Stop whining about boomers

Im a 34 year old millennial and working hard to become the boomer myself. why you faggots whining so much? in 10-20 Im gonna be the boomer shitting on young zoomerfags its the natural cycle of things. quit whining and get to it you spineless faggots

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>people aren't happy with the position they are in so they bitch and moan until they get in that position
who knew

>don't complain about the generation that almost singlehandedly destroyed western civilisation

In other words, become socialist

You are a late Boomer

born 85 thats millennial

A generation in classical, non-marketing-we-have-to-create-as-many-segments-for-our-shitty-products terms, a generation lasts about 40 years. Boomers are from 1945 to 1985, they are the same basically because you, like them got raised by centralized propaganda,be it TV or radio, show a similar voting behavior and consume behavior in the mean. I'm not saying you act like a Boomer, I can't know, but you are a late Boomer from a generational point of view.

>Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted definition
also I grew up with computers and my dad was an early adopter of the internet so I was surfing with 56k modems in my early teens. early millennials are literally the absolute patrician generation we have tech knowledge but werent completely dumbed down by smartphones and actually socialized as kids. I cant wait to enslave zoomers once I rise through the ranks of the corporate world.

Cringe worthy. I'm two years younger, but you are literally looking for validation on a zoomer neet hentai forum.

For that, I'm out

>Researchers and popular media
>widely accepted definition
There you have it. Re-read it again and slap yourself in the face. If you re-read it and still don't want to slap yourself in the face you are clearly a Boomer.
>B-But 56K modems
>S-Stupid zoomers and there phones
You are so much of a Boomer it hurts. But like the typical Boomer you want to be hip and cool and but at the same time be regarded as better as them. 30 year old Boomer in his most purest form, that is you. Go crack open a Monster and start the lawn mower Boomer

lmao absolutely bootyblasted

>Cringe worthy. I'm two years younger, but you are literally looking for validation on a zoomer neet hentai forum.
full marks

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>u mad lol
I'm an early Millenial and you are as cringe worthy as my parents born in the late 50's

its no wonder youngfags get BTFO in every aspect of their pathetic lifes. you faggots need to start listening to your elders giving out sage advice.

>Sage advice
>Boomers that never grew up
Another interesting difference between Boomers and Millenials. Despite being born into a high interest booming economy Boomers are less self sufficient and independent than Millenials, have on average started to work later in life and have more debt, despite the student loan scams. Your generation never grew up, is entitled as fuck, votes the most for gibs and is great when it comes to projection. This again is a mean, but (you) are clearly the average Boomer.

user Im a millennial and started working at 13.

Part of the Zoomer issue is not understanding gov. gibs. Or Money & its creation in general. Keep blaming everyone except the Jew, its what (((they))) want.

You seem to be weird mix desu. But the emotional maturity suggests you are more in the Boomer camp and love to throw money at shit you don't need for social status and waste your time on places you shouldn't be for social validation
>ib4 muah phones again
A phone is a communication device that can optimize many processes, where travelling, buying expensive whiskeys, watches, special cars and other shit, which is tried to be marketed to Millenials but Boomers remain the biggest market is for the most part hedonistic waste of time and money for egoistical purposes.

>love to throw money at shit you don't need for social status and waste
oh boy the projection. Im frugal as fuck and save about 50% of my income. this is all completely besides the point of this thread btw. tehre are still many opportunities out there to become the boomer yourself and keep the cycle of assfucking going on. dont you think your boomer parents werent assraped by their employers in one way or another? but sure just keep whining about how hard everything is.

>A wild faggot appears with the muah juice
Guess the thread caught another Boomer. Regarding the not understanding government and gibs you are projecting as hell. Millenials are not the one voting for gibs, be it social security, health care or free housing for the elder and minorities, even if the centralized propaganda tries to sell it that way because peer pressuring must certainly work the same as it worked with Boomers. Funny thing, it works on Boomers who are the majority of faggots consuming msm, still represent the biggest voting blocks and still think they are young and have to do what the TV tells them what the young do.

