Why isn't anyone else working hard?

Why isn't anyone else working hard?

I am in the Library all day. I take two 30 minute breaks to eat and one 1 hour break to workout. I am studying about 10 hours a day. I don't just study my classes I study investing and writing code as well. I go to the gym and look around at everyone being so nonchalant they are laughing, they aren't in a rush, they are making plans for the night. I go to the library and I look around at who is there when I enter and who is there when I leave. No one stays for as long as me. Even the librarians change shifts. I'll walk home and see minimum wage waiters outside having a smoke chilling and joking around. Why aren't they panicked? Why are they content to be waiters? Why am I alone in this study room on a Tuesday at 10PM. Where is everyone what else do they do

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People are lazy and stupid...

>t. Frank Grimes

when ur dumb u have to study harder

Kek too accurate user

Me on the right

You have drive and ambition.

College went from being an investment good (pay now to gain skills to earn more) to being a mix of a consumption (college experience) and an insurance (society won’t leave me behind if I’m educated) good.

idk who that is

I study about 8 hours a day on class and 2 hours on my investments. I'm not stupid

user, you're gonna make it. I used to do the same.

They aren't going to be waiters. They come from rich families. Cease this fuming and realize they're fortunate. Get to work, slave!

because you're going to graduate and realize all that hard work and you're going to get paid less. No one will want to hire you because you're an insufferable autist, so you'll be left with the worst job. It'll be a position with high turnover, and you'll probably leave. Then your resume looks like shit because you can't stay at a job for long. All that time you should have spent being a normie having fun, was working hard for nothing. eventually you'll find a job then you'll be stuck in an office where everyone knows less than you but is somehow being paid more because of a gappy job history

Let's see what happens when your Adderall script runs out

Word hard. Your reward will be more work

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$20M in the bank
Make me something I will like to buy. Research or something. Life clock is ticking and I need entertainment. Thanks?

I interned at a hedge fund this summer. No chads in sight it was autist central

Don't forget that pat on the back they gush over and that weird social thing that make 'em blush.

i graduated on one of the best engineering school
of europe and i studied about 5 days for each exam, so you might actually just be retarded

The blue pilled answer is that this generation just doesnt have the gumption of the last generation and if we just gave them dang kids the right education everything would be working hard just like there parents.
>whats the redpilled answer?
The truth is that IQ has been falling since the late 1800's with the introduction of germ theory, modern medicine and contraceptives. IQ is correlated with conscientiousness and other positive personality traits, meaning that the dumber current population is literally genetically predisposed to not working as hard. More of a black pill really.
>but low IQ immigrants work hard!
yes, because they came from shitholes where the only other option is to die if they dont work. All of their kids and grandkids are lazy as you would expect of low IQ people in an environment of surplus wealth

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Oh yeah? You didn't do ANY school work during the year? Your GPA was 2.5

Feel better now? Yikes.

Cuz fuck you, blow me.

Not really, just a small bit of cope before most of the west slides into post-colonial-africa-tier regression because of poor decisions made in ignorance.

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One last thing before I'm out. Reality is, all the "hard workers" in this thread are weaklings, conforming and whining about this or that when they spot free spirits in the world. Do us a favor and get back to work. You don't get paid to question people's private lives.

>retarded american system
max GPA is 5, right? its its 5, then if i made an equivalency to GPA, mine would be at 3.25. if i went back in time and i had to choose, i would pick "5 days per exam with a 3.25 GPA and fuck around the rest of the time" over "8 hours a day of study with no life".
you do know you're gonna die one day and you're wasting the most valuable years of your life, right? i mean if we lived in a society that's worth maintaining i would consider the sacrifice, but the world's completely fucked to the point of no return

GPA is out of 4.0.

> wasting the most valuable years of your life, right
So I should be a mindless hedonist?

> society that's worth maintaining i would consider the sacrifice
You sacrifice for your bloodline not society.

Holy shit lmao nice one

Sucks that I didn't get to enjoy the consumption

every exchange i tried wouldn't even let me load a webpage

Good on you, user. Most people are lazy shits who coast through life without knowing the glory of the struggle and triumph over adversity, which is why they fill their lives with late nights and parties in some feeble attempt to feel alive. I know this because I've been there. Wasted over half a decade with that bullshit. All I got out of it was wasted time and an opioid addiction.

>American cartoons
Fucking gay lmao

if you get good at having fun, you'll spend your life having fun no matter what you do

likewise, if you get good at working hard, you'll spend your life working hard no matter what you do

you should be figuring out how you can get away with doing less and finding ways to fit in more fun

If you actually enjoy ur shit life then congrats

>>whats the redpilled answer?
>The truth is that IQ has been falling since the late 1800's with the introduction of germ theory, modern medicine and contraceptives

Top fucking kek, your brain on Jow Forums, thinking all greeks were fucking Plato or Aristotles makes me kek hard

IQ has actually been falling though. I’m too lazy to post the statistics but guess how many kids people with Ph. D.’s have? Its like 1.2 on average. Dumb people have more kids and theres nothing like wars or disease to cull the weak and stupid anymore. And importing the third world is the final straw california’s iq is dropping to lukewarm numbers by 2030.

