what's your daily routine?
What's your daily routine?
Other urls found in this thread:
shower + Jow Forums + anime
shower + Jow Forums + anime
wake up coffee, browse porns, browse biz, browse porns go to sleep
dab on whores
I need a hourly breakdown
wake up
drink coffee
smoke cigarette
shit again
drink more coffee
go to work
come home
>wake up
>shower, commute 45 minutes
>datamine some faggots on Jow Forums
>email latest gatherings to the local fusion center
>eat lunch
>attend mandatory workplace counseling for 2 hours to prevent becoming radicalized by the content we view and are told to post
>shitpost until end of day, data gathering quota already reached by noon
>try to incite some faggots to commit crimes so i can send their data to their local pd
>clock out
>go home and microwave dinner
>sleep next to angry fat wife who's probably fucking the pool boy
>wake up next day
Based glowfriend
drink coffee before you start work (2 hours after you wake up) otherwise you don fucked up your whole day
I recommend something like neurogum instead of coffee unless you got the good shit
High IQ post
9: Wake, eat and shit
10. Internet
11. Relaxed Study
1. Lunch
2. Language learning time or Internet
3. Relaxed Study
4. Focused Study
6. Dinner
7. Leisure
11-12 Sleep
I enjoy this much more than being a filthy wagie. My schedule used to be something like this...
7. Wake
7.15 Shower, make bed etc
7.30 Leave for work
7.50 Get to work and make coffee
8 Work
10. Break
10.30 Work
12.30 Lunch
1 Work
4 Leave work
5 Recover
6 Walk dog
7 Microwave dinner and prepare for tomorrow
8 Leisure
10/11 Sleep
I was literally in wagie hell.
>Wake up at 8 AM
>Ponder killing myself
>Get iced coffee
>Lose money trading stocks from 830-11
>Go to gym from 11-1 if have the rage and energy
>Wage slave 3-11
wake up
check tradingview
eat cereal
brush teefs
video games/shitpost/anime
wake up
dont eat
go to work
come home
Get on PC
3pm - 3am
>4 hours for piano
nigga why
A lifestyle goal worth working towards
a full 11 hours of cumming. damn bruh. that sounds kind of awful.
Joe Rogan is a faggot who
>sucks at fighting
>cucks himself towards rounda rousey (probably likes trannies or wants to be a trannie himself)
>thinks everyone at mma is better than any outsider
>has delusions of grandeur
>takes steroids to make his tough guy persona even though anyone who has actually fought knows steroids makes you tire easier and become a emotional coward
What is your “job”?
How much do you earn approx?
I had the same routine, except private tutoring instead of meetings and code. Then I traveled the world for 2 years. Now I am 19, got a place at university in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering or computer science (I can still decide which one I take).
I have looked into some lectures and they seem way too boring. I want to start earning my own money (or at least study by myself), and thought about never going to uni. Good idea?
(I got enough daddies money, but I have done almost everything there is to do in action sport and traveling, kind of feels weird to mow not have anything to do, and I don’t want to be living of someone less)
>4:15: wake up
>4:40: drive to work
>4:58: clock in
>5 - 1 pm: wage
>1 - 8 pm: browse Jow Forums, go for a walk around town, dinner
>8 - 4.15 am: sleep
wake up
roll over check stocks
go back to sleep for a few hours
wake up
check stocks again, decide what to trade
go out somewhere for brunch
usually bring a chick
take her back to my place
watch netflix
check stocks while they watch whatever stupid show they put on
go out for the night
if the girl is still available take her if not just go out with buddies
come home
check stocks again
go to sleep
wake up and repeat
on weekends i try to go travel somewhere atleast more than 1 hour away from my area, sometimes will travel and be gone for 4-5 days
banged over 15 chicks since jan.. have lots of money.. have lots of free time..
Still kinda depressed..
