Yeah I do host 5 SENT nodes, how could you tell?

>Yeah I do host 5 SENT nodes, how could you tell?

Attached: 1565072668585.jpg (1080x1331, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your s retarded pajeet. That's how I could te


SENT is still a very young project, but it is incredible what has been accomplished so far. What other project offers developers the ability to directly link to a decentralized VPN network without having to set up their own relay infrastructure? What other dVPN allows any token to be used to pay for bandwidth? What other project is building a decentralized token mixer?

I am dollar cost averaging $500 buys every two weeks. Buying before main net is a no brainer. I am convinced the developers are actually Cosmos/Tendermint devs, but they have to stay user since they are building a decentralized mixer and mixers are always under scrutiny.

It's shit and so are you dirty pajeet.

Could care less what a noob faggot on biz has to say. I bet you are still holding LINK. BIZ only falls for cheap fake marketing ploys like muh google and muh oracles. You wouldn't know a good project if it slapped you across your retarded face.

And I bet you shit on a street nasty smelly curry eater. Stop projecting and desperately trying to use language to fit in. You are too old to post here curry boomer.

The unoriginal/stolen content mostly. Same as the fake software they are selling you.

Thank you for your concern, but I am living comfy in the US on a nice golf course because I'm not retarded like you. Your turn faggot.

Kekekek he looks pretty white to me user. No pajeet can afford a touchbar MacBook Pro.

>The unoriginal/stolen content mostly. Same as the fake software they are selling you.
Just shows how retarded you are. Building on open source is stealing now? What are they trying to sell you? It is free to use faggot.

You have a beautiful hand user. Show penis please.

Any other requests user?

Kek based user

Dumped this for a project with a future. BUY UOS! Sent is exit scamming because consensus doesn’t work.

kek user, if you want to make shit up, at least try harder

Why are SENT fudders so desperate to the point of making up crap like this?

Sad basement incels have nothing better to do with their lives

What's a good suicide stack?

>Why yes, Im ethnically jewish, how can you tell?

At least 1M. Sell to normies at 15x on Binance listing.

This scam is going to zero. Dump now if you hodld. It's a toy project by fake devs with no software. It's amazing it even got this far.

> toy project by fake devs
"Fake devs" that have been consistently developing for 2 years. Check all the development updates:
> no software
SENT has had a working product since day 1, and has thousands of sessions on the dVPN every single day
>going to zero
I guess all the top wallets forgot to dump. No top wallets have sold any SENT so far.

SENT has had a working dVPN since 2017. They just released their own Tendermint chain testnet like two months ago. That is a lot of work creating a working product just to exit scam.

>No working software
>just a copy/paste of a tutorial confirmed
>dumped by cosmos on twitter
it's over

So fudders are resorting to straight up lies now?
>no working software
Has been working great on both desktop and Android
>just a copy/paste of tutorial
Haha you are retarded. Proof-of-bandwidth and relay network is the first of its kind. Where can I copy and paste that from?
>dumped by Cosmos on Twitter
Now this is hilarious. Cosmos dumped the coin on Twitter huh? Kek

>>dumped by cosmos on twitter
kek this is biz gold. brb going to go sell my SENT stash on twitter now

go down with it if you want. The cosmos devs have been laughing at this prject on their personal accounts for weeks. Apparently they are just a couple of russian railway workers that got laid off and tried to start a crypto project by copy/pasting a cosmos tutorial and tried to give it credibility by releasing a copy of an open source VPN. total clown show. The cosmos team is trying to distance themselves from it because it's obviously has no future.

tell you what - you post 1 link of “Cosmos devs laughing at this project” and I’ll send you 1 BTC. Deal?

damn that is a good deal user. Time for you to step up! Easy money!

shit - I just looked at the lead dev's twitter and this is what I found

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-09-15-at-9.39.57-PM.jpg (613x286, 27K)

kek pretty based shill

sub 3k volume. put in $50 and never get it back. great project rajesh. maybe go back to recycling hubcaps instead of shilling shitcoins.

Kek 1.3M retweets. Must be true.

Attached: 49B8DB98-8A8B-4878-AEE8-1F8B100CDA84.jpg (840x839, 171K)

Are you going to take up that 1 BTC offer user? Why would anybody listen to a retard like you?

