Can someone explain negative interest rates to me?

Attached: interest rates 5000 year lows.png (1033x1642, 423K)

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it's unprecedented though, so how do these jews know what's going to happen? Or maybe they are losing control?

Attached: international monetary fund deep negative interest rates.jpg (1080x1441, 420K)

>jews literally taking your money for free by law
>how do the jews know whats going to happen

its actually the opposite you absolute fucking brainlet


but they can already take it through money printing at the federal reserve. So why complicate matters and piss people off with negative interest rates?

Attached: yield curve animation.webm (480x480, 1.25M)

Interest rates go down, infatuation goes up. People buy previous metals as a store of value

this sums the idea up pretty good

You get a little of your monopoly money back if you take out a loan over a certain interval.

stop posting this retarded gif
Market has always gone at least +20% from ath since inversion everytime except for the year 1973


Attached: 212CB079-A052-4775-86F0-5FD631A8E899.jpg (480x480, 33K)

if you got money in the bank you're gonna get fucked

Attached: IMG_0223.png (1000x1500, 1.19M)

Jews charge you for keeping your money safe (although there is still additional risk). And the only reason you're going through with it is because a 2nd Jew promised to repurchase your asset at a higher price.

Technically it's not because it's generating inflation, if you're a wagie you get invisibly taxed on your salary and savings while commodities and real estate explode in price (because loans are more than cheap).

People benefitting from negative interest rates are the ones owning most of the capital.

before or after the recessions that occur within about 18 months of inversion?

If rates rise and fast like described in the article then it’s over the fiat system will tear itself to pieces, we negative or close to negative rates forever now because they will do anything to keep them low because they have no other choice

>having money that (((they))) can take from you
Just be so poor that there isn't anything left for them to take.

Attached: NEET Frog.jpg (528x573, 174K)

for the first time in history there's more productive capability than demand for it.



Interest rate (the short ones) are used by central banks to steer economy upwards or downwards. If there are signs business gets overheated, rates increase, and vice versa to stimulate the economy rates decrease
This stimulation was previously suggested to only work until 0%, because at negative rates banks would start just to "hoard cash" rather than lose money by depositing it at the bank. But ofc "hoarding cash" has storage and security costs on its own, so negative rates work at small doses.
Now do negative rates work at - 10%? The logic would be that banks would even lent money to businesses that are loss making, because losing 5% through lending to shitty businesses is still better than losing 10% while having it at the central banks. However at that point, in all likelihood both banks and customers would rather put their money under the mattress rather than losing 10% in value. Hence there is a large push to a "cashless society" to prevent you from hoarding cash.

And that's why the central bankers are shit scared of bitcoin, because people would just out their money in bitcoin and the arbitrage free price increase each year would be (btc_interest_rate - fiat_interest rate). Bitcoins effective interest rate is 3.6% atm, and will be 1.8% from next year. I'll let you do the math from here on

Attached: we control the supply of money to maintain full employment.jpg (500x701, 128K)

>And the only reason you're going through with
Or "cash" is essentially banned in your country, like Australia.

based and povertypilled

Attached: instead of earning more need less be a man.png (706x895, 961K)