>rattles markets
yeah, sure looks rattled to me with everything at an ATH. bears suck
>printing money to prop up "everything" to all time highs is normal and healthy and sustainable and we're all going to be fine
the absolute state
Fuck boomers and their stocks but...
This is good for bitcoin
Hey dumbass, it means banks have no liquidity
Everyone should have an exit strategy at this point and start pulling the ejection seat. The past couple of months I've been preparing my temporary exit from western economies by moving to cheap shitholes in south-east Asia in particular India where I can live like a king for a year or so while working on my startup and living an incredibly /comfy/ life in some ex-colonial hill station in an Indian mountain range with good WiFi.
Fuck paying rent in a meme overpriced/overinflated city like London - I look forward to all the private equity and venture capital wankers getting absolutely rekt by the coming crash, this phoney prosperity has gone on for too long and those retards have been earning too much money.
>printing money
>pajeets shilling india.
hahah. Seems liek recession time is near.
what2short? investment banks?
you dont short anything when the jews are trying to hyperinflate the currency, silly
This isn't QE and they're not printing anything, hysterical dumbfucks.
Just max out all your credit and fuck the system. Let them crash and burn.
FED got this under control this is just a temporary issue
FED doesn't have jack shit under control, some bank is probably ready to go belly up and the FED has to save their asses. The risk in the markets will start rising exponentially soon.
>t. Doomed
You're glowing
From what I read on CNN, it doesn't look all that bad, can Jow Forums explain otherwise?
its just bears grasping at straws. Its literally nothing
Holy shit no long absolutely everything when fed CTRL-Ps - borrow money because lenders are being thrown under the bus
Short the dollar and buy gold
This. I wonder which it'll be.
In other countries, the bank in question would have been nationalized (and sold some 10 year later)
Americans are too idealistic for their own good
Why don't you ne'er-do-wells get a life instead of rubbing your hands and hoping this is the end of the world every time literally any news article is posted
Once in a decade event with never before seen magnitude is a good reason for a thread in /biz
Thanks for the bump
ok. go make another brapper thread then pudoo
Obvious b8 not even The Fed think this
Update on OP if anyone missed
Another 80 billion injected
Optimistic argument out there is that this is a temporary event as companies need cash for tax purposes.
But despite that, the level of Fed intervention makes for a very bearish case.
Imagine a Porsche driving but the tires are made of tissue. Powell is driving the car, just trying desperately to keep it from collapsing.
Great stock prices and whatnot mean fucking nothing if the cash and rates of borrowing are completely manipulated and scammed out of control. Which they are.
You fucking tard. The only reason the fed would do this is because they expect there is going to be a dollar shortage in the near term. Shorting the dollar now is going to get you fucked.
Markets haven’t done much. Gold is flat as is the s&p
>need cash for tax purposes.
Even a complete moron like me would question why this wouldn't happen every year.
are repos considered QE?
>this is a temporary event as companies need cash for tax purposes
Sorry but no.
I don't think so. QE = Fixed pumping regardless what happens.
Repo operations = one time fix of broken shit
Also these loans get paid back the next day. So supposedly yesterday's 53B is already paid back or something.. I dont understand any of it.
that's true that a repo is short-term
so is this truly a 1-night repo, or is the Fed "renewing" the repo?
These were overnight loans.
I don't know what renewing a repo means
excellent pasta, thank you
my money is on Australia coming completely out of left field with an epic size malinvestment bomb from their insanely long 30-years bull market pop goes the weasal and bodies everywhere hanging from gum trees emu revenge
so then why is letting the market decide on a 10% overnight rate (assuming you would only actually pay 1/365th of that rate) so horrible.
the banks hand over collateral that they agree to buy back at the end of the term. fed prints money to cover their cash needs
the term just happened to be overnight
renewal would just be a renewal of the overnight contract
Everyone can be a trillionaire!
>moving to any country that isn't Russia
Basically all economies are dependant on the US.
>damage control
Because the fed dictates that interest rate be 2%.
What are banks to do when they borrow at 10? Eat the loss? They'd rather not borrow at all.
This means banks run out of money.
The Fed is the one DOING this so they can buy everything up very cheap.
>he doesnt know that the Fed is owned by the nation's banks
and who do you think owns the banks
shut the fuck up bobos, enjoy your one red day as the golden bullrun returns tomorrow
ahhh, the murrican education system ;)
I did that 6 years ago..... The market can stay irrational for longer than it takes debt collectors to find your ass.
No it's making an illiquid asset liquid They're not that short term. 90 days is common.
nice post user, too bad you didnt get quints
>pop goes the weasal and bodies everywhere hanging from gum trees emu revenge
made me laugh.
This is 1907 all over again.
>Despite their minor role in the payments system, trusts were large and important to the financial system. Trust companies loaned large sums directly in New York equity markets, including New York Stock Exchange brokers. Trusts did not require collateral for these loans, which had to be repaid by the end of the business day.
>Brokers used these loans to purchase securities for themselves or their clients and then used these securities as collateral for a call loan — an overnight loan that facilitated stock purchases — from a nationally chartered bank.
>An upward spike in the call money interest rate — the rate of interest on overnight loans on stock collateral offered at the New York Stock Exchange — was among the first signals of distress and tightening credit. On the day Knickerbocker closed, October 22, the annualized rate jumped from 9.5 percent to 70 percent, then to 100 percent two days later.
Shit about to get real.
Unironically, for real this time, this.
>everything at an ATH
>fuck he really doesn’t know
Please short the market, I want to see you squirm
>an actual non-brainlet comment on Jow Forums
the fuck!?
>he thinks bear fags are intelligent
lmao anyone who is a bear will get fucked raw yet again
i'll be reading zerohedge for lulz though
Bear bros when does the recession start?
overnight is typical for the fed funds market, and a few days is typical for repos in general
90 days sounds like a lot in comparison but wikipedia says its still not unusual
>being cautious means one is encouraging shorting
Fuck stocks.