Come on user. Can be the easiest 1 BTC of your life right here.

Attached: 5C361CAA-6D8D-4D49-9952-492B99DADB2E.gif (210x118, 2M)

you shill SENT. I know for a fact you don't have 1BTC

I have plenty. All you have to do is post a legit link and it’s yours. Well? What are you waiting for user? Should be really easy if it is true like you claim.

kek what a faggot. How hard can it be to post a link? Oh that's right, user is a low-life that has to resort to making shit up to try and fud a project. Sad excuse for a human life.

Why is this guy so desperate to FUD SENT to the point of making stuff up? I don’t get it.

Because he is a basement incel and has no life. I have been seeing this quite a bit lately. There is a group that has been posting the same fake SENT fud over and over. Not sure what they have to gain from it though...

Maybe it is a dVPN competitor? I have been researching similar projects like Orchid, Privatix, Lethean and none of them even come close to SENT. Orchid raised $50M in 2017 and they don’t even have a working product yet.

It could be that retard that accidentally added a zero to his withdraw address and burned all his SENT tokens. He went into the SENT chat and said he will be suing the devs in international court. kek

Straight fucking lies - was with Cosmos and Tendermint team at Berlin launch party and they all back Sent. Go and spread bullshit lies elsewhere retard.

So he can buy cheaper user. It’s been going on for weeks. Fudders are buying now

Sirs recently I have bouight the SENT. It is going to the moon and is sure to make many riches!

Oh look, the retard is back! Still waiting on that link user. 1 BTC to post 1 link. I think that is a fair deal. This is your chance to show the SENT shills once and for all!

Attached: C658007C-F2CA-4B72-B285-92800B7C7772.gif (386x207, 1.91M)

Can I get free vpn from SENT?

Both desktop and Android are free until mainnet release. The mobile apps will remain free after mainnet as dVPN Lite. The app will still use the backend blockchain infrastructure but the end-user doesn't need any tokens or crypto knowledge. If they want more features and faster speeds, they would have to upgrade to the full crypto app. This will be a good way to increase adoption of the network since SENT can target and advertise to non-crypto users.

Do I need to buy the token or is it really free?

It is really free while on testnet. For desktop, you claim a testSENT token in the wallet to use. For Android dVPN Lite, not even a test token is needed.

That is actually brilliant. I didn’t know about dVPN Lite. There are millions of searches for “free VPN” every month. Good strategy to drive adoption.

Attached: 58E07B65-9C06-47D3-BE77-C6F0207C729D.jpg (1227x283, 59K)

From the ball sack that you call a chin

The VPN market is to hit $54 BILLION by 2024. SENT is pretty much the only working decentralized VPN on the market. With more and more nations blocking centralized VPN providers, SENT is a no brainer. What other project can compete with SENT?

Who trusts centralized VPNs anymore? What other options are out there for normies? SENT will disrupt the centralized VPN sector. The AirBNB of VPN.

Russia requires centralized VPNs to give access to gov state censorship departments. China has billions of people behind The Great Firewall. No such thing as a free and open internet in the Middle East. Journalists and whistleblowers being jailed and prosecuted in Turkey. I am frankly surprised it has taken this long for something like SENT to be developed.

SENT needed the right protocol to be built upon, without tendermint it probably wouldn't be possible, if sent stayed on eth it could never be currency agnostic, and it would never be able to scale properly.

i have been unholy fucking JUSTD by this coin, but i believe this will go beyond ATH price EOY.

Attached: rwer89dfsklajd.jpg (216x234, 11K)

Literally no other competitor in the space user. Sentinel will be as well known as NORD and PIA in a year, except SENT won't steal and sell your data to the highest bidder.

I do think Sentinel will disrupt the VPN industry just like AirBNB and Uber disrupted their respective industries. This doesn’t happen overnight, but based on what I have seen so far, they have the best start out of any related project.

anybody will be able to become a vpn provider, and get payed in any crypto they want included BTC, sentinel solution is superior to any other competitor it doesn't force any utility token upon users, who would be willing to learn how to use ethereum gas and a utility token on top to use a dvpn, software must be simple for average consumer to be able to use it.

Exactly. Still early, it is just wrapping up testnet after all, but SENT is a game changer for VPN.