>Become the Boomer
Fuck you are such a piece of shit. Claiming in one post you are not a Boomer and in the next trying to convince others that they need to take the Boomer torch, means the debt they amassed and keep the system alive so the promises of life long health care and gibs ponzi will not collapse before they die.

Face it Boomer nobody will take your torch or continue your institutions. Millenials will watch how your hopes and dreams get crushed and you die alone and hated as the generation of fools and cowards you are

>take the Boomer torch, means the debt they amassed and keep the system alive so the promises of life long health care and gibs ponzi will not collapse before they die.
no it means taking up positions of power so you can enslave further generations. this has been going on for eternity, young men were always assraped and had to work their way up through the ranks. except zoomers are too limpwristed and faggy to even try and would rather play with their anime dolls and whine about how unfair the world is.

>Millenials are not the one voting for gibs
No shit really?
I'll make it simple, the gibs you are referring to, where do the funds come from?

>no it means taking up positions of power so you can enslave further generations. this has been going on for eternity,
BASED, in fact the whole post. I find it funny how the Zoomers bitch about things they don't even have a basic understanding of!

look how the fearful Boomer tries to rationalize his treason. You are wrong on so many levels and are either playing a parody of a Boomer, or in the case you mean what you say the biggest asshole that ever walked the earth.
>enslave future generation
That is exactly why the Boomer ponzi is where it is and about to collapse with all their institutions, leaving nothing but burned earth. The reason why your generation has issues to recruit and keep creative and qualified employees and officials to save their hopes and dreams is exactly your mind set. Your generation not just burned through the wealth their parent generation build but at the same time threw the inheritance of country, ethnie and civilization through the window on the street and pissed on it for the illusion of grandeur.

Do the world and yourself a favor and kill yourself before you turn 40

except these cunts think they deserve >$15 an hour starting at the fucking bottom flipping burgers. the world is too fucking ready to hand them everything they whine hard enough for. disgusting...

Debt and the hope that importing shitskin and trying to nurture them into mindless consumers like yourself will guarantee that you can profit off the keynesian central bank ponzi scheme before it collapses and ensures the west to become Argentina/Venzuela

You realize that 15 bucks today do to your treason is about 4 bucks when the other Boomer claims he worked the first time

I'm the same age as OP boomer, and no, you have no idea what you're talking about. $5.15/hr in 2002 is not the same as $15/hr in 2019.

>in 10-20 Im gonna be the boomer shitting on young zoomerfags

I wont. I will actively be trying to make the world a better place for white zoomers.

at least back then we all realized $5.15/hr shit wage jobs weren't meant to be lived on. they were after school jobs for highschoolers. at some point, all the failed adults decided that their mcCucks job was respectable enough to live at and convinced themselves that it was worth way more than it is.

Typical Boomer. Ignores 2008, the central Bank fuckery with interest and inflation. Guess you cheered for Obama and think that Trump is an orange meany for bringing back manufacturing from China.

Also stop samefagging with your phone Boomer. This is cringe worthy as fuck

2008 only affected people who were over leveraged. the minimum wage crowd saw no difference in their quality of life.

user in 2008 I was literally 23 getting started in the business world. what do you think zoomers are the only ones getting fucked? you really need to get over your entitlement complex if you wanna make it. or you just give up and whine online about how everything sucks. I guess you made your choice..

K so you have a grasp... Why blame the wrong people though? It's like sayin you hate communism but kill capitalists. Don't worry Zoomer things are only going to get worse under you tards! As OP said, the Zoomers are too limp wristed, you have all the knowledge that no other generation has had... I sit & watch you waste it!

they really don't have knowledge though. everything they know is propaganda. twitter doesn't feed them proper information, and that's where they plug into the world from.

