What's going to happen on monday?

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stop dragging msm bullshit to Jow Forums

supply shock at the end of a credit cycle
see 1970's stagflation

Go back in some link playbox thread, mong

Don't the markets open in about11 hours?

>Everybody that calls out my bullshit must be a Link holder
It will only affect Asia, and of course the shitskin lands. The US will not get involved because of an election year and it will not even slightly affect Europe which get the majority of its energy imports from Russia and North Africa and it will certainly not have any effects on the US. The only two players beside Chinks and shitskins that might have a bad day are Turkey and Italy. So big fat nothing burger that is being played up by Saudi and Chinese owned bullshit propaganda outlets in the west

Oil will have a pump, not going to 900$ but definitely bullish

So you haven't invested in anything? And are not going to either?

>50+% of refinery production offline
>for the next 6 months at least
>JewSA reserves only cover 36 days
Can't wait to see the catalog full of more pink feelsmen crying over how expensive oil is

Attached: Saudi Aramco refinery burning.webm (320x640, 2.85M)

Drone strike huh ?
That doesn't sound something (((they))) orchestrated at all...

opens at $75 closes at $90

$200 oil in 6 months this was oil's 9/11 terrorist attack

Houthis struck the place with 10 drones, Saudis are whining that Iran was actually the one who did it because they can't stand the fact that they've spent 4 years fighting a war against the poorest, most backward people in the middle east and they're losing.

This x100000

Saudis are an embarrassment. I hope the cia or Iran just fucking slaughters them

Shorts are going to get raped, pump to $100 on the squeeze alone, and then dump back down to $70-80

I'm thinking about a fool x5 lev, what do you think

If you are so confident that its going sideways or down on this news why don't you take a straddle position with a heavy put hedge? Put some money where that mouth of yours is.

>you won't do it

>the poorest, most backward people in the middle east

have the technology and know-how to orchestrate a massive drone strike?


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>Stocks sell off so they can move money onto oil.
>Some sandniggers kill each other
>Chainlinker still cry and jerk each other off

what is truly incredible, is the fact that Saudi Arabia did not have massive security presence defending their critical resources while they are waging a war right next door

>Saudi refineries go offline
>This will affect the price of crude oil

I love seeing bad things happen to Saudi Arabia, but this looks like a media-hyped nothingburger.

>One of largest oil suppliers cutting production by 50% is very bearish sirs. Please do needful and short sirs.

I guarantee all they did was close a valve on a pipeline so they can repair their refineries. They stockpile oil and sell it out of storage tanks. Temporarily stopping half of their production only means they will run those tanks lower and refill them when they get their pipelines back online. You seem to think that ENTIRE COUNTRIES whose economy revolves around selling a volatile commodity don't have plans for this kind of thing.

gee what might happen i'm biting my nails
poor Saudi-Arabia what might happen to them now that literally the whole worlds tries to get rid of the only thing that let's the Middle East have any (harmful) impact on the whole world
what will happen user I am scared

he-he...y-yeah...'security' absent...

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Fuck that, i want to know about oil price

How do we long oil? Can I also short USA?

Its bullish on gasoline and other distillates and products, and bearish on crude.

> such a fag
Why should be bearish on crude, dumbass

There are several long oil funds and short index funds to work with. Or do you have a futures trading account?

buy USO as soon as the market opens, hopefully we’ll gap up 10% at open then take your gains whenever you feel comfortable doing so. I’m thinking around noon EST.

checked and that's actually what happened.
Do not do this. American oil companies will not benefit from this very temporary blip.

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what does that have to do with anything written? Btw where is your heavily leveraged position in a market that is so far away from any fundamentals that geo political incidences don't have any effects

Several of my clients are mid-majors and I can promise you their stock prices along with the WTI contracts are like extremely volatile. Trump farts the wrong way or API reports a huge draw and everything is in the green for 5 hours.

Anons i opened a wild long 5x position on oil, am i a dumbass?

Yes. Have fun gambling, you will most probably be liquidated by a wild wick. Never gamble in Boomer commodities

No, but be ready to jump out quick when people start profit taking Monday afternoon

Yes' that's what i was thinking

Because the attack hit a refinery, which means they can still produce as much crude as usual, but they can't process as much as they usually can.

That's always less oil available

Im calling it now. Its going down on monday.

Monday? Nothing: it all happens when markets open 6pm Sunday. By Monday it’s all over

Price will spike and then instantly correct back down when other nations step in and promise to increase production and exports.

It's a month's blip, but it's still important. Crude oil takes 3-4 weeks (2 weeks in high-demand situations) to get from the well to retail products. Any disruption will show up as a wave over that time period. If your commissions are low enough that you can open and liquidate a position profitably over that length, then it works.
I took just a 1X long to stay on the conservative side.

Markets open 00 monday gmt+2, that's your sunday at 6pm

Same supply of oil
Less demand for oil(due to damaged refinery)
More demand for oil products(due to damaged refinery)

Everyone on the financial boomy newspapers are telling the contrary, but you know, they're just normies and the truth is always hidden in some basement brain.

You should look into who owns those "news" paper. If they are shitskins, chinks or jews with certain positions one can ignore them. "News" haven't been unbiased information for half a century, just cheap advertising toilet paper and even Boomers are slowly getting It

> they tell all lies!
Ohwf please, this is just an elementary equation.