You are doing great user, but there are certain redflags from what i read in your post that may point at things you are not honest about yourself

> I go to the gym and look around at everyone being so nonchalant they are laughing, they aren't in a rush, they are making plans for the night.

Are you a gymcel? Bodybuilding and obsessing about it won't make you get laid, bodybuilding and martial arts is to impress other dudes mainly, if your goal is getting respect then keep obsesing about it, if your plan is getting laid then forget about it, just gym for yourself or other dudes seriously.

> I go to the library and I look around at who is there when I enter and who is there when I leave. No one stays for as long as me. Even the librarians change shifts.

Are you studying something that will make money? keep doing it, i also went through a phase where i saw many students of humanities or other bullshit partying up and using his time in uni hooking up, they are now filled with debt, not worth it, seek party outside of uni, it will be more long lasting

>I don't just study my classes I study investing and writing code as well.

That's good, however the fruits of that are subtle, meaning you will sense them in a few years, like reading philosophy does to your brain, same shit, money is good, but you keep complaining about being social, money won't bring you a social life

>I'll walk home and see minimum wage waiters outside having a smoke chilling and joking around. Why aren't they panicked? Why are they content to be waiters?

We most made it through crypto, waiters are utterly redpilled you wouldn't believe it

>Why am I alone in this study room on a Tuesday at 10PM.

You are studying for your future, but you are crying like a fucking incel and gymcelling your life up because you aren't honest with your social shortcomings, either man up and realize you are a loner and seize that shit and stop complaining or become more social and engaging to normies

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It's just america and europe becoming shitholes in the last 20 years, nothing to do with modern medicine, actually modern medicine made possible the boom of 1900-2000 in technology and science

You'ee just a boring and uninteresting faggot user

Worker smarter, not harder user.

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That's a fake quote you retard, Aristotle never said that.
>this is the person talking about the importance of IQ

How did you get the internship? Target school? Major?

Because you're Asian

I don’t really see how those two things connect. It sounds like something you heard and are just repeating

They're wasting their time. Though you might be too, with ten hours spent studying. Remember that conscious and deliberate practice is far more effective than pure time invested.

Don't buy Adderall on the darknet. Most of it that has been tested turns out to be a counterfeit press of caffeine with meth


That study won't matter if you can convert it into money making opportunity.

You could study 10x as hard as someone else, but if the payoff was the same as the other person your study was ultimately hard and dumb, while his was easy and efficient.


The real redpill is IQ is a shitty estimator of real world intelligence

Diminishing returns. Why spend twice as long studying for an exam to bump up my grade another 5-10 percent? It isn’t worth the effort to me.

I mean it's really not. Lower IQ absolutely correlates with lower test scores, higher rates of mental retardation, lower quality of life.

This is the biggest cope ever devised by brainlets

>8 hours a day

Unless you’re dual enrolled in two STEM programs, you’re an idiot.

>if you score low on this jewish-designed test you'll also do badly on other jewish-designed tests as well! in fact you won't fit in to this jewish-designed society at all!

gee who knew

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Wow! You called it "Jewish." Well now that you put it in that context I must be completely wromg. This appeals to my white supremacist tendencies and therefore it negates my entire point. You sure showed me. I guess I was wrong about IQ testing.

Yeah Jews obviously didn't invent the IQ system, Israel has an average IQ of 96.

>is a white supremacist
>thinks he's redpilled

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Your failure to read hyperbole, sarcasm, and irony is really telling. Nah but you're probably right, that score of 85 you received is probably just noise and not an indicator of anything at all.

Immigrants have no work ethics and work dumb, not hard, hell why their countries are shithole in the first place.

Kick the natives and aiirdrop 100 000 European in Somalia or Guatemala and they becomes first world countries in 2 generations.

thinks he can outsmart an autist

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People like you are so weird to me, it’s fascinating. What are you working so hard to achieve? Why are you so obsessed with being productive and accomplishing things ? Are you running from something ? Yourself perhaps? When I see ppl who are super motivated and goal oriented , I always wonder, don’t they realize that they will die and be forgotten, and nothing they’ve done will matter at all?

the difference is I have not conceded to death not with ai so close.

>Frank Grimes
take this shit to r9k, its not related to the board

People act how their brains are shaped to act and then apply moral justification post-fact. Some people need 3 hours sleep and work all day, permanently on the point of snapping and all else suffers in their life but they claim industry is the only virtue. Others party and laze all the time and claim the good life is the only virtue. Being redpilled on this is realizing it's not much of a choice, identify which brain you have and an outcome you would like and try to slightly tweak your behaviour to match it part of the way there.

OP, listen to this user. Seriously consider what he is saying. This is 100% accurate.

I think the costs of that life aren't the job, he'd get a good one. It's the personal cost, no partner or a poor one eventually with no happiness. No friends and poor health.