I already told you what to do. Kill yourself before you turn 40. You will not like what happens because of your Boomers being overly invested in a failing institutional paradigm and biologically not able to compete in what (you) created

>not able to compete
thats funny because its zoomers who just gave up on competing in the economy. Im doing quite well myself and intend to live a long life.

kek. someday, you'll wake up a boomer too. I used to hate them as well. you gotta do you time and build your empire. nobody is going to take care of you zoomie.

What is it now? You late Boomers taking over and crashing the system into the wall or Millenials? You can't have both.

>they really don't have knowledge though.
So true, Zoomer knowledge comes through memes & nothing larger than 3 sentences.

Should have said you have *access* to all the knowledge that no other generation has had.

>Keeps using zoomer like an msm indoctrinated faggot
There is nothing like a Zoomer. The Millenial generation is not over yet

>Giving up
tststststs. Not what I said. We simply don't take over your legacy organizations and let you die in your bags

>im just gonna do nothing and moan about life
sounds like a great plan!

>What is it now?
Now? Now, the system is working exactly as the creators (The Jew) intended it. I don't see that changing!
>You late Boomers taking over and crashing the system into the wall or Millenials?
KEK, no fuckin way, I grew out of Ideas like that when I became an adult. Give it a few more years user, look around at your peers. Notice they talk, but do nothing. Notice most don't even want to talk about such things.
Things change but they stay the same! Its been like this for millennia.
The sheep will fight to keep the status quo.

Topest Kek.
One of the big mistakes the universal egalitarian Boomers did was believing that marching through institutions and over taking organizations, mainly centralized propagandist ones like media and public schools would ensure their ideologies to survive, when even they themselves haven't been nurtured by their school systems. Just forget about giving over your torch and somebody else taking the blow, you will be crushed and remembered as a generation of cowards and fools, and future generations will wonder how there ever was a generation that was so easily manipulated into burning through generational wealth and more for shiny pearls, holiday to eat in exoctic countries and some cars

>The jews
>it was always the same
>Peer pressure peer pressure peer pressure
Boomers gone Boom, centralized propaganda in form of TV really fried your brains

dude, we're talking about the boomer meme, not people actually born in the 60s. 33 year old boomer here (elder millenial). the institutions you're talking about have already transitioned to millenial. you're getting left behind.

KEK, you really are young aren't you?
>Peer pressure peer pressure peer pressure
I wasn't talking about peer pressure, just that your peers, don't really give enough of a shit to do anything about the issues your discussing. You'd know that if you had friends (peers).

Seriously, think about real people you know in real they give 2 shits? Are they not just surfing social media? be honest with yourself!

don't buy property, that will teach those boomers!
don't take up a comfy position of power, you sure stuck it to the man!
whine about your problems more, I'm sure someone out there will want to take care of you....

go fuck yourself boomer!

>the institutions you're talking about have already transitioned to millenial
So somebody born in the mid 70s to mid 80s is now a Millenial. Boomers are really eager to not take the blame. Typical Boomer thought. Shifting responsibility to everyone else but themselves

80's yes! my peers are running the show right now. you'd know this if you were actually exposed to the institutions you're talking about. I have kids in the school system. traditional media outlets are pretty much dead and have been replaced by social media outlets and clickbait headlines. that's all millenial stuff.

Glad for me I'm mostly around people who want to change something, and unfortunately among us there are still the people who firmly believe overtaking dying institutions so deeply in dept it is comical and with average trust from the greater population that it is hilarious is the way to go. They will probably be with your kind on the gallows when the time comes.

>80's yes!
I disagree. The program boards of schools, parties, media companies old and new are not composed of people born in the 80's, which I count till 85 anyway to Boomers, but mostly by 70's Boomers

they will still be alive to witness its collapse. these motherfuckers will literally be in the most prosperous times in human history and die on its collapse

the principle of my kids school is about the same age as me. her teacher was almost 10 years younger than me. millenials have been in the workforce for long enough to climb their way up by now. their influence is there. they absolutely have a voice in the direction these institutions are going. you can see the changes easily if you were paying attention. it's probably not the revolution you were hoping for, it's different in many ways though.

you might be experiencing a cognitive bias that assumes everyone is just floating like you seem to be. not all millenials are sitting on their hands waiting for someone to rescue them. we have actual careers and direction.

