
moon mission to $18k starts now

Attached: 740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy81OGEzM2IyYjhhNWM4ZjFhZjk4OGI0 (740x493, 673K)

Someone might want to let BTC know... LOL!

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lol based

My wife is open and ready to be used


Hahaha, its going to be amazing watch you cry when this bear rally collapses.

it's almost as if you want to keep the price down so that you can accumulate at low prices!
hmmmm. . .
makes you think doesn't it?

Only the dumb money is buying. All the smart money is waiting for the true bottom. What do you think they are going to use Bakkt for?

thanks. gonna short it

true bottom was 9,400
look at the charts
this is bull country
enjoy your losses

The true bottom is literally lower than 3k which is the bottom for now you imbecile. Sorry you bought so high. I will be buying your bags at 1k.

Should i sell

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>I will be buying your bags at 1k.

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it's time to buy, friends.
pack your bags.
btc is on sale
it's time for new ath
it's time for 26k

>buying way overpriced

Its like you bulls want to lose money.

i mean no lol but ill buy in at 3k for the moon

enjoy the fomo like i'll enjoy selling you my bags
Why do you get off on helping people lose money? have you not accumulated yet??
it's time.

You are literally the person trying to get people to buy absurdly overpriced bitcoin. I am trying to let casuals know what the smart money already understands. Save you fucking money and buy in at the true bottom.

for all the "casuals" reading this, please don't wait for "lower thank 3k" to buy

I'd wait for it to move one way or another. Do anything except buy or sell at $10.3. I'm not sure which way the price is going but it will def be a different price one week from now

>Its another retard fudder speculation thread episode.

isn't it a school night?
i swear it's like you want another linky thread

You are literally trying to fuck people over

dude fuck off, everyone can see through this bullshit. faggots like you are disgusting and should be banned on sight.

These aren’t ready to go anywhere yet. Crabbing till January.

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crabbies until january you heinsous insignificant little fucks
someone post that anime oracle

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unpopular opinion: bulls and bears are retards and bakkt slowly kickstarts alt season

>cme destroys btc price by shorting,dumping,buying, shorting,dumping
>bakkt settles contracts in btc not usd so you can finally arbitrage cme shorting niggers
>btc finally "tamed" because lots of money to be made on both sides
>tamed and non volatile btc= alt season

Screencap this niggers

why altseason?

this isn't happening dude, get over it

What an useless shitposting.

> Real bottom is around 7.9k

I literally wrote roadmap
Even your meme anime oracle points to itAre you braindead?

okay i agree with you anons
but im gonna buy a little btc now just in case youre a bunch of faggots