Quant FUD plan: proof

Quant TG admin threatening moi, /biz's first, strongest and longest QNT shill and supporter, to stop "manipulating" the coin (i.e. upwards, one assumes)

Shilling, promoting, shitposting, and buying ridiculous amounts yourself = manipulating = QUANT ADMINS DEMANDING IT CEASE.

> Anyone here who has market bought, or indeed placed a buy order, is guilty of manipulation and must stop.

Quant admins are literally trying to stop people shilling QNT, so they can continue suppressing the price and tricking YOU into selling. Their organised FUD over the summer didn't work as well as intended and they haven't hit their buy targets yet. The QNT train is leaving the station and community admins themselves have now been caught red handed in efforts of organised fud/suppression.

Who else has been contacted by QNT community admins and asked to stop shilling the coin? How deep does this go, have shills merely been threatened or were any of the threats ever carried out? user walking home from work at McDonald's one day and he gets hit by a car, driver never caught. One less shiller pushing the price up, right?

Does the conspiracy go right to the top, are the team involved? Is Gilbert sanctioning violence against QNT shillers? IS THERE BLOOD ON HIS HANDS?

I, for one, will bravely continue in my mission to bring QNT to user, and in buying more for myself all the time. I WILL NEVER STOP TRYING TO "MANIPULATE" QNT UPWARDS and defy the admins' orders to join the organised fud campaign.

$100 EoY
$15,000+ next bull

Attached: ghostofmydicklos.png (826x444, 251K)

hahaha. This is not a "Quant Admin". Probably just someone running the UNOFFICIAL LOUNGE.

If its Luke or Sonic, then please, uncover the name... If it's not, take your wild conspiracy elsewhere.


So you just proved my point. Its just a community member part of an Unofficial room.

Nor does anywhere in the post imply that he is suppressing price, the messages simply convey caution. Fucking what a waste of time this thread is rofl

Stop trying to manipulate Quant.

What the fuck did you say?

Attached: photo_2019-03-13_20-29-41.jpg (338x454, 33K)

Orrr it's just a shitcoin

You're a coping bagholder, we get it

i've been screaming this for a few days now. finally some evidence. thanks op!

Ghost is a faggot later who acts like a peaceful admin yet a conniving piece of shit.


Quamfy lounge is a shitshow where the admins are behind the organised fud and price supression.

John Smith you are one cringy piece of shit.
If you're implying any of the admins of the Quamfy Lounge are fudding their own investment (which most of them are 100% all in on) you are certifiably retarded.

Stop trying to stir shit, sell your QNT and find another project to parasite on.

Also, stop this fucking ID fagging John, everyone knows it's you. Everyone also knows it's you and your little pack of dogs that kept the FUD up all summer long.

Now when you've finally filled your bags and started to relentlessly shill the project and being told to stop manipulating by a community admin, you sperg out and try to look like "the good guy".

Guess what, it's not happening.
People can see through your curtain of lies and shit, so fuck off to another project please.We're all tired of your games.

> I am not fudding
> btw sell your QNT


sure, would you like to point out your particular buy orders so I can make sure they hit? In fact, post your addy and I'll just sent my tokens directly to you, how about that?

>Everyone also knows it's you and your little pack of dogs that kept the FUD up all summer long.

> create FUD campaign
> openly talk about on telegram
> blame it on the guy who's been away all summer and not posting at all
> we da gud guys I swer we r here 4 u quanties

absolute scum, fight me IRL at quant x srs 1v1 film it

Not doing this to FUD in any way. I'm all in QNT myself and would love for you to just fuck off to another project already. Tired of your games.

And no, I'm not giving you my address, I also can't buy any more since I'm broke.

You're a faggot, John.

Topkek, quant admins on suicide watch. John Smith exposes them again.

You'll be even more broke after SIBOS when the qnt admins dump on you

Nice new ID, John.

> Spend all summer at PC fudding quant
> Get busted for it
> Say it was someone else
> "Tired of your games."

You can't keep it down forever, Dicklos.

I am a QL admin, and no I don't think anyone is going to dump on me after SIBOS.

Nice projecting, faggot.
I know it's your group that's been doing the low level fudding and now doing the shilling. It's pathetic.

>You're a faggot, John.

Me being a proud gay man has nothing to do with you and the inner circle being behind the FUD and misinformation, as well as the IRL drama like contacting clients pretending to be from Quant, megakek.

Just do what I do, mate - buy in, leave it alone. I haven't even been in the telegram all summer until this week, it was brilliant forgetting what absolute AIDS quant has for a community.

note that admin often try to get other big holders to dump their coins and "leave the project" - sometimes successfully, e.g. poor bosch.

DON'T FALL FOR IT, their buy orders are waiting.

>I know it's your group that's been doing the low level fudding and now doing the shilling. It's pathetic.

> thinking that I have "a group"
> thinking I would fud when I'm already all in
> being this embarrassed to have been outed for abusing admin position to manipulate the token
> making it worse by bumping the thread

Ah so this is why the admins run a channel called "rekt qnt plebs" where they bully and harass members of the community into selling their bags.

Makes sense. Even more evidence of manipulation by the admins. I'm sure an open letter to Mr Gilbert Verdian himself exposing the behaviour of his trusted team members showing real insight into corporate behaviour.

Yeah that channel is hilarious desu. Full of people selling their QNT too early and/or getting priced out of their buys.
It's bullish, not bearish you retard.

>they bully and harass members of the community into selling their bags.

Ever since the beginning, huge campaign of fud and price suppression, still ongoing.

There's shitloads of convos and screencaps busting these faggots, it's cringe as fuck.

In before $15,000 EoY regardless

It's obvious now how their true colors come out. Ghost who acts blately as an admin yet dumps qnt on nufags. John smith isn't the problem.

Does Gilbert know about it?

Does he also know about the QL admins contacting his clients to probe for more information?

>Does he also know about the QL admins contacting his clients to probe for more information?

He probably doesn't know who it was, but he did flip out earlier in the year about it. No prizes for guessing who it was, though.

This is cringe.
Show me proof of an admin doing this or get fucked and stop spreading misinformation.

You worried ghost?

He should be. Just screencapped the whole thing, evidence of a QL admin using homophobic insults on a public message board.

Another nail in the coffin for the toxic, manipulative admins when it gets emailed directly to Gilbert from one of his clients.

>Jow Forums post