Not hoping for a revolution, there will not be one. But what you call Millenials in "positions of power" are well groomed mental Boomers, that were chosen for a reason, the reason to keep the system implemented running. As said at the beginning of the thread, generational assumptions stem from a mean, and sitting a late Boomer in such a position doesn't change that the institutional boomerism is in decline do to decisions and norms implemented by mid Boomers.
>Waiting for somebody to save them
The projection. I'm waiting for it to crash and burn and plunder the ashes to build something new in the chaos.

>I'm waiting for it to crash and burn and plunder the ashes to build something new in the chaos.
because basement dwelling NEETs with no skills, no experience and no backbone will be the ones calling the shots in a shtf scenario. hahahaha the cope is off the charts.

well waiting is the wrong term, as I'm actively in some way teaching and narrating the treason of legacy system, norms and processes to what you fags call zoomers

I'm no NEET, I'm cancer in the Boomers machine room, actively sabotaging supply for their institutional myths

>I'm actively in some way teaching and narrating the treason of legacy system, norms and processes to what you fags call zoomers
thats a nice way to describe shitposting on Jow Forums lol. absolutely pathetic.

>Glad for me I'm mostly around people who want to change something,
Must be a small group! Think about the peers not in your group...aka the majority! Do they want change? Do have the right to force change upon them?
>unfortunately among us there are still the people who firmly believe overtaking dying institutions so deeply in dept it is comical and with average trust from the greater population that it is hilarious is the way to go.
The system won't change, if it does, it won't be much different. The rulers of this world will see to that.
>They will probably be with your kind on the gallows when the time comes.
D E L U S I O N A L, Not that I don't wish that to happen...its just that I live in reality.

All I'm asking is for you to embrace reality. The reality that no one really cares, the system is going to keep going. Invest in yourself, stop caring about existential things that are immutable.
I do remember when I had the same views in life as yourself,

see you fail to understand the boomer meme and why it was so successful. it speaks to us because at some point we grew up and realized we were just like our parents were, who we didn't understand when we were younger. cracking beers on lake with some buddies is living the dream. getting excited by the monthly visit to sams club for bulk items. riding the mower to escape the noise of the kids and nagging wife. it's all real. we're the boomers now. life goes on, it changes us in ways we didn't think it would. you know everything when you're young, and then you wake up older and know that you didn't know shit before.

>I'm cancer in the Boomers machine room, actively sabotaging supply for their institutional myths
sure I watched fight club too. just hope you will grow out of your teenage angst phase or you might wake up 10 years older with nothing to show for it.

I admit, the journey started shitposting on Jow Forums, but has expanded into the educational system, party politics and civil society associations
>aka the majority! Do they want change?
>Do have the right to force change upon them?
rights is the wrong question. They have the will through radicalization and willing to amass the means, which are not found in classical institutions though.
>The reality that no one really cares
No one is the wrong expression, not many I would agree with. But the difference from 20 years to today is, that the economy was heavily raped, public debt is close to crush the paradigms of the last 60 years and society is atomized more than ever among multiple lines and that the cleavages are worse than during the 1920's in Europe. They don't just run along political lines, they run through political, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, consumerist and many more in many different compositions. Together with the gibs glue breaking and no monetarist policies able to fix it, decline and collapse are inevitable

>Just role over and accept it
>Don't throw wrenches into the gears
Damn you are dead inside.

kek, I'm a made man. we boomers are having better sex than you angsty zoomers, we're making more money that you poor fag zoomers, and we have our own backyards to dig around in. you're literally waiting for society to break down so that you can "plunder and build something new in the chaos". that's not gonna happen retard. you wanna build something for yourself, it's on you to do it. you start from where you are and work with what you've got. eventually, you'll arrive. you're just waiting for everything else to change first. kek. sure, I'm the one whose dead inside.

