22 years old
168k link etherscan.io
daily biz reader - read every breadcrumb on Jow Forums
Ask me anything
Spoonfeeding newfags
how did you accumulate 168k link at 22
t.23 year old with 140k
So, do you have a brain?
What is your favorite food?
My father died so I inherited $20k when I was 18y old - I invested $15k into Ethereum - mooned - then I invested it into Vechain - mooned - then I sold it all and went all in on link 518 days ago and held since. Never had to work a day in my life because my mom was paying for my rent, food and education.
Take-out Chinese food.
first question:
why didn't you sell above 4$?
second question:
why didn't you sell above 3$?
I was deluded - yes. Thought that the singularity would happen. But I learned my lesson now. I'm not going to be a hodl cuck anymore in the future.
At the moment I think we have bottomed and we'll slowly make our way up to $5-$7 range
fuck chainlink but that's no ATH by a long shot
>there are rich kids on here with hundreds of thousands of stinky linkies
>meanwhile i only have 2k
>i am 24
>couldnt buy more when it was cheap, simply didnt have money to spend
this is what they ment when they said that "university is a scam"
It's not a fairy tale user, I just got lucky actually by inheriting money. While also being very unlucky that I lost my father for that and a series of abusive stepfathers followed. I would have rather not inherited money but worked my way up while still having my father around. Now I'm living alone though and I'm doing fine - but I have a chronic stress condition because of the tense situation I grew up in. Nevertheless - working on that by going to a therapist and working out - and I'm going to start studying philosophy on university starting next week.
You already have 2k linkies - I would advise you to go to work and use link as your saving account. Just keep on investing. You'll get there.
>you will never seize a series of once in a lifetime opportunities like op and retire in your late 20's as a decamillionaire
If this is remotely true then based. Enjoy your life user.
Can you move 1 token from that address, thanks!
I'm in my 30s and been making 6 figures the whole time
>tfw had 2 years
>saw the threads, did not read
larp thread
damn, and I thought I was doing good with my 20k stack as a 23 year old
bro his father died
Thank you user, you too. It's 100% true.
Give me an address to send to and I'll send one of the shitcoins I received for free - I won't send one of my linkies sorry, I can't because that could fuck me up with declaring my history when I want to cash out. The legal system here works like this: if you hold for a long time, you don't have to pay taxes. If you're a trader you do have to pay taxes. I want to stay classified as a "long-term investor" of Link
You know - he actually killed himself. I read all the anons on the board here talking about doing that too but it truly is not worth it. It is very devestating for your family. You have to make a choice in life and killing yourself is the "easy way out". Everybody can do that. But you'll be remembered in shame. It's the lowest thing you could achieve and whatever you did in your life will be forgotten because of how you ended it. Make the choice for life! Tell yourself that killing yourself is never an option. Then you'll be able to push through. What should you do then, you ask? It's actually quite simple. Focus day-by-day on the physical and mental improvement of yourself. And leave negative physical and digital spaces or people. You don't need them. For your interest, Jow Forums is not a negative space for me. I agree - it can get quite rough on here but I also feel a genuine sense of connection with other anons - like some of you are the only people who can truly relate.
What do you believe EOY price will be? What price do you expect next EOY?
It is really hard to give a price prediction. But - at the moment we were bull for about 8 weeks and now we've just had a correction for about 7 weeks. So I would say that a new bull market could be starting now and it could again be one of multiple weeks. At the same time it seems like alt season is starting. It's looking good imo. But price predictions are pointless. Just try to sell at or around the top.
>dude just try to sell at or around the top lmao
KEK, this. Great advice
Fuck you lucky dog.
fellow german bro?
Keep in mind the following: rsi, volume, multiple weekly candles, btc/alt season, sentiment on biz (pink wojaks is a buy, euphoria is a sell)
For example look at the day we pumped to $4.50. It has a volume of 55million. RSI at about 80. Biz peak euphoria. Fucking a 77% gain on coinmarketcap. Multiple weekly green candles. Should have been an obvious sell. But yeah, it's hard. I also didn't sell then.
I'm never convinced by TA, the overwhelming majority of small scale investors fail and there are innumerable ways to interpret any pattern, such that you can always look back and say "see the MACD was bullish with a bull pennant" or "it was a clear sell with a doji top and descending triangle and bearish rsi".
