why is it a dead shitcoin?
I lost over 20k on this and finally sold.
told you so
buy back in. Thank me later
you bought because of the tech and partnerships, use the dips to lower your average buy price
thank god i only have 9k of this garbo
i refuse to sell tho
Jeez, why does it crash when everything rises?
why did u sell the bottom
we are going to make it. just have to wait for the whole market to pick up
the borrom is maybe at 5-10k vits. after the second pump shitcoins always take longer to cool down
It's gwei you newfag
oh I see you didnt have decimals in school yet
Buy high sell low
I've lost 80k on this. I'm so fundamentally justed I can't even be bothered to recoup my final 20k
i made about $4k off it
got out at around $0.30
you're better off just waiting until the market picks up again and see were it goes.
of course this will go up again... one of the best shitcoins around
Time to accumulate. Moon soon.
They are releasing a lot of tokens. That why it's dumping for a while.
Are you for real? I thought losing 3 grand on this shitcoin was a lot.
Yup I am for real. What's worse is I spent 18 months following biz, I did research into every coin, hours and hours of it. I dodged virtually every scam and dump there was, after playing around with 5k for a long time I finally felt confident enough to sell my stocks and go all in LIT. At rank 450 it was the most obviously undervalued coin. Totally justed and I've lost about a decades worth of savings.
>I did research into every coin, hours and hours of it.
Clearly not nearly enough if you didn't buy VIDT instead. You do know Jow Forums is literally the worst place you could've gotten your information from. Have you even read any books on trading and crypto?
Lol i bought vidt at 45c and am justed. I know it's picking up right now but I can already smell pajeets rubbing their hands
Don't worry vidt and lit will both make it unless you are holding a baby stack
So you bought 100k worth? Hmm in one go rrriiiigght did you happen to hear about averaging into a position during your 18 months of research?
I will probably buy in it soon, a very little stack though.
Fully diluted market cap 9 million Euro
Current market cap 1,6 million Euro
CEO is advising german gouvernment
Just a list:
Lition energy: Estimated revenue 7 million and token burns announced
Involved companies
SAP: 24,7 Billion euro revenue
GASAG: 1,1 billion euro revenue
2g energy: 186 Million euro
Advisum: 7 Billion revenue
Testphase: Volksbank & Raiffeisen has nearly 1 trillion euro of assets
Potential market: German energy market hast 436 Billion revenue.
Partnering with Fantom, Tomo and Thorchain
Lot of People advising or working at Lition have/had high ranks on other companys
Mainnet launch soon.
I hold, no matter what. To much potential for panicsell.
for fucks sake, it sounds so fundamentally good but it's dumping like a motherfucker
SNTVT and VIDT is all you need sirs
Technically I did average in, I averaged in a spread of prices from 18cents to 34cents and more on the way down. So technically I'm probably only 70k down from initial but I'm too dejected to even calculate it. I just check the current price and compare to the ATH, even if my average buy in is closer to 28 cents.
You won't believe this but I actually work in finance. Nothing glamorous but I've read a lot about it. I know I was insane to make these kinds of moves, but I had been following crypto for years. I mean I first heard about it years and years ago and I felt like at this stage I really understood the market cycles. I was also prepared to lose 50%, I just didn't see LIT falling as hard as it did. It really is insane.
I thought, breaking even, as in going back to initial was a waste of time