Oracle Startups

it has begun

Attached: linkhd.png (1898x2160, 837K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Cue the disappointment

Big if true!


This was the thing Jonny was in on, right?

Johnny and based Thomas using their connections to boost their link holdings. Absolutely based

scroll down

Attached: northeast.png (736x959, 187K)

based bitch tits thomas

Software engineer with 15 years experience here checking in. OP is right. Sold all my links this morning and divided the gains between Tron, Vechain and NANO. Chainlink is problem looking for a solution.

Literally just the same people with different onions friends


delete this you mong

So it's a middleman for a middleman service?

>Chainlink is problem looking for a solution
This should give everyone an idea of the kind of low iq user that fuds link


>low iq

t. mensa

NorthEast simply runs Chainlink nodes for clients.

Wait until you find out about the Chainlink nodes (connecting external data) working for Chainlink nodes (e.g. handling fiat-to-Link smart contracts to pay the first Chainlink nodes) working for Chainlink nodes (handling the reputation contract for the Chainlink node that handles fiat-to-Link smart contracts) etc.

This is called "network effect".

Oh no no no no LMAO

This is the actual url:

wtf are you talking about you stupid nigger, right about what? i'm just posting the news.
Oh, and here's some more news from an hour ago you filthy fucking third world subhuman:

Thank god lol


a god damn freight broker

I'll wait until i find out about the first actual company to use any of it.


That's me

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

I mean, if you don't mind buying at a premium this seems reasonable

FAKE! There weren't even six million Jewish nodes living in Germany during the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Surely the price will wait for you.

So they specialize in using chainlink to do exactly the only thing quant does.

Hey fuck you

reminder that 1k EOY is a fud

Attached: 1568675711666.jpg (865x1311, 166K)

>Nobody can dodge the hodge

This is such a fucking interconnected mega scam it's almost impressive. Isn't this the fake sister company by Johnny or Thomas, they are on the fucking chainlink team and now get that nice oracle incumbator cash

What's fake about it?

wow, its almost as if you could have clicked the link in this very fucking thread you are posting in and seen that what you as posting is total horseshit

Fake in terms of being the same fucking team as linkpool, supporting linkpool by providing secure who gives a fuck, centralizing all the trust on linkpool but trying to hide it by creating a different company for it.

This is a company that will run Chainlink nodes for a specific purpose.
Linkpool is a completely different company with a different use case.
Anyone is supposed to be able to run Chainlink nodes, and the more use cases are developed (by whomever) the better.

You really don't understand any of this very well.

What's the bigger mistake - buying into something with no indication of commercial success with the potential to drop to 0 for an extra gain of a few percent or, like waiting for confirmation of pattern on TA, wait for clear signs of industry use and then go in for a guaranteed rise where i missed maybe 10% max?

I like link but so far we've seen countless shitcoins "partnering" to ride the hype and several nodes but no actual use.

>no indication of commercial success

Attached: google cloud chainlink link tokens.png (1607x827, 157K)

Yet you still shit on a beach.


Yes that's google cloud services tweeting about how chainlink COULD be used, alongside the post that the chainlink team enjoyed their work with google - clearly past tense.

Same as how the team definitely worked with swift but POCs doesn't mean actual use and we can see the jobs being run, it's just the heartbeat, no current users.

The second i see actual network use, by a somewhat decent company ill go all in and accept i've missed the lowest entry sure, however many sure thing projects have come and gone.

>that's google cloud services tweeting about how chainlink COULD be used
Amazing right?
Imagine getting your shit shilled by Google Cloud like this.

Oh, and Google Cloud themselves are also using Chainlink:

It's just providing the eth price which no-one is buying.

>It's just providing the eth price
This information has been public since May 30th bro, geez.

>which no-one is buying
Says you.

From your link it just said the bigquery on testnet gives ETH price, as for who is buying we can see jobs and it's just the heartbeat.

I watch this pretty closely as i do think it has great prospects and ill be there the second i see confirmation.

stop doing this faggots research for him. make him work

>From your link it just said the bigquery on testnet gives ETH price
Via bigquery yes.
This testnet node is from earlier this year.

>as for who is buying we can see jobs
You can see jobs, not buyers.

>Chainlink is problem looking for solution

I've read the blog and just about everything else the team has put out.

then you're fucking braindead

Under that argument you shouldn’t own ANY crypto right now, so what the fuck are you doing on this board? LINK has both the best use case and the largest real adoption to date of any crypto, can’t really do better in terms of “safe” bets, though everything in crypto is still a crap shoot at this point.

>LINK has both the best use case and the largest real adoption to date
>the largest real adoption to date

What homosexual universe do you actually live in? What is ‘adoption’ to the linkie? In objective facts XRP is the only asset that’s seen ‘adoption’ because MoneyGram have ‘adopted’ it to settle their money transfers. So tell me who is using Chainlink right now and I’ll let you off.

cheers johnny

Literal who. Who gives a fuck, this isn't 'adoption'

Well currently im more or less 50% btc and 50% tethered. Many cryptos have ""adoption"", like BAT, XRP, i guess ETH. It doesn't necessarily mean success, you have to look at what sort of adoption.

The ‘company’ literally doesn’t do anything. Most likely Sergey paid some druggie NORFerners to set up some empty company. No financial records, nothing.