Okay please spoonfeed. How is it decided that a node is providing bad data? For example there will be a difference in the price of eth to USD depending on which data source a node uses, when does this difference become an outlier.
why do we entertain these shitty threads, larp or not, it doesnt warrant its own thread
fuck off faggot like anything on this board is of any value whatsoever. the bar for "warranting its own thread" is nonexistent.
Up to the parties who request the data. Node operators will need to agree to the job requests.
Would you trade all your wealth if you could get your father back for it?
>ever selling
You are gonna get fucked hard when you sell at the *TOP* and its going to be fucking glorious to see your posts on Jow Forums crying about how you fucking sold.
Yes, I would, if it would also mean going back to being 13-years old (age I lost my father) and growing up again. The thing that fucked me up the most were the two stepfathers who came after my father.
You never sell 100% retard, you sell in small bits and you never sell everything. Would hold at least 50%. Hopefully I would never have to sell though - with staking coming up.
Yes user this is sound advice. I plan to sell 50% of my stack on the climb to $100, you should too.
why didnt sell at $4 sir?
Anons, I'm seeing various larp threads and TAfags say 5-7. Remember that Link is still manipulated and also shills were saying the bottom was anything from 1 to 1.50. I don't think whales are going to dump lower, but be careful once we get back past 4, short term investors could get fucked.
I'll be a millionare at $6 :-) gonna sell some off then and just buy myself some new clothes, a laptop, stuff like that. I live pretty poorly atm. Idk I always had to be frugal so I still live with that mindset
How are you going to cash out? And taxes. Any ideas how to reinvest in something else?
Tfw 100k at 23. Feels so good. Hopefully we make it homie so we can meet up on the yacht (and pray we don’t get assasinated)
Be humble, don't flash your wealth, we're all gonna make it
>start studying philosophy
Read The Book by Alan Watts
Philosophy programs don't give eastern philosophy its due diligence and I think that book is a good starting point, it's an easy read and not even that long.
He doesn't even have to move a token, just send an empty transaction to himself.
Because eastern philosophy is trivial, brainlet tier in comparison to British, french and German.
You're doing better than the majority of this board! And still not too late to get into the game.
u don't fckin know when it will moon and when it will dump. One good fucking news and youre ded
This sounds like it will be a clusterfuck and years away from practical use.
I will sell 100% if it hits $50
I hate all you pieces of shit. I'm 33 poor as fuck and only have 1k link
>18th century philosophers writing about stuff that eastern philosophers knew about 2000 years before
Damn, glad you're ok now user
We're all gonna make it
Interesse in het oprichten van een Belgische chainlink organisatie? Events, informeren van boomers etc..?
You clearly haven't read much western philosophy if you think eastern addresses it at all.
Sorry for your lost, OP.
Hope your linkies or whatever compensate a little bit in the future.
Yea k
Thats a million at least
I wish you good fortune. See you on the other side, nothing to ask, for now.
What is your cash out plan ? like price ranges ? around 100$ ? How do you plan to cash out such a huge amount ? coinbase and bank transfer or localbitcoins for cash ?
What did you major in?
Good luck marine you will make it. I also lost my mother and studied philosophy. I have way less linkies than you (only 2300) but happy with what I have. Studying philosophy was the best decision of my life but don't expect it to relieve you of stress.
My advise is also to pay attention to eastern philosophy from the beginning, it tends to be overlooked in philosophy courses but it's a great way to set yourself apart from you classmates and a source of inspiration.
I like you.
T. 35 yr old boomer with 40k.
Don't go to that party. Gonna get torpedoed by mossad. Or you'll scapolomined and filmed murdering a child sex slave.
34 yr old boomer with just 55k LINK here
OP why youre holding all your LINK on one account?
For a second I got jealous, i felt like big shit with around 40k LINK i busted my ass and gave my everything for, im 23 and here you are with over 100k. But I didn't even have to read this to know the sentiment. I hope it all works out for you user. I'm trying to get rich before anything ever happens to my dad, he has worked hard his whole life.
this. The Greeks actually did get there first in many cases tho. Not all of course, and often they're not as rigorous. But they've given thought to many of the same premises.
underrated and of course ignored by op.
it goes in all fields.
I didn't say all.
But I wouldn't be quick to call Eastern philosophy trivial. Buddhism is a good way of life if you toss out rebirth/karma