But Ethereum UX is absolute dogshit user, especially for payments.
Besides you just proved my point and completely missed yours, Reddit isn't a news or an entertainment site, it's a content aggregator website, most of the actual content is created and stored/hosted on other websites dedicated to it.
It's a glorified comment system, there is no reddit journal, reddit studios or reddit channel.

The problem of ethfags is that they consider the Ethereum chain as some sort of decentralized version of Linux, that's why there is still not a single consumer friendly (or even business friendly) usecase for it because it's going everywhere and nowhere.
Why do you think so many founders left in the 2 years following the mainnet to have their own ventures?

Pies in the sky which will solve everything hearing ethfags which is exactly why they won't, just like LN.

Ethereum still has the first mover advantage but it will have to pick up a usecase and dedicate itself to it.
The future isn't one chain where everything happen but hundreds of them interacting with each others.

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I am no ETH maximalist but i understand the thought behind what they are trying to achieve.
The way i think of ETH is similar to the play store. Transactions go through it and Dapps are hosted on it. I think a similar comparison could be made to Reddit there.

Like i say, not an ETH fag really, but if plasma/sharding works then that's problem solved. Obviously could not work but my original point is only that if ETH or something similar does work then pure currency coins are very unlikely to thrive or even survive.