Attached: 3F342FD5-2804-40B0-8C6D-842C6431EF14.jpg (640x1037, 191K)

Adoption = amount of real companies using it. LINK now has over 100, many of which are large to huge companies. Oracle is using LINK both in-house and to develop 50 more companies, that alone is worth more than moneygram. Of course, you’re only here to try to spread low IQ fud, so I’m sure you’ll come back with some brain dead rebuttal which I won’t bother entertaining.

And fwiw I’m not counting those 50 in the 100+ companies already on board. Pretty easy to understand who is using LINK by following the trails of the node operators.

>Adoption = amount of real companies using it. LINK now has over 100

Did you read this on a marketing slide or are you pulling shit out of thin air? Over one hundred companies are using Chainlink? Oracle is not ‘using’ LINK, officially they offer ‘support’ to ‘startups’ who wish to use LINK. Where are all the jobs that these over 100 companies have done, where is the data?

Name just one company actually running jobs with the nodes. You have a million crypto projects who gave a lazy twitter post saying "Us! x Chainlink" and you have lots of node announcements but no users.

literally a link discord startup

>samefag coping
I think we’re done here. Next attempt at fud, anyone?

Nope, though its not giving me a you on my post so i can't screencap. Probably as im on my phone now.

Your mentality is for the rich. His mentality is the poor daring to do what it takes to get rich. I assume you're already rich, yes?

>no rebuttal
>can’t say who is using Chainlink

Back to Chainlink HQ for a new tactic. I ask linkies simple questions and they just can’t respond.

how are they going to help standardize big business if they cant even create a synergistic coherence on what photo filter to use?

Attached: kek.jpg (958x408, 66K)

What does he has to do with ChainLink tho

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (602x475, 330K)

These new cars are crazy. So far all we’ve seen are these new “tire” and “gasoline” manufacturers partnering to ride the hype, but no actual use.

That would be a good analogy if no-one at the time was buying tyres or petrol yet you had lots of companies saying they would sell them.

Fucking hell, that's clever.
Think about it.
>Sergey sends 700k link to Oracle
>Oracle announces they will "help set up" link startups
>Price pumps
>Thomas founds a link startup (he's only advisor on paper)
>Oracle "chooses" Thomas' startup to give 700k link
>Sergey has his 700k back

Attached: thomas.png (798x685, 93K)

>they offer ‘support’ to ‘startups’ who wish to use LINK.
WRONG. Oracle supports companies that want to SELL their data. The relevance of Oracle is that they are on-boarding data providers, not network users

the risk/reward decreases by too much to wait
sure if you wait you'll make money, but you won't get rich

>posting all this shit when you could have bought a big bag at 30 cents like I did

its gonna be 50 literal whos funded by sergey with the money he made from dumping those 18 700k stacks on you. these are the people hes hiring, only a blind person cant see it.
if anything link is making me want to start a shitcoin. if scamming retards is this easy then i guess im in

what am I looking at here user

Read Oracle’s actual blogpost instead of imagining shit you dumb drainstink faggot.

>its gonna be 50 literal whos
wow gee whiz detective dumbfuck you figured it out, could the words "start ups" have been a possible clue?

>Chainlink is making its own companies to adopt its own thing

You can’t make this shit up.

but its gonna be LITERALLY 50 LITERAL WHOS. start ups usually have people with a good CV or that have won prices in contests. this will be 50 LITERALLY LITERAL WHOS paid by sergey with YOUR money

>startups are literally whos!
Give this man a cookie.

He is in fucking war mode, and he has millions of dollars.

are you aware of what a start up is, my friend?

You need to watch Ribeiro's presentation once again you fucking mongoloid faggot semen slurper tranny retarded sub human nulinker

Sounds like the tag line to the Sergey: Exit Scam Burger Man movie.

>You need to watch Ribeiro's presentation

No I don’t. You need to come back when you’ve read what Oracle actually said they’re doing in text. Off you go. Stop blurting our your tranny dom fantasy shit too.

does link user do commisions?


Nevermind, I found it.
This is very based user.
Thank you for making me look a bit harder.

They're also on board. Check the comments on Twitter - he commented on Ribeiro. Looks like a solid company

Intelipost i am pretty sure as well. They are expanding a lot

Ya I just saw it. Good shit.

You just win

the absolute state of this scam

-Charles Holmes: some guy that found bitcoin early, got rich, and started a couple of blockchain projects with his money. literally graduated in "english and film" on some shit tier university
-Daniel Stacey: graduated in Geography and planning and got a post graduate in psychology. again, shit tier school. worked his entire life (12 years) on some tourism company
-Jonathan Huxtable: co-founder of linkpool. enough said
-Sam Birkhead: graduated in music technology in some shit tier university
-Nick Tuckwood: graduated in marketing manager, worked his whole life as a freelancer (basically a NEET). probably university buddies with Charles Holmes cause they bought went to the same university at the same time

these are the people bringing on the 4th industrial revolution? you linkies deserve what's coming to them

4d chess

the absolute state of this poster

-user: doing nothing with his life besides browsing Jow Forums and fudding a project he isn't even invested in
-also user: is jealous about the fact that he has never achieved anything in his life so he starts to hate on people who are trying to develop something that could provide value to society
-also user: an incel

Attached: 1210368.jpg (495x495, 34K)

and then you got this one guy named Paul Wealls that graduated in media production lmao, he must be like the goebbels of this whole operation, the master mind behind the propaganda shill campaign