>3- 430pm
Eat small snack, (typically yogurt with peanut butter and granola bar), browse cryptos, play a vidya, typically overwatch or WoW classic
>430pm - 5pm
Go for walk, typically walk 1.3 miles in 25 minutes, listen to synthwave/retrowave while fantasizing about making it
>5pm -530
If its sunny, I will stand outside and let the suns rays hit me while I listen to music and continue fantasizing about making it. Eat a small snack during this time (high protein)
>530 - 630pm
More vidya, WoW classic or Overwatch
>630 to 715pm
Do a calisthenics workout. Do chin ups/push ups/sit ups/squats. It varies from day to day. Use a 40 lb vest for some of the exercises to increase resistance.
>715 to 8pm
dinner, eat to recover from workout
>8pm to 8am
Play vidya while minimizing to watch youtubes, post on biz, trade cryptos and talk to frens during downtime. Around 7am is when I take my shit, shower and go to bed.
Only exception is when I hang out at night with friends which is almost always later than 8pm anyways. I typically will hang out IRL with friends 1.5 times per week.
show tits
>7:30 wake up
>7:50 coom
>8:00 make 2 coffees, my wife likes decaf, don't know why
>8:30 commute, I like to watch porn and touch myself with my phone behind the steering wheel, it's a slow fucking commute
>9:00 finally get to office, check schedule for any oral surgeries, if no it's a comfy day, but usually lots of work to do
>11:00 finish up morning fillings, wisdom teeth pulls, whatever. let my cleaners take over
>11:15 early lunch
>11:45 coom in one of the staff bathrooms
>12:05 back in the office, doing nothing but look busy, try to avoid prep, if there's time I'll coom again
>1:00 first of the afternoon wisdoms, dentures, xrays, check ups in general
>4:00 go to staff bathroom, take adderall and mild thc pills to help me fore the rest of the day, also a quick jerk, then back to work
>6:00 wash up, go home
>7:00 dinner/show/smoke with the wife, I love to fingerblast her
>10:00 brush teeth
>10:05 kids bedtime, brush teeth, check their molars for cavities
>10:30 in bed, wife stays up late
>10:50 coom
>11:00 sleep
>430pm - 5pm
Go for walk, typically walk 1.3 miles in 25 minutes, listen to synthwave/retrowave while fantasizing about making it
Do not recommend the general anesthesia around this man
based dentist. whats the pay like mr coom?
I do well enough for myself, especially since insurance premiums have been going up these past few years. Doing very well, probably made $175k american last year. Honestly though, my wife makes almost as much as me. She actually works in a home insurance office. In a way, insurance has been very good to us. Although obviously we pay out the ass, given we live in a certain communist west coast state, so between taxes, insurance, and our mortgage, we could be doing better honestly. Btw we live in a 2bd 2bth 1375 sqft home built in 1959. I'm hoping to refinance soon.
You are fucking glownigger unironically
Wake up
Go to the gym
Check MITX price
meds, breakfast, Jow Forums, fap
go out or work
fap again
v2 I just skip the workout and spend more time outside
>browse 9gag for 1 hour
>get lunch
>eat lunch while watching youtube
>watch youtube
>get dinner
>eat dinner while watching youtube
>watch youtube
>watch youtube
>wake up
Quit my job two months ago
So far I just watch a bunch of youtube/drink a bunch of coffee all day after the gym
depressing but:
>6am awake
>force shit/piss/shower
>out door by 7
>on road until 830-9 ish
>sales meetings/calls/bs work
>get bitched out by bosses for quota
>go to lunch with other depressed sales wagies
>bury ourselves in bad food (greasy mall stuff)
>come back in food coma (mgiht have smoke thc pen at lunch)
>same shit all afternoon
>leaves ~5pm if boss is happy
>on road until 7pm
>family kind enough to make dinner most nights , its now 8pm
>eat edible.
>wake up in fog next day with biz open on laptop
>repeat until link moons.