I just watched The Big Short

I just watched The Big Short
>the 2008 financial crisis was basically caused by banks giving money to people who couldn't pay it back
>people profited from this by shorting the mortgage bonds

Student debt is at an all time high and they can't find jobs. We're heading toward another collapse. Can we use this to our advantage? Can we short student loans?

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Student loans will be bailed out
Pensions will be bailed out.
States will be bailed out.
There are not enough taxes to pay for any of this.
The only option is to print more money.
Hold Gold/Silver/Bitcoin


Yeah jewywood movies are very honest and accurate about history.

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Lol, pensions will not be bailed out

pls no bully

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>Student debt is at an all time high and they can't find jobs. We're heading toward another collapse

You dramatically overestimate the student debt issues importance.

Protip:Debt is an asset to the creditor.

Student loans are guaranteed by the the Federal Government. They can't default. As long as you're a citizen of the USA and you're earning a wage, they'll garnish a percentage of your shekels.

So you can't short student loans, just like you can't short state-run hospitals in Canada.

I've wondered the same thing repeatedly.
The problem is that they are backed by the usa government so you would have to short the usa. Not sure how you would do that. Also if you could short colleges and universities that would be another way

Any government that even attempts to reduce the entitlements offered to boomers is likely to get a rude surprise at the ballot box.

There are people in the USA that unironically hate socialism but praise Social Security. Pragmatism will win out over ideology, and those Boomers will vote for an AOC-type candidate if necessary. Just the same as they voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

>this thread again

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>Not sure how you would do that. Also if you could short colleges and universities that would be another way

So much of the system is dependent on government spending and debt creation in the USA that the entire system, both private and public, is tied up together.

We're at a point similar to the late 60s/early 70s where it will take a repudiation of the dollar system itself to bring about reality to US debt and equity markets.

As it is now, if America has a decline in consumer spending or the equities market, all they do is pump the system with liquidity. It's not a market at all, it's just a more complicated and dishonest command economy.

Yes, debt is an asset, which is exactly how it was bundled up and traded in the housing bubble. The real reason why OP's idea won't work is that the vast majority of student loans are government loans not private loans. Private student loans are bundoed and traded as well though

When have the masses ever not voted for more handouts? This is what causes democracy to collapse time and time again.

>banks giving money to people who couldn't pay it back

There was a step before this:

Government forced them to give out these bad loans.

There were tons of banks who chose not to participate in giving out the bad loans, so they were unaffected by the recession and actually grew during it because they were able to acquire the assets of some banks who participated in the bad loans for pennies on the dollar.

All you have to do is short any of the major indexes. If would have done that during the last collapse you would have profited.


the difference is that you can walk away from a mortgage, you can't walk away from student debt.
Student debt is de facto indentured servitude

Help a brainlet out, how do i do this

You'd be better off shorting car finance debt, although I don't know of any particular instruments you could use to do this

jesus fuck how many times are we gonna see this thread? is it just the one poster taking the piss? surely

how do i short water?

the government didnt force banks to give out silly shit like ninja loans though. this is a very disingenuous post

lmao do u think a bank will accept your short of a few thousand dollars

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You want to short debt just buy gold or silver

I know they weren’t ‘forced’ but were they not heavily incentivized to give these loans away practically blindfolded?

Heavy push by I think it was bush at the time, to appease the voting base for the election

Maybe you missed the “can’t find jobs” part..

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