>You are waiting
you are again assuming like the Boomer you are, trying to rationalize your life decisions and selling them as the only option in an attempt to secure your way of life and your investments while the institutional setting that was supposed to guarantee it is failing to stabilize from decades of failures. Call me preper if you like, but if there would be an Argentina style hyper inflation tomorrow, an economic crash wiping out pensions and jobs or a breaking down of inner security do to inability of internal security forces to keep the peace, it would not affect me, and yes I would welcome it. But if it wouldn't happen it will also not affect me and I will keep doing what I do, poison the minds of a declining supply of debt slaves people like you bet on will keep your way of lives and investments afloat so you don't have to experience the result of your treason against your children.

you're also projecting, but I bet I'd fair better than most in an economic collapse. if you have no money or assets in boom times, what makes you think you'll do better in tough times? I have a homestead on 3 acres that I've spent almost a decade building up, and I have a high paying job whose demand isn't going to go away. I'm gonna be okay.

From the material point of view we sound similar
The difference between us two is, you gave up and rolled over, betting on infinite continuation because "it always has been that way and it can't be different" while I keep up a facade in public but are actively working against the continuation of the generational treason started by early Boomers. As said, you are already dead inside. Enjoy the stability as long as you can

>decline and collapse are inevitable
You do understand this is by design...The people that run this world are WAY ahead of you.
Lets give an example take a revolution, any of them really, the common folk that fight or even die for that revolution, are simply pawns for the game of condensing power. Revolutions are not for the people, its to condense power for the rulers of this world further!

>ITT apathetic zoomer gets absolutely BTFO and taken to school by millennial chads

Yes by, post 1945 design. The neo marxist delusion that human nature can be changed through negative institutional myths, economic incentives and centralized propaganda. The latter completely failed, the second requires infinite debt growth as infinite debt slaves and the first is failing over time the further away in time the foundation myth moves, coupled with the failure in centralized propaganda. I completely oppose the its the jews or the elites. They themselves are just pawns acting individually rational, and despite trying to propagate their ideologies to the next generation acting in absolute opposition to their ideals because they are stupid anyway and destined to fail. I remind about OP and his expression that "we" need to enslave the next generation. A system that is build on such a requirement to survive is eating its own future, especially with a declining demography and expansion of public debt at the same time.
>Revolutions are not for the people
It is not about revolutions, it is about cutting the life line of the current institutional paradigm and let it crash by itself and making sure that the (((generational contract))) stays dead. This is how you hurt what you call the jews obfuscating the bigger picture, because it includes shabbes goys like OP and E34nMExM who have an individual interests in saving their investments and ways of life

>1985 Boomer calls 1989 millenial some pop marketing science term and declares himself the winner of an internet argument

Attached: 1515870197769.png (488x463, 28K)

1981 to 1996 is millennial

Let me guess you read that in the news or heard it on TV

I feel like a lot of people are mixed up about what age boomers are because they talk about them as though they think they're here on Jow Forums. Literally no one over 50 could possibly be on Jow Forums.

Ok reading through this thread it is blatantly obvious nobody is adhering to an exact definition of what a boomer is.
Everybody is just discussing a bunch of negative connotations attached to an obscure title; "boomer".
Boomer should mean baby-boomers, and they are all now very old.

Starting at the 20th century with a focus on the west, you have the great wars generation, those that were born or grew up during war times, which is roughly 1900 - 1945; then those born into the post war BOOM and grew up during it 1945 - 1985; and those that were born or grew up in the decline into the new millenial which is still not at the bottom 1985 - 2025

> working hard to become the boomer myself
Basically you bought boomer bags at the top and got scammed.
You can't simply become a boomer.