From a tokeconomics pov, the less velocity a token has the more value it will accrue, utility tokens that are just used for services will get instantly dumped on market to secure value.

yeah , thank god the majority of SENT tokens will be locked thanks to staking to secure yearly yield and enjoy part of the fees from chain usage.

If sent was just a utility token I would have never considered buying it.
Staking creates the perfect conditions for appreciation most of the supply will be locked away

Will this shit ever have a pump again? The volume is a fucking joke, I want to exit this scam but I'm not willing to take a loss

on top of that a very low % of the supply is on exchanges (i think its 6.5%) so the effect of staking will be multiplied, look at cosmos it opened at x60 over ico price thanks to staking

Of course it will. But if you are impatient, there are several in the telegram chat that will buy your tokens if you have a large amount.

It will be over whatever price you got in by the end of the year the float is so small that with a 100k legit volume it can go to over 20-25m mcap

i will buy ANY amount of SENT tokens at 14 sats

just post a OTC order using 0x protocol and i will fill it:
0x org/portal/generate

Who fucking wouldn't, its a legit project, one of few true gems

This better be true or I'm coming for you sent shills.

>buy sent
>Not make massive gains a year from now

Pick one

Do your part instead of complaining about your short term bad entry

Attached: LoveSentinel.png (640x640, 474K)

Attached: sent.jpg (1194x819, 445K)

well i just wanted to let know that if any large holder, wants an exit i will buy ANY amount at 14 sats.
dude its crazy, SENT has a 3.8$m market cap right now, that's low as fuck ,the potential ROI is huge

>What are they trying to sell you?

The useless magic token that will grant me unlimited riches. That's what all of these threads are for

By the time it goes back to ATH it will be a x10 gain from here

Even better is that most sentinel nodes arent range banned from Jow Forums

Sentinel is a staking token it's essential to make the whole protocol and it provides a share in the fees and a staking yield

Anybody know how much will be the staking yield ?

Interested in this as well

does staking help with the token plummeting in value>?

if its like cosmos it will be anywhere from 7% to 20%, for example iris (which is another project built on tendermint) has 14% yield, i think SENT will have a higher yield then iris and cosmos cause of the way lower mcap.
also you have to add the rewards from fees on top which can't really be predicted.
staking will look the majority of the supply, so the price will have way less resistance when increasing


That's quite a tasty yield, coupled with appreciation it can make many holders very wealthy.
Can't wait for staking

Cosmos + SENT = Endgame, congrats user you can retire at 30

Attached: TuxSent4Memes.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

Sentinel will be a top 3 VPN in a year. Multi billion $ vpn market, and SENT is the only decentralized option. Anybody who is complaining about short term, low volume price swings before the main net release is exteremely short-sighted.

that GIF is top tier
same i will be staking all my SENTs on main net

t. spook

Q4 is getting closer, I wonder if they are going to release dchat before main net

Look at all this curry astroturfing. Nobody really buys this. The only volume is fake hotbot wash trading. If you give these scammers your money you will never be able to get it out. Basic ass scam.

This is pure American astroturfing brother. One World Currency is coming, best get on that One World DVPN

Attached: EagleSent4Life.gif (262x175, 4M)

SENT has more of a working product and everyday users then 99.9% of the projects out there. This will easily be $50M after main net release with decentralized token mixer.

Downloaded VPN for free. Token not needed. This is just a Russian exit scam but they can’t get the volume up high enough to pull the trigger. They will dump again in the next day or two and get like 1k of retarded money out. This must be the most unsuccessful PnD I’ve seen here

Your right. Token isn't needed. That is the beauty of a dVPN that doesn't force you to use their native token like Orchid and the other VPN projects that will never take off. SENT is required however to stake and validate the decentralized network between the bandwidth seller and bandwidth user. Without the validators, a bandwidth seller could spoof and fake the amount of bandwidth used - i.e. the user used 2GB of data, but the seller charges for 4GB. In exchange, the validators get a % of all transactions on the dVPN and mixer. So if someone uses BTC to pay for dVPN, you get a % of the BTC as a validator. That is the incentive to buy SENT.

I actually think they are Chinese. Would make sense why they would be user and fighting the Great Firewall. Look at the website and client - only two languages available. English and Chinese.