Hey guys, I own a gas station. One of the two trucks that was on its way to restock our tanks today got a flat tire. I guess that means from now on I can only sell half of the gasoline that I used to, so I'm going out of business. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Attached: crying pepe.jpg (800x522, 48K)

Gas stations are traps for franchise investors. You should have studied more
Leave those for the foreigners

>oil prices go up
>US supply not hurt, only Saudis
>US pumps to fuck and back, like always
>US makes bank
>US GDP goes up

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This is wrong. Obviously Saudi can't just pump all the excess crude into giant storage units, production will have to come down. If there is extended damage to the facilities expect oil to increase much more than a few percent.

Not what I said. But nice strawman. They don't provide unbiased information attempting to consider as many factors as possible. I wouldn't call it lying press but gap press.

Ok, but this is finance 101:
Bad news on oil supply at every point of the production chain is bullish for oil price, it doesn't get false because a zine tells that.

>Bad news on oil supply at every point of the production
You disengenious faggot. That is exactly what I criticize. Thanks for confirming that you are a gap media sheep. You try to spin this like there is only Saudi oil and nobody else. Go kys unironically, there is no point engaging with somebody who just pukes out biased gap propaganda

> they tell all lies!
This is not a strawman, you're an imbecile, what do you think it's true is not what market think it's true.
Of course there are a lot of oil supplies and oil is not ended for good, but it doesn't mean that there won't be a spike, or that oil price will increase.
How much that spike will last, or if it will raise a little then dump again, this will be priced in.
No one here is telling that price will reach $200, obviously.

Every propaganda speech, by the way, is based on the so what called "doxa", that are the true chunks on which you build a lie. Denying a doxa is just for niggers.
If you have studied some philosophy instead of cooming all the time on furry porn, you would know that.

Doubt you can read all that text without take a break for cooming, tough.

Thanks for confirming it even more normie. Now get off the board and go big brain post on plebbit cancer lumb and take your attempt at meme forcing with you boring piece of donkey shit

> Gagneowulfing
Stop nigging, nig

Here's another big braining
Did you know that if i call you mong, you can't say if i mean you're a mongrel or a mongoloid?

Oil prices will probably be spastic for a short time until the Sauds pay someone to fix the broken shit that's holding back 1% of their total production output. The rest of the world, especially South America, will profit off the shortfall, for a while, taking up the slack. US gas prices will rise because those fuckers always profit off these things. Winter gas is cheaper to make, and they'll love the excuse to keep prices propped up.

did they do it with little hobbie shop drones?

70$ eow

I honestly think Tesla is going to be a better investment but I know nothing about FOREX. Just saying Tesla vs Exxon. If oil is bullish, Tesla will have a reason to exist again and may see 320 again which is over a 20% gain. Best Exxon can see is its old ATH which was a 20% gain.

If TSLA does a ATH then we're talking 40%.

My bad on the math I thought it was back at 255 but its even lower than I thought.

This if the price stays for years, i don't think it will stay for long.

Feel like a retard yet?

Biz is full of niggers.

I Like. +1 upvote

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new war against Iran

US troops will be deployed there

You have no experience dealing with sand people. They cannot wipe their own ass without their Indian slaves to help

Sell the news, shit is engineered to make you give your money to banks by taking "obviously good trades". No, do the opposite.

The refinery that was hit was thousands of kilometers away from the border with Yemen. The Saudis had no reason to believe that either the Yemeni military or yemeni paramilitary organisations had anything with enough range to hit it.
Iranian cruise missile parts have since been discovered near the site.

Jew detected

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So understanding geography makes me a new now? How the fuck do you think you tho rebels got a swarm of drones over a thousand of kilometres of enemy territory without losing signal or running out of power?
Or did they smuggle them through the Saudi lines on foot somehow?

Man, auto correct fucked me hard on that one. Its supposed to say houthi, not you tho, and jew instead of new

"It" begins

Attached: Thermodynamic oil hypercollapse.jpg (952x8657, 2.69M)

the jew shouts in pain as he strikes you

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What the summary of this please I got
Oil should be 215 a barre but consumer would never pay so it ultimately drive price down as it’s not worth the effort anymore. Is that true?

Basically, the oil industry needs high prices to maintain production, the consumers need low prices to keep the economy running, so then we enter a death spiral of the industry going bankrupt leading to shortages, leading to skyrocketing prices, leading to economic collapse, leading to poorer consumers, leading to lower prices, leading to oil companies going bankrupt, leading to shortages, leading to skyrocketing prices, ect

1970's was the first energy crisis but we were saved by the discovery of offshore oilfields, the mid 2000's was the next energy crisis, and we were saved by massive amounts of debt, now the economy is "recovered" and still they need to do QE and 0 interest rates kek it's over

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Iranian hands typed this post.
Your mad that you owners didn't get away with it aren't you?
Did you seriously believe no one would spend five seconds looking at a map before they reached thier conclusions about what happened, or did you just forget that not everyone is as retarded as your countrymen are?

>everyone I don’t like is Iranian or Russian
Typical jew freakout. You shills are all the same

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>I'm very obviously wrong so I will continue calling him a jew in order to divert attention from this fact
T. You

USO is down .01% aftermarket.

same thing that happens every monday