>that 20 year old zoomer making his first post on 4chin

Attached: boom.png (1807x776, 653K)

quit with this nonsense retard. I never gave up, I made my life what I wanted. you were defeated before you ever even started.
>muh generational treason
poor guy is so oppressed.

i'm just going to go full zoomer & say
>Didn't read that wall of text

Don't worry, in 5-10 years you'll look back at your ideas of the world & realise how naive you are! You'll see the same system, with the same shit happening, no one is going to do shit (sadly).

>No one is going to do shit
That is the beauty about an economic system build around Keynesian ideas and policies with a sprinkle of 19th century socialist fever dreams managed by neo marxists, it fails on itself, if it fails to have constant growth in debt slaves and productivity, and it fails even faster if the environment is atomized with no loyalty and the managing class robs it while in power.

Only replying as you have trips, shame its on the same treadmill.

Best of luck on your own personal road to awe!

>I never gave up
Paying your mortgage, driving in your cubicle into your cubicle to stare into your cubicle and paying every month into a pension fund of which you expect to see a cent ever again I guess, and probably voting for it and telling your children to do as daddy did, just become a slave and don't dare to change something. You gave up, you are dead inside. You are a zombie looking for that long lost flame on a competitive cantonese knitting forum. Just leave it behind you and join a boomer book club

Highest-IQ posts I've seen on this godforsaken board in at least a week. Pearls before swine, but the effort is still appreciated by some anons.
>The system will last forever, bro. New paradigm.
Imagine being this much of an NPC. Programmed to perfection.
And I say this as a 30+ boomer who already has a bigger stake in this godforsaken ponzi scheme than probably 99% of the people on this board in dollar terms.

Attached: brainelephant.png (680x788, 94K)

Boomer sympathizers like OP will get the rope.

Boomers are based as fuck. Buying real estate and stocks for pennies on the dollar, then forcing retarded millenials and zoomers to rent from them cause "I gotta live where the action is man" for dat passive income, and finally unloading their real estate on foreigners for 25x the ROI as they sail into the Hawaian sunset sipping on martinis.If you wouldn't do the same you don't belong on /biz

you think I'm posting on Jow Forums in the middle of the day from a cubicle? kek. you're one of those retards that believes anyone who thinks differently than they do is the caricature they're created in their head.
bought my first house at 25, did the remote programmer thing for years in the comfort of my own home, now I trade meme coins on the internet. being a slave sure is tough. the world around me changes, oh no please don't threaten my pension.

Most of us had similar feelings as the Zoomers do when we where that age. They'll be saying the same shit to the next generation! Its a really is! I would love change, I would hope the majority of this board would!
But at this point the Zoomers are just preaching to the not many others will listen!

no flags, you could be in the middle of the night from jakarta, who knows

you keep telling me I'm dead inside, but it's obvious you're the one who can't cope with their life. you have a lot of angst and unrest....must be everyone else's problem huh?

Must feel shit to have been forced by legislators to buy Boomer bags with your hard earned money for years knowing it is misused to pay interests on debt for social programs for voting cattle to keep the ponzi scheme running for another half decade
>Did the remote programmer thing for years
>Now trade mem coins
What is it now? High paying job or shit coin trader. Your larp is slipping, or do you consider meme coin trading a high paying "job".

Based. Kids here don't realize just how money is made. It took me eight years of serious wagekekery in a stressful job to make the initial capital but now I'm pretty comfy. I don't even care if the shitcoins go all the way to zero lol

programming is the high paying job. I still code for other people if I'm being honest. i'm not dependent on everything you assume I'm dependent on though. like I said, the world can crash around me and I'm confident I'd fair better than most. I'm not waiting for that to happen though.

Guess someone gonna have to break the cycle

>save about 50% of my income

so you're in a middle class or less tax bracket. imagine being almost 40 and still an underachiever. people who are same age